The 'TurkeyWeather' npm module is a tool for accessing real-time weather data and weather forecast from the Turkish State Meteorological Service (MGM) website.
The 'TurkeyWeather' npm module is a tool for accessing real-time weather data and weather forecast from the Turkish State Meteorological Service (MGM) website. With this module, you can effortlessly retrieve a wide range of weather information, including current conditions, daily and hourly forecasts, and the latest weather events, for any province or district in Turkey.
const api = new TurkeyWeather();
api.LatestEvents('Trabzon', 'Ortahisar').then(res => {
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Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
The 'TurkeyWeather' module is released under the MIT License.
CenterID system
The MGM API uses ids for weather centers around the Turkey. This ids are a 5 digit code that are used for making API calls. For example the code 93432
is for the Ataşehir district of İstanbul.
You can use these codes in the functions to get data. But you don't have to because every function that can work with CenterID system has a built in location name to CenterID converter. For Ataşehir, just passing the parameter ('istanbul', 'ataşehir')
to the function should be fine.
Create an API object
const api = new TurkeyWeather();
Get the names of all provinces
This function will return all of the province names in Turkey as an array of strings.
Get general information about a center
api.getCenterInfo(96101); //You can pass centerID
api.getCenterInfo("Trabzon","Ortahisar"); //You can pass the name of the center
This function will return the general information about a center like (name, altitude, lat, long, centerID). This function is to be used for getting the centerID of a center using its name. But there is a internal converter for all functions.
provinceID: 60,
name: 'Ortahisar',
province: 'Trabzon',
lat: 40.9985,
long: 39.7649,
altitude: 39,
centerID: 96101,
hourlyID: 17038
Get all the districts of a province
api.getDistricts("Niğde"); //Functions also have internal character conversion.
This Function will return you an array of district objects which contains the district name and its centerID. You cannot use centerID with this function because provinces are too vague to be a weather center.
{ name: 'Altunhisar', centerID: 95103 },
{ name: 'Bor', centerID: 95105 },
{ name: 'Merkez', centerID: 95101 },
{ name: 'Ulukışla', centerID: 95102 },
{ name: 'Çamardı', centerID: 95106 },
{ name: 'Çiftlik', centerID: 95104 }
Weather Forecasts
There are 3 functions that can give you weather forecasts. 'LatestEvents()', 'DailyForecast()' and 'HourlyForecat()'.
api.LatestEvents("Trabzon", "Ortahisar")
This function will return the latest events in a given weather center. Latest events are like wind speed and direction, current temperature, current humidity and more.
temp: 24.7,
dataDate: '2023-09-19T11:01:00.000Z',
eventCode: 'A',
humidity: 55,
pressure: 1012.6,
precipitation: {
now: 0,
after10Minutes: 0,
after1Hour: 0,
after6Hour: 0,
after12Hour: 0,
after24Hour: 0
wind: { speed: 7.2, direction: 321 }
api.DailyForecast("Trabzon", "Ortahisar")
This function will return 5 day of weather forecast from today of a given weather center in an array of daily forecast objects.
date: '2023-09-20T00:00:00.000Z',
event: 'PB',
temp: { lowest: 20, highest: 25 },
humidity: { lowest: 65, highest: 92 },
wind: { speed: 14, direction: 15 }
date: '2023-09-21T00:00:00.000Z',
event: 'GSY',
temp: { lowest: 21, highest: 25 },
humidity: { lowest: 79, highest: 87 },
wind: { speed: 10, direction: 19 }
api.HourlyForecast("Trabzon", "Ortahisar")
This function will return hourly weather forecasts of a given weather center in an array of hourly forecast objects. The forecasts are in 3 hour intervals.
date: '2023-09-19T12:00:00.000Z',
temp: 24,
apparentTemp: 24,
event: 'PB',
humidity: 69,
wind: { speed: 8, maxSpeed: 27, direction: 40 }
date: '2023-09-19T15:00:00.000Z',
temp: 23,
apparentTemp: 23,
event: 'PB',
humidity: 68,
wind: { speed: 2, maxSpeed: 16, direction: 51 }