a prism of type helpers and testing utilities for Typescript!
A prism of type helpers and testing utilities for Typescript!
npm i -D tsprism
Testing Utilities
includes a set of utilities to help you test and document the expected output of generic, mapped or dynamic types.
import { Expect, TypeOf, TS, ToBe, ToNotBe, ToEqual } from 'tsprism'
The main assertion wrapper for our type test cases. It needs to be assigned to a type for the TS compiler. It takes in a type which returns a boolean as argument T
import { Expect } from 'tsprism'
type test = Expect<T>
Our main assertion type to make the comparison of our test cases. It takes three arguments to make the assertion.
- The type we want to testComparison Operator
- The comperison type we want to use to make the assertion.Expected Result
- The type schema we expect
import { Expect, TypeOf, ToBe, ToNotBe, ToEqual } from 'tsprism'
type TEST = Expect<TypeOf<Input, Comparison, Expected>>
We can simplify this required type assignment (type TEST) by nesting multiple tests into a single test object type like so:
type TEST = {
🟢 toBe: Expect<TypeOf<true, ToBe, boolean>>
🔴 toNotBe: Expect<TypeOf<true, ToNotBe, boolean>>
🔴 ToEqualFail: Expect<TypeOf<true, ToEqual, boolean>>
🟢 ToEqual: Expect<TypeOf<true, ToEqual, true>>
This helps prevents pollution of the namepsace by test case types.
This type is a semantic alias for TypeOf
. They can be used interchangeably. It's purpose is to improve readability when the typeof
keyword needs to be used before a runtime value in the test case.
For example:
import { Expect, TypeOf, TS, ToBe } from 'tsprism'
const myObj = { ts: 'test', prism: 'utilities' }
type Obj = typeof myObj
type TEST = {
🟢 typeOf: Expect<TypeOf<Obj, ToBe, { ts: string, prism: string }>>
🟢 ts: Expect<TS<typeof myObj, ToBe, { ts: string, prism: string }>>
Comparison operators
A comparison operator for primitive types (==).
import { Expect, TypeOf, ToBe } from 'tsprism'
const myObj = { ts: 'test', prism: 'utilities' }
type Obj = keyof typeof myObj
type TEST = {
🟢 pass: Expect<TypeOf<Obj, ToBe, 'ts' | 'prism'>>
🔴 fail: Expect<TypeOf<Obj>, ToBe, typeof myObj>
// ˄˄ 🚁 Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.ts(2344)
The inverse comparison operator for ToBe (!=).
import { Expect, TypeOf, ToNotBe } from 'tsprism'
const myObj = { ts: 'test', prism: 'utilities' }
type Obj = keyof typeof myObj
type TEST = {
🟢 pass: Expect<TypeOf<Obj, ToNotBe, typeof myObj>>
🔴 fail: Expect<TypeOf<Obj, ToNotBe, 'ts' | 'prism'>>
// ˄˄ 🚁 Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.ts(2344)
Strict comparison operator for complex types (===).
import { Expect, TypeOf, ToBe, ToEqual } from 'tsprism'
const myObj = { ts: 'test', prism: 'utilities' } as const
type Obj = typeof myObj
type TEST = {
🟢 pass:Expect<TypeOf<Obj, ToEqual, Readonly<{ ts: 'test', prism: 'utilities' }>>>
🔴 fail: Expect<TypeOf<Obj, ToEqual, Readonly<{ ts: string, prism: string }>>>
// ˄˄ 🚁 Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.ts(2344)
🔴 fail2: Expect<TypeOf<Obj, ToEqual, { ts: 'test', prism: 'utilities' }>>
// ˄˄ 🚁 Type 'false' does not satisfy the constraint 'true'.ts(2344)
Both failing test cases would pass with the ToBe comparison operator.