add this as a dependency to your ttpg environment
Getting started
add this as a dependency to your ttpg environment
npm install ttpg-pdf-controls
yarn add ttpg-pdf-controls
pnpm add ttpg-pdf-controls
create a new script in your ttpg project and import/require as needed (I'll assume you're using typescript and transpiling)
import { GameObject, MultistateObject, refObject } from "@tabletop-playground/api";
import { pdfBrowser, PdfBrowserOptions, TocEntry } from "ttpg-pdf-controls";
((obj: GameObject) => {
if (obj instanceof MultistateObject) {
pdfBrowser(obj, 20 /* width of the pdf*/, 29 /* height of the PDF */);
} else {
console.error("Not a PDF!");
you can also pass in an options argument to pdfBrowser as a fourth arg
const options: Partial<PdfBrowserOptions> = {
position: "top", //"top" or "bottom"
toc: [
//"table of contents" - this is what shows up when you click on the list button.
name: "Chapter I - General", //name
page: 1, //page on the pdf that the chapter is on. This is the page that TTPG expects, not necessarily the PDF's own page count.
items: [
//sections within this chapter
name: "Section I.1",
page: 1,
name: "Section I.2",
page: 1,
items: [
//sections can be nested
{ name: "Subsection I.2.1", page: 1 },
{ name: "Chapter II - Special Rules", page: 2 },
index: {
//searchable index. Keys are what they could/should be searching for, values are a page number or array of page numbers where it appears
"playing the game": 1,
movement: [1, 2],
searchOnEnter: false, //when searching, do they need to hit "enter" for the search to update. By default it is false, but if you find that performance is slow when searching, change this to true.
((obj: GameObject) => {
if (obj instanceof MultistateObject) {
pdfBrowser(obj, 20, 29, options);
} else {
console.error("Not a PDF!");