In order to include a new icon we have a script to process the icons that removes unnecesary attrs and creates a React Component from svgs.
Adding icons
In order to include a new icon we have a script to process the icons that removes unnecesary attrs and creates a React Component from svgs.
The steps to add a new icons are:
0- Name your iconName.svg with a short and descriptive file name and remember to prefix it with icon
. The file name is used to create the icons as React Components. So, later will be use to invoque the icon: <IconName />
or <Icon name="name">
1- Add the new iconName.svg into /iconsRaw
2- Execute the script yarn icons
3- Now you are able to use the icon as:
import { Icon } from 'tv-shopping-lib-npm'
import { IconCart } from 'tv-shopping-lib-npm'
const Example = () => {
return <>
<Icon name="cart" />
<IconCart />
Components creation tips
- Naming interfaces convention: I(interface) + name(component, function, ...) + Props(optional in case of input function parameters). For instance:
interface IButtonProps {
focused: boolean
variant: keyof IVariants
- Naming Types convention: T(type) + name(component, function, prop name, ...). For example:
type TSize = number | 'auto'
- To style a focused component, use in styles ':focus' selector like this:
const componentExample = styled.div`
&:focus {
background-color: red;
or the class name '.la-focused' like this:
const componentExample = styled.div`
&.la-focused {
background-color: red;
- Typescript + styled-components:
interface TitleProps {
readonly isActive: boolean;
const Title = styled.h1<TitleProps>`
color: red;