A terminal application for reading Mediawiki websites
Turkey - Terminal Wiki Browser
Turkey is a terminal application for browsing Mediawiki websites, such as wikipedia.org. See example.txt for some example wikis to browse. Windows is not supported at this time.
node.js is required
npm install -g turkey
make sure it works
tky --version
Usage Example
Load English language wikipedia main page
tky -w en.wikipedia.org -p /w
Load specific article
tky -a elephant
Load another wiki
tky -w awoiaf.westeros.org -a Essos
dump to console
tky -a elephant --dump
Command Line - tky
arg | description | example | default
--- | --- | --- | ---
-w --wiki <url>
| wiki url | en.wikipedia.org | en.wikipedia.org
-p --path <path>
| wiki path | /w | /w
-a --article <article_name>
| article name to read | elephant | Main_page
-d --dump | dump to console | NA | NA
Terminal UI Keyboard Shortcuts
shortcut | description --- | --- esc, q, C-c | quit spacebar, C-s | focus search bar C-b | focus article box up arrow | back, hit enter when you find the article you would like to reload down arrow | forward, hit enter when you find the article you would like to reload d | highlight and scroll to next link and hit enter to load a | highlight and scroll to previous link and hit enter to load s | highlight and scroll to next header (from current link) w | highlight and scroll to previous header (from current link)
Tested OS
- Ubuntu