timetracker helper tool
ttlogn is a software that helps the worker managing his tasks. It shows and manage the tasks finished and to do, of the worker in an easy way. Also it helps the with the log of his tasks in a Timetracker.
- Installation
- help
- login
- logout
- add repo
- add entry
- add story
- add task
- clients
- delete entry
- delete repo
- delete story
- ls
- modify entry
- modify story
- modify task
- save
- story ls
- story deliver
- search
- task ls
npm install -g ttlogn
Prints the man page, displays the help.
Sets a user in the config file. If the config file doesn't exists, it is created. The user information is obtained by the parameters.
- Log(n) email: email of Log(n) of the user
- Timetracker password: password of the user
- Git user: the git name of the user
- Pivotal email: email used for Pivotal Tracker
- Pivotal password: password for Pivotal Tracker
ttlogn login
prompt: Log(n) email : [email protected]
prompt: Timetracker password:
prompt: Git user: git_user
prompt: Pivotal email: [email protected]
prompt: Pivotal password:
Adding user:
[email protected], [email protected], git_user
Success: configuration file saved
Erase and reset all of the information the user has supplied to the app.
ttlogn logout
This will erase and reset all of the information you have supplied to the app.
Do you want to delete: the information you have supplied
prompt: (y or n): y
Information erased, you've logged out succesfully.
add repo
Stores a repository in the config file. The config file must exists. The path of the repository will be the current working directory.
- Project: project to bind the repo
- Branch: select the branch or all the branches to bind with the project
ttlogn add repo
1: Project 1
2: Project 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the project: 1
Select a branch:
1: master
2: branch 1
3: All
prompt: Number of the branch: 3
Adding repository: repo_path, and project: Project 1
Success: configuration file saved
delete repo
Delete an existing repository in the configuration file.
- Repository: path of the repository to delete
ttlogn delete repo
1: Repository 1
2: Repository 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the repository: : 1
Do you want to delete:
Repository 1
prompt: (y or n): y
Success: configuration file saved
Searches for the repositories in the configuration file. Then, depending on the parameter receive: [-d/-w/-m], print a list of commits of the branches of the different repositories. If there isn't a parameter the default value is '-d'.
- [-d]: print the commits of the day
- [-w]: print the commits of the week
- [-m]: print the commits of the month
ttlogn ls -d
Project 1
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Example Task 11 (3h)
Hours worked: 3
Project 2
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
Example Task 21 (2h)
Hours worked: 2
Searches for the repositories in the configuration file. Then, depending on the parameter received: [-d/-w/-m], and [-f], saves the commits of the branches of the different repositories. If there isn't a parameter the default value is '-d'. The commits need to have a specific format, test (worked_hours h). Ex: Test commit (2h)
- [-d]: save the commits of the day
- [-w]: save the commits of the week
- [-m]: save the commits of the month
- [-f]: force to resave the commits
ttlogn save -d
Saving commit: Example Task 11 (3h)
Saving commit: Example Task 21 (2h)
Saved successful
add entry
Add a new time entry to the Timetracker.
- Project: project of the Timetracker that will store the entry
- Description: description of the entry
- Worked hours: worked hours in this entry
- Begin of the task: Is the hour of the begin of the task. Is needed depending of the type of user. The format is (HH:mm). Ex: 09:00
ttlogn add entry
1: Project 1
2: Project 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the project: 1
prompt: Description of the taks: Example task 12
prompt: Worked hours: 4h
prompt: Begin of the task (HH:mm): 09:35
Time entry saved
modify entry
Modify a existing time entry in the Timetracker.
- Date: date of the entry
- Project: project of the Timetracker that will store the entry
- Description: description of the entry
- Worked hours: worked hours in this entry
- Hour type: hour type of the entry
- Begin of the task: Is the hour of the begin of the task. Is needed depending of the type of user. The format is (HH:mm). Ex: 09:00
ttlogn modify entry
1: Project 1
2: Project 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the project: 1
1: Example Task 11 (3h)
2: Example task 12
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the Time Entry: 1
Select a field:
1: Created: 2014-03-26 10:29:34
2: Description: Example Task 11 (3h)
3: Time: 2
4: Hour Type: Billable
5: Proyect: Project 1
6: Begin of task: 8.29
7: Save
8: Cancel
prompt: Number of field: (1) 7
Time entry saved
delete entry
Deletes an existing time entry in the Timetracker
- Project: project in the Timetracker that has the entry to delete
- Entry: entry to delete
ttlogn delete entry
1: Project 1
2: Project 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the project: 1
1: Example Task 11 (3h)
2: Example task 12
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the Time Entry: 1
Do you want to delete:
Example Task 11 (3h)
prompt: (y or n): y
Time entry deleted
Prints the clients in the Timetracker of an user .
ttlogn clients
1. Client 1
2. Client 2
3. Client 3
story ls
Searches for the stories in Pivotal Tracker. If the parameter received is '-a', print all the stories of the user. If there isn't a parameter print a list of the started and unstarted stories of the user.
- [-a]: print all stories of the user
ttlogn story ls
Project 1
Story 1 - type
Story 2 - type
Project 2
Story 1 - type
add story
Add a new story to Pivotal.
- Project: project of Pivotal that will store the story
- Name: name of the story
- Description: description of the story
- Type: type of the story
ttlogn add story
1: Project 1
2: Project 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the project: 1
prompt: Name: As an user, I want to ...
prompt: Description: New feature
1: feature
2: chore
3: bug
4: release
5: Cancel
prompt: Select the number of the type: 1
New story saved.
delete story
Deletes an existing story in Pivotal Tracker. If the parameter received is '-a', prints all the stories of the user. If the paremeter is '-r', it prints all the stories that the user request. If there isn't a parameter print a list of the started and unstarted stories of the user.
- [-a]: print all stories of the user
- [-r]: print all stories of the user
- Project: project of Pivotal Tracker that has the entry to delete
- Story: story in the Pivotal Tracker to delete
ttlogn delete story
1: Project 1
2: Project 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the project: 1
1: Story 1
2: Story 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the story: 1
Do you want to delete:
Story 1
prompt: (y or n): y
Story deleted
modify story
Modify a story of Pivotal. If the parameter received is '-a', print all the stories of the user. If there isn't a parameter print a list of the started and unstarted stories of the user.
- [-a]: Flag to modify any story, where the user is an owner (Optional)
- [-r]: Return all the stories in which the user is the requester (Optional)
- Project: project of Pivotal that will store the story
- Name: name of the story
- Description: description of the story
- State: state of the story (accepted, delivered, finished, started, rejected, unstarted, unscheduled)
- Estimation: number for the estimation of the story
ttlogn modify story -a
1: Project 1
2: Project 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the project: 1
1: Story 1
2: Story 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the story: 1
Select a field:
1: Change state: started
2: Change name: Story 1
3: Change description: Test story description
4: Change estimation: 2
5: Change owner: true
6: Save
7: Cancel
prompt: Number of field: (1) 1
1: unstarted
2: started
3: finished
4: delivered
5: rejected
6: accepted
7: Cancel
prompt: Number of state: 3
Select a field:
1: Change state: finished
2: Change name: test story 3
3: Change description: Test story description
4: Change estimation: 2
5: Change owner: true
6: Save
7: Cancel
prompt: Number of field: (1) 6
Story updated.
story deliver
Searches for all the finished stories of the user in Pivotal Tracker and delivers all of them.
ttlogn story deliver
Delivering: Story 5
Delivering: Story 8
Stories delivered successfully
add task
Add a new task to a story of Pivotal. If the parameter received is '-a', print all the stories of the user. If there isn't a parameter print a list of the started and unstarted stories of the user.
- [-a]: Flag to modify any story, where the user is an owner (Optional)
- Project: project of Pivotal
- Story: story of Pivotal that will store the task
- Description: description of the task
ttlogn add task -a
1: Project 1
2: Project 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the project: 2
1: Story 1
2: Story 2
3: Story 3
4: Cancel
prompt: Number of the story: 3
prompt: Description: Task of story 1
Task saved
modify task
Modifies a existing task of a story in Pivotal. If the parameter received is '-a', print all the stories of the user. If there isn't a parameter print a list of the started and unstarted stories of the user.
- [-a]: Flag to modify any story, where the user is an owner (Optional)
- Project: project of Pivotal
- Story: story of Pivotal that will store the task
- Task: task to modify
- Name: name of the task
- State: state of the task, "t" (true) or "f" (false)
ttlogn modify task -a
1: Project 1
2: Project 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the project: 2
1: Story 1
2: Story 2
3: Story 3
4: Cancel
prompt: Number of the story: 1
1: Task 1
2: Task 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the project: 2
Select a field:
1: Change state: false
2: Change name: Task 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of field: (1) 1
prompt: Is completed: t
Modified successfully
task ls [-a]
Lists the tasks of a story in Pivotal Tracker. If the parameter received is '-a', print all the stories of the user. If there isn't a parameter print a list of the started and unstarted stories of the user.
- [-a]: Flag to modify any story, where the user is an owner (Optional)
- Project: project of Pivotal
- Story: story of Pivotal that will store the task
ttlogn task ls -a
1: Project 1
2: Project 2
3: Cancel
prompt: Number of the project: 2
1: Story 1
2: Story 2
3: Story 3
4: Cancel
prompt: Number of the story: 1
1: Task 1
2: Task 2
3: Cancel
Does a textual search of the time entries of an user.
- text [text]: Text to search in the time entries
ttlogn search test
1: test of ...
2: test of ...
3: test of ...
4: Cancel
prompt: Number of the entry: 1
Created: 2014-03-28 00:00:00
Description: test of ..
Time: 1
Hour Type: Billable
Proyect: Proyect 1
Begin of task: 9.05