CodeMirror-based editor environment for Tutch.
Tutch Component
A CodeMirror component for Tutch.
Creating a Tutch component
A Tutch component is created by passing in a host
element that will host the component, a url
where the tutch-worker javascript file is located, and an instance of the CodeMirror library.
import Tutch from 'tutch';
host: document.getElementById('host'),
url: '/worker.js',
codemirror: CodeMirror,
In addition, there are a number of optional arguments:
text: string
- the initial text in the editoronSuccess: (justs: Justification[]) => void
- A callback called whenever Tutch successfully parses and check a file.onError: (errorMessage: string, loc: SourceLocation | null) => void
- A callback called whenever Tutch runs into a syntax erroronUpdate: (text: string) => void
- A callback called whenever the text inside the editor changes
Styling a Tutch component
The component will only look right if you include the CSS file for CodeMirror in your code and give styles to the following four classes:
- Style for syntax errorsTutchJustified
- Style for propositions that are justifiedTutchNotJustified
- Style for propositions that are not justified
A example and reasonable set of defaults are at demo/tutch.css
You can see the component in action by downloading this repository, running
npm i
npm start
and going to http://localhost:8080/.