Module to extract data from popular tube sites.
Tube Utils
Here you find functions to parse video data and search results data from popular tubes.
First install per npm by running:
npm install tube-utils
then you can use the parser in your js/ts project:
import { TUBES, parser } from 'tube-utils';
// video data
// params: tube, videoId
const videoData = await parser.parseVideo(TUBES.XNXX, 'id');
/* Result:
id: string;
xvideosId?: string;
title: string;
duration: string;
views: string;
thumb: string;
poster: string;
tags: string[];
pornstars: string[];
relatedVideos: [
id: string;
thumb: string;
title: string;
views: string;
duration: string;
channel?: string;
poster?: string;
// search results data
// params: tube, keyword, page
const searchResults = await parser.parseSearch(TUBES.XNXX, 'keyword', 1);
/* Result:
relatedKeywords: string[];
videos: [
id: string;
thumb: string;
title: string;
views: string;
duration: string;
channel?: string;
poster?: string;
// get video Src (CDN Link)
// Note: This function bypass security of the tubes and need sometimes an proxy
// params: tube, videoId
const videoSrcData = await parser.parseVideoSrc(TUBES.XNXX, 'id');
/* Result:
lowRes: '',
highRes: '',
hls: ',240,360,480,720,1080,p.mp4.urlset/master.m3u8'
// get related keywords for a given keyword by searching at all tubes
// params: keyword
const keywords = await parser.getRelatedKeywords('foo');
{ keyword: 'foo', popularity: 4 },
{ keyword: 'foo bar', popularity: 3 },