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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Library to work with JSON declaration files for runtime type information.




Build Status

TsReflect is a CommonJS module for Node applications for working with JSON declaration files generated by the tsreflect-compiler. The library is essentially a wrapper for the TypeScript 1.4 compiler type system along with methods for loading the JSON declaration file format.

NOTE! Currently, there are not plans to support any version of TypeScript beyond 1.4. If in the future the TypeScript compiler supports an extensible emitter, this project will be picked up again.


Example: load all declaration files in the cwd and it's subdirectories, then print the name of any exported interfaces.

/// <reference path="./lib/tsreflect.d.ts" />
import reflect = require("tsreflect");

// load all declaration files in the cwd and it's subdirectories.
reflect.load("**/*.d.json", (err, symbols) => {
    if(err) throw err;

    // print name of all exported interfaces
    for(var i = 0, l = symbols.length; i < l; i++) {
        var symbol = symbols[i];

        if(symbol.isInterface()) {
            process.stdout.write(symbol.getName() + '\n');
        else if(symbol.isModule()) {

            var moduleExports = symbol.getExports();
            for(var j = 0, k = moduleExports.length; j < k; j++) {

                if(moduleExports[j].isInterface()) {
                    process.stdout.write(moduleExports[j].getName() + '\n');



Load type information for an external module in the global context. Analogous to Node's require function.

This method assumes that the .d.json file is in the same directory as the .js file that it contains type information for. Just like Node's require function, if a relative path is specified, it is considered to be relative to the source file that called require. Also like Node's require function, files are loaded synchronously. If you would like to load type information asynchronously, see the load function.


  • moduleName string - The name of the module to load.

Returns: Symbol


Load type information for an internal module or global declarations in the global context. Analogous to TypeScript's reference tags.

This method assumes that the .d.json file is in the same directory as the .js file that it contains type information for. Just like TypeScript's /// <reference path="... tags, the path is considered to be relative to the source file that called reference. Files are loaded synchronously. If you would like to load type information asynchronously, see the load function.


  • fileName string - The name of the file to load.

Returns: void


Asynchronously load type information for the given filename pattern(s) in the global context. If the path is not specified then symbol information is loaded, if available, for all required modules.

This method assumes that the .d.json files are in the same directory as the .js file that they contain type information for. The load method supports glob patterns for filename matching. Relative paths are considered to be relative to the current working directory.

Once all declaration files have been loaded, the callback is called with the symbols for any external modules and any top level global declarations in the processed files.


  • callback - Called when the load operation completes.

Returns: void

load(path, callback)


  • path string
  • callback

Returns: void

load(path, callback)


  • path string[]
  • callback

Returns: void


Synchronously load type information for the given filename pattern(s) in the global context. If the path is not specified then symbol information is loaded, if available, for all required modules.

This method assumes that the .d.json files are in the same directory as the .js file that they contain type information for. The load method supports glob patterns for filename matching. Relative paths are considered to be relative to the current working directory.

Once all declaration files have been loaded, a list of symbols is returned any external modules and any top level global declarations in the processed files.

Returns: Symbol[]



  • path string

Returns: Symbol[]



  • path string[]

Returns: Symbol[]


Finds the symbol for the given entity name in the global context. If a global symbol with the given name cannot be found, an exception is thrown.


  • entityName string - The global entity name to resolve.

Returns: Symbol


Creates a reflection context.

Returns: ReflectContext


Searches all loaded symbol information for the given constructor and returns the symbol if found.


  • ctr Constructor - The constructor to search for. Note this does not work for global symbols.

Returns: Symbol

ReflectContext Interface

Reflection context.


Load type information for an external module in the current context. Analogous to Node's require function.

This method assumes that the .d.json file is in the same directory as the .js file that it contains type information for. Just like Node's require function, if a relative path is specified, it is considered to be relative to the source file that called require. Also like Node's require function, files are loaded synchronously. If you would like to load type information asynchronously, see the load function.


  • moduleName string - The name of the module to load.

Returns: Symbol


Load type information for an internal module or global declarations in the current context. Analogous to TypeScript's reference tags.

This method assumes that the .d.json file is in the same directory as the .js file that it contains type information for. Just like TypeScript's /// <reference path="... tags, the path is considered to be relative to the source file that called reference. Files are loaded synchronously. If you would like to load type information asynchronously, see the load function.


  • fileName string - The name of the file to load.

Returns: void


Asynchronously load type information for the given filename pattern(s) in the current context.

This method assumes that the .d.json files are in the same directory as the .js file that they contain type information for. The load method supports glob patterns for filename matching. Relative paths are considered to be relative to the current working directory.

Once all declaration files have been loaded, the callback is called with the symbols for any external modules and any top level global declarations in the processed files.


  • callback - Called when the load operation completes.

Returns: void

load(path, callback)


  • path string
  • callback

Returns: void

load(path, callback)


  • path string[]
  • callback

Returns: void


Synchronously load type information for the given filename pattern(s) in the global context. If the path is not specified then symbol information is loaded, if available, for all required modules.

This method assumes that the .d.json files are in the same directory as the .js file that they contain type information for. The load method supports glob patterns for filename matching. Relative paths are considered to be relative to the current working directory.

Once all declaration files have been loaded, a list of symbols is returned any external modules and any top level global declarations in the processed files.

Returns: Symbol[]



  • path string

Returns: Symbol[]



  • path string[]

Returns: Symbol[]


Finds the symbol for the given entity name in the current context. If a global symbol with the given name cannot be found, an exception is thrown.


  • entityName string - The global entity name to resolve.

Returns: Symbol


Searches all loaded symbol information in the current context for the given constructor and returns the symbol if found.


  • ctr Constructor - The constructor to search for. Note this does not work for global symbols.

Returns: Symbol

Symbol Interface

Represents a named identifier.


Gets the name of the symbol.

Returns: string


Gets the qualified name of the symbol.

Returns: string


Gets the description of the symbol.

Returns: string


Finds annotations with the specified name. If no name is specified, then all annotations are returned.


  • name string - The name of the annotation to find.

Returns: Annotation[]


Returns true if the symbols has an annotation with the specified name; Otherwise, returns false.


  • name string - The name of the annotation to find.

Returns: boolean


Gets the type of the symbol.

Returns: Type


Gets the type declared by the symbol. For a class getType() returns the static side of the class and getDeclaredType() returns the instance side of the class.

Returns: Type


Gets all symbols exported by this symbol. This is used to get the members of a module or the static members of a class.

Returns: Symbol[]


Finds the symbol for the given entity name relative to the current symbol. If a symbol with the given name cannot be found, an exception is thrown.


  • entityName string - The entity name to resolve.

Returns: Symbol


Gets the value of the symbol on the given object. The symbol must be a property, variable, or accessor.


  • obj any - The object to get the value for.

Returns: any

setValue(obj, value)

Sets the value of the symbol on the given object. The symbol must be a property, variable, or accessor.


  • obj any - The object to set the value on.
  • value any - The value to set.

Returns: void

invoke(obj, args)

Invokes the method described by the symbol on the given object. The symbol must be a method.


  • obj any - The object to call the method on.
  • args any[] - The arguments to pass to the method.

Returns: any


Returns true if the symbol is a variable; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is a function; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is a class; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is an interface; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is an enum; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is a module; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is an import; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is a type parameter; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is a class or interface property; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is a class or interface method; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is an accessor; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is a get accessor; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is a set accessor; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is an enum member; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the symbol is a type alias; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean

Annotation Interface

Represents a custom annotation.


The name of the annotation.

Type: string


The value of the annotation.

Type: any


Returns the name of the file that the annotation was declared in.

Returns: string

Type Interface

Represents a type.


Gets the name of the type, if any.

Returns: string


Gets the qualified name of the type, if any.

Returns: string


Gets the description of the type.

Returns: string


Gets all annotations declared for the type.


  • inherit boolean - True if annotations should be inherited from base types.

Returns: Annotation[]

getAnnotations(name, inherit)

Finds annotations with the specified name. If no name is specified, then all annotations are returns.


  • name string - The name of the annotation to find.
  • inherit boolean - True if annotations should be inherited from base types.

Returns: Annotation[]

hasAnnotation(name, inherit)

Returns true if the type has an annotation with the specified name; Otherwise, returns false.


  • name string - The name of the annotation to find.
  • inherit boolean - True if base types should be checked for the annotation as well.

Returns: boolean


Gets a list of all properties of the type. Note that properties include fields, accessors, and methods.

Returns: Symbol[]


Finds a property with the specified name. If no property is found, undefined is returned. Note that properties include fields, accessors, and methods.


  • name string - The property name to find.

Returns: Symbol


Gets all call signatures of the type.

Returns: Signature[]


Gets all construct signatures of the type.

Returns: Signature[]


Gets the string index type of the type. For example, for { [key: string]: boolean }, getStringIndexType() will return the intrinsic boolean type.

Returns: Type


Gets the number index type of the type. For example, for { [key: number]: string }, getNumberIndexType() will return the intrinsic string type.

Returns: Type

isIdenticalTo(target, diagnostics)

Returns true if the current type is identical to the target type; Otherwise, returns false. If diagnostic information regarding the differences between the types is desired, any empty array should be passed to the diagnostics parameter.


  • target Type - The target type.
  • diagnostics Diagnostic[] - Array where diagnostic information regarding the differences between the types is placed.

Returns: boolean

isSubtypeOf(target, diagnostics)

Returns true if the current type is a subtype of the target type; Otherwise, returns false. If diagnostic information regarding the differences between the types is desired, any empty array should be passed to the diagnostics parameter.


  • target Type - The target type.
  • diagnostics Diagnostic[] - Array where diagnostic information regarding the differences between the types is placed.

Returns: boolean

isAssignableTo(target, diagnostics)

Returns true if the current type is assignable to the target type; Otherwise, returns false. If diagnostic information regarding the differences between the types is desired, any empty array should be passed to the diagnostics parameter.


  • target Type - The target type.
  • diagnostics Diagnostic[] - Array where diagnostic information regarding the differences between the types is placed.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the current type if a subclass of the target type; Otherwise, returns false.


  • target Type - The target type.

Returns: boolean


Gets a list of types that this class or interface extends.

Returns: Type[]


Gets the type that this class or interface extends that matches the specified name or undefined if no match is found.


  • name string - The name of the base type to find.

Returns: Type


Returns true if the target type is extended by the current type; Otherwise, returns false.


  • target Type - The target type.

Returns: boolean


Gets the base class of a class type.

Returns: Type


Gets a list of interface that this class implements.

Returns: Type[]


Gets the interface that is implemented or inherited by the current class that matches the specified name.


  • name string - The name of the base type to find.

Returns: Type


Returns true if the target interface is implemented or inherited by the current class; Otherwise, returns false.


  • target Type - The target type.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is a class; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is an interface; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is a tuple; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is a union type; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is an array; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is an index type; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is anonymous; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is a generic reference; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is an enum; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is a string literal; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is a type parameter; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is the intrinsic any type; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is the intrinsic string type; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is the intrinsic number type; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is the intrinsic boolean type; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is the intrinsic void type; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is an intrinsic type; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean


Returns true if the type is an object type; Otherwise, returns false.

Returns: boolean

getEnumValue(value, ignoreCase)

Gets the numeric enum value for the given member name.


  • value string - The enum member name to get the value for.
  • ignoreCase boolean - True if case should be ignored when finding the member name.

Returns: number


Gets the enum member name for the given numeric enum value.


  • value number - The numeric value to get the name for.

Returns: string


Gets a list of enum member names.

Returns: string[]


Gets the element type for an array type.

Returns: Type


Gets the element types a union or tuple type.

Returns: Type[]


Creates an instance of a class. If arguments are provided then the constructor is called; Otherwise, the object is created without calling the constructor. To call a parameter-less constructor, pass an empty array to args.

Note that This method assumes that the .d.json file is in the same directory as the .js file that it contains type information for. For external modules, Node's require method is used to load the JavaScript module.


  • args any[] - The constructor arguments.

Returns: any


Gets the JavaScript constructor for a class type.

Note that This method assumes that the .d.json file is in the same directory as the .js file that it contains type information for. For external modules, Node's require method is used to load the JavaScript module.

Returns: Function

Signature Interface

Represents a call signature.


Gets a description of the signature.

Returns: string


Finds annotations with the specified name. If no name is specified, then all annotations are returned.


  • name string - The name of the annotation to find.

Returns: Annotation[]


Returns true if the symbols has an annotation with the specified name; Otherwise, returns false.


  • name string - The name of the annotation to find.

Returns: boolean


Gets a list of all parameters for the call signature.

Returns: Symbol[]


Gets a parameter for the signature with the specified name. If no parameter matches the name then undefined is returned.


  • name string - The parameter name to find.

Returns: Symbol


Gets the return type of the signature.

Returns: Type

Diagnostic Interface

Diagnostic information.


The name of the .d.json file that contained the error

Type: string


Message explaining the error.

Type: string


Error code.

Type: number

DiagnosticError Interface

Extension of standard Error that includes diagnostic information.


Array of Diagnostics that provides details on the error that occurred.

Type: Diagnostic[]


Type: string


Type: string

Constructor Interface

A Constructor.


Type: string