Tspace MySQL is a promise-based ORM for Node.js, designed with modern TypeScript and providing type safety for schema databases.
tspace-mysql is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool designed to run seamlessly in Node.js and is fully compatible with TypeScript. It consistently supports the latest features in both TypeScript and JavaScript, providing additional functionalities to enhance your development experience.
| Feature | Description |
| Query Builder | Create flexible queries like SELECT
, and DELETE
. You can also use raw SQL. |
| Join Clauses | Use INNER JOIN
to combine data from multiple tables. |
| Model | Provides a way to interact with database records as objects in code. You can perform create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations. Models also support soft deletes and relationship methods. |
| Schema | Allows you to define and manage the structure of MySQL tables, including data types and relationships. Supports migrations and validation. |
| Validation | Automatically checks data against defined rules before saving it to the database, ensuring data integrity and correctness. |
| Sync | Synchronizes the model structure with the database, updating the schema to match the model definitions automatically. |
| Soft Deletes | Marks records as deleted without removing them from the database. This allows for recovery and auditing later. |
| Relationships | Set up connections between models, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, belongs-to, and many-to-many. Supports nested relationships and checks. |
| Type Safety | Ensures that queries are safer by checking the types of statements like SELECT
, and WHERE
. |
| Repository | Follows a pattern for managing database operations like SELECT
, and DELETE
. It helps keep the code organized. |
| Decorators | Use decorators to add extra functionality or information to model classes and methods, making the code easier to read. |
| Caching | Improves performance by storing frequently requested data. Supports in-memory caching (like memory DB) and Redis for distributed caching. |
| Migrations | Use CLI commands to create models, make migrations, and apply changes to the database structure. |
| Blueprints | Create a clear layout of the database structure and how models and tables relate to each other. |
| CLI | A Command Line Interface for managing models, running migrations, executing queries, and performing other tasks using commands (like make:model
, migrate
, and query
). |
Install with npm:
npm install tspace-mysql --save
npm install tspace-mysql -g
Basic Usage
- Configuration
- SQL Like
- Query Builder
- Table Name & Alias Name
- Returning Results
- Query Statement
- Select Statements
- Raw Expressions
- Ordering, Grouping, Limit and Offset
- Joins
- Basic Where Clauses
- Advanced Where Clauses
- GetGroupBy
- Paginating
- Insert Statements
- Update Statements
- Delete Statements
- Hook Statements
- Faker Statements
- Unset Statements
- Common Table Expressions
- More Methods
- Database Transactions
- Connection
- Backup
- Injection
- Generating Model Classes
- Model Conventions
- Repository
- Blueprint
- Cli
To establish a connection, the recommended method for creating your environment variables is by using a '.env' file. using the following:
DB_HOST = localhost;
DB_PORT = 3306;
DB_PASSWORD = password;
DB_DATABASE = database;
* @default
* DB_TIMEOUT = 60000
You can also create a file named 'db.tspace' to configure the connection. using the following:
source db {
host = localhost
port = 3306
database = npm
user = root
password = database
connectionLimit = 10
dateStrings = true
connectTimeout = 60000
waitForConnections = true
queueLimit = 0
charset = utf8mb4
SQL Like
import { sql , OP } from 'tspace-mysql'
// select
await sql()
'name' : 'tspace'
'id' : OP.in([1,2,3])
// insert
await sql()
email : '[email protected]'
// insert return data
await sql()
email : '[email protected]'
id : true,
email : true,
enum : true
// update
await sql()
id : 1
email : '[email protected]'
// update return data
await sql()
id : 1
email : '[email protected]'
await sql()
id : 1
Query Builder
How a database query builder works with a simple example using the following:
| table users |
| id | username | email |
| 1 | tspace | [email protected] |
| 2 | tspace2 | [email protected] |
| table posts |
| id | user_id | title |
| 1 | 1 | posts tspace |
| 2 | 2 | posts tspace2 |
Table Name & Alias Name
import { DB } from 'tspace-mysql'
await new DB().from('users').find(1)
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '1' LIMIT 1;
await new DB().table('users').find(1)
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '1' LIMIT 1;
await new DB().table('users').alias('u').find(1)
// SELECT * FROM `users` AS `u` WHERE `u`.`id` = '1' LIMIT 1;
await new DB().fromRaw('u',new DB('users').select('*').limit(1).toString()).find(1)
// SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT 1 ) AS `u` WHERE `u`.`id` = '1' LIMIT 1;
await new DB().alias('u',new DB('users').select('*').limit(1).toString()).find(1)
// SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT 1 ) AS `u` WHERE `u`.`id` = '1' LIMIT 1;
Returning Results
const user = await new DB("users").find(1); // Object or null
const user = await new DB("users").findOne(); // Object or null
const user = await new DB("users").first(); // Object or null
const user = await new DB("users").firstOrError(message); // Object or error
const users = await new DB("users").findMany(); // Array-object of users
const users = await new DB("users").get(); // Array-object of users
const users = await new DB("users").getGroupBy('name') // Map
const users = await new DB("users").findGroupBy('name') // Map
const users = await new DB("users").toArray(); // Array of users
const users = await new DB("users").toJSON(); // JSON of users
const user = await new DB("users").exists(); // Boolean true if user exists otherwise false
const user = await new DB("users").count(); // Number of users counted
const user = await new DB("users").avg(); // Number of users avg
const user = await new DB("users").sum(); // Number of users sum
const user = await new DB("users").max(); // Number of users max
const user = await new DB("user").min(); // Number of users min
const users = await new DB("users").toString(); // sql query string
const users = await new DB("users").toSQL(); // sql query string
const users = await new DB("users").toRawSQL(); // sql query string
const users = await new DB("users").pagination(); // Object of pagination
const users = await new DB("users").makeSelectStatement() // query string for select statement
const users = await new DB("users").makeInsertStatement() // query string for insert statement
const users = await new DB("users").makeUpdateStatement() // query string for update statement
const users = await new DB("users").makeDeleteStatement() // query string for delete statement
const users = await new DB("users").makeCreateTableStatement() // query string for create table statement
Query Statements
const query = await DB.query(
"SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id AND email IS :email AND name IN :username", {
id : 1,
email : null,
username : ['name1','name2']
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '1' AND email IS NULL AND username in ('name1','name2');
Select Statements
const select = await new DB("users").select("id", "username").findOne();
// SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`username` FROM `users` LIMIT 1;
const selectRaw = await new DB("users").selectRaw("COUNT(id)").findMany();
// SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `users`;
// You can also use the DB.raw() function
// const selectRaw = await new DB("users").selec(DB.raw("COUNT(id)")).findMany();
const selectObject = await new DB("posts")
.join("posts.user_id", "users.id")
{ id: "users.id", name: "users.name", email: "users.email" },
posts.*, JSON_OBJECT('id' , `users`.`id` , 'name' , `users`.`name` , 'email' , `users`.`email`) AS `user`
FROM `posts`
INNER JOIN `users` ON `posts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id` LIMIT 1;
const selectArray = await new DB("users")
.join("users.id", "posts.user_id")
{ id: "posts.id", user_id: "posts.user_id", title: "posts.title" },
`users`.`id`, `users`.`name`, `users`.`email`,
ELSE JSON_ARRAYAGG(JSON_OBJECT('id' , `posts`.`id` , 'user_id' , `posts`.`user_id` , 'email' , `posts`.`title`))
END AS `posts`
FROM `users`
INNER JOIN `posts` ON `users`.`id` = `posts`.`user_id` WHERE `users`.`deletedAt` IS NULL GROUP BY `users`.`id` LIMIT 1;
await new DB("users").except("id").findOne();
// SELECT `users`.`email`, `users`.`username` FROM `users` LIMIT 1;
await new DB("users").distinct().select("id").findOne();
// SELECT DISTINCT `users`.`id` FROM `users` LIMIT 1;
Raw Expressions
const users = await new DB("users")
.select(DB.raw("COUNT(`username`) as c"), "username")
.having("c > 1")
// SELECT COUNT(`username`) as c, `users`.`username` FROM `users` GROUP BY `username` HAVING c > 1;
const users = await new DB("users")
DB.raw(new DB("users").select("id").where("id", "1").limit(1).toString())
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = (SELECT `users`.`id` FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '1' LIMIT 1);
const findFullName = await new User()
.select('name',`${DB.raw('CONCAT(firstName," ",lastName) as fullName')}`)
.whereRaw(`CONCAT(firstName," ",lastName) LIKE '%${search}%'`)
// SELECT `users`.`name`, CONCAT(firstName," ",lastName) as fullName FROM `users` WHERE CONCAT(firstName," ",lastName) LIKE '%search%' LIMIT 1;
Ordering, Grouping, Limit and Offset
await new DB("users").orderBy("id", "asc").findOne();
// SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1;
await new DB("users").orderBy("id", "desc").findOne();
// SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1;
await new DB("users").oldest("id").findOne();
// SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY `id` ASC LIMIT 1;
await new DB("users").latest("id").findOne();
// SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1;
await new DB("users").random().findMany();
await new DB("users").groupBy("id").findOne();
// SELECT * FROM `users` GROUP BY `id` LIMIT 1;
await new DB("users").groupBy("id", "username").findOne();
// SELECT * FROM `users` GROUP BY `id`, `username` LIMIT 1;
await new DB("users")
.select(DB.raw("COUNT(username) as c"), "username")
.having("c > 1")
// SELECT COUNT(username) as c, `users`.`username` FROM `users` GROUP BY `username` HAVING c > 1;
Limit and Offset
await new DB("users").limit(5).findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT 5;
await new DB("users").limit(-1).findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT 2147483647; // int-32 2**31 - 1
await new DB("users").offset(1).findOne();
// SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1;
Inner Join Clause
await new DB("posts").join("posts.user_id", "users.id").findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `posts` INNER JOIN `users` ON `posts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`;
await new DB("posts")
.join((join) => {
return join
// SELECT * FROM `posts`
// INNER JOIN `users` ON `posts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
// INNER JOIN `post_user` ON `users`.`id` = `post_user`.`user_id` AND `users`.`id` = `posts`.`user_id`;
Left Join, Right Join Clause
await new DB("posts").leftJoin("posts.user_id", "users.id").findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `posts` LEFT JOIN `users` ON `posts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`;
await new DB("posts").rightJoin("posts.user_id", "users.id").findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `posts` RIGHT JOIN `users` ON `posts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`;
Cross Join Clause
await new DB("posts").crossJoin("posts.user_id", "users.id").findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `posts` CROSS JOIN `users` ON `posts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`;
Basic Where Clauses
Where Clauses
const users = await new DB("users").where("id", 1).findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '1'
const users = await new DB("users")
.where("id", 1)
.where("username", "try to find")
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '1' and `users`.`username` = 'try to find'
const users = await new DB("users").where("id", ">", 1).findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` > '1';
const users = await new DB("users").where("id", "<>", 1).findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` <> '1';
Or Where Clauses
const users = await new DB("users").where("id", 1).orWhere("id", 2).findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '1' OR `users`.`id` = '2'
const users = await new DB("users")
.where("id", 1)
.whereQuery((query) => {
return query
.where("id", "<>", 2)
.orWhere("username", "try to find")
.orWhere("email", "[email protected]");
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '1'
// AND
// ( `users`.`id` <> '2' OR `users`.`username` = 'try to find' OR `users`.`email` = '[email protected]');
Where Object Clauses
import { OP } from 'tspace-mysql'
const whereObject = await new DB("users")
id : OP.notEq(1),
username : OP.in(['user1','user2']),
name : OP.like('%value%')
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` <> '1' AND `users`.`username` = 'user1' AND `users`.`name` LIKE '%value%';
JSON Where Clauses
const whereJSON = await new DB("users")
.whereJSON("json", { key: "id", value: "1234" })
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`json`->>'$.id' = '1234';
Additional Where Clauses
const users = await new DB("users").whereIn("id", [1, 2]).findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` IN ('1','2');
const users = await new DB("users").whereNotIn("id", [1, 2]).findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` NOT IN ('1','2');
const users = await new DB("users").whereBetween("id", [1, 2]).findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` BETWEEN '1' AND '2';
const users = await new DB("users").whereNotBetween("id", [1, 2]).findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` NOT BETWEEN '1' AND '2';
const users = await new DB("users").whereNull("username").findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`username` IS NULL;
const users = await new DB("users").whereNotNull("username").findMany();
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`username` IS NOT NULL;
Logical Grouping
const users = await new DB("users")
.whereQuery((query) => query.where("id", 1).where("username", "values"))
.whereIn("id", [1, 2])
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE ( `users`.`id` = '1' AND `users`.`username` = 'values') AND `users`.`id` IN ('1','2'') LIMIT 1;
const users = await new DB("users")
.where("id", 1)
.whereQuery((query) => {
return query
.where("id", "<>", 2)
.where("username", "try to find")
.where("email", "[email protected]");
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '1'
// AND
// ( `users`.`id` <> '2' AND `users`.`username` = 'try to find' AND `users`.`email` = '[email protected]');
const users = await new DB("users")
.whereAny(["name", "username", "email"], "like", `%v%`)
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE ( `users`.`name` LIKE '%v%' OR `users`.`username` LIKE '%v%' OR `users`.`email` LIKE '%v%');
const users = await new DB("users")
.whereAll(["name", "username", "email"], "like", `%v%`)
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE ( `users`.`name` LIKE '%v%' AND `users`.`username` LIKE '%v%' AND `users`.`email` LIKE '%v%');
Advanced Where Clauses
Where Exists Clauses
const users = await new DB("users")
.whereExists(new DB("users").select("id").where("id", 1).toString())
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE EXISTS (SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE id = 1);
const users = await new DB("users")
.wherNoteExists(new DB("users").select("id").where("id", 1).toString())
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE id = 1);
Subquery Where Clauses
const users = await new DB("users")
.whereSubQuery("id", "SELECT id FROM users")
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` IN (SELECT id FROM users);
const users = await new DB("users")
.whereSubQuery("id", new DB("users").select("id").toString())
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` IN (SELECT id FROM users);
const users = await new DB("users")
new DB("users")
.whereSubQuery("id", new DB("posts").select("user_id").toString())
SELECT * FROM `users`
WHERE `users`.`id`
IN (
SELECT `users`.`id` FROM `users`
WHERE `users`.`id`
IN (
SELECT `posts`.`user_id` FROM `posts`
Conditional Where Clauses
const users = await new DB("users")
.where("id", 1)
.when(true, (query) => query.where("username", "when is actived"))
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '1' AND `users`.`username` = 'when is actived';
const users = await new DB("users")
.where("id", 1)
.when(false, (query) => query.where("username", "when is actived"))
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '1';
const data = await new DB("posts").getGroupBy('user_id')
// return new Map()
// find posts by user id
const userHasPosts = data.get(1)
const users = await new DB("users").paginate();
// SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT 15 OFFSET 0;
// SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM `users`;
const pageTwoUsers = await new DB("users").paginate({ page: 2, limit: 5 });
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM `users`;
the results are returned
meta: {
total: n,
limit: 5,
total_page: 5,
current_page: 2,
last_page: n,
next_page: 3,
prev_page: 1
data: [...your data here]
Insert Statements
const user = await new DB("users")
name: "tspace3",
email: "[email protected]",
('tspace3','[email protected]');
-- then return the result inserted --
SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = ${INSERT ID};
const users = await new DB("users")
name: "tspace4",
email: "[email protected]",
name: "tspace5",
email: "[email protected]",
name: "tspace6",
email: "[email protected]",
('tspace4','[email protected]'),
('tspace5','[email protected]'),
('tspace6','[email protected]');
const users = await new DB("users")
.where("name", "tspace4")
.where("email", "[email protected]")
name: "tspace4",
email: "[email protected]",
-- if exists return null, if not exists created new data --
SELECT 1 FROM `users`
WHERE `users`.`name` = 'tspace4'
AND `users`.`email` = '[email protected]'
) AS 'exists';
INSERT INTO `users` (`users`.`name`,`users`.`email`) VALUES ('tspace4','[email protected]');
const users = await new DB("users")
.where("name", "tspace4")
.where("email", "[email protected]")
name: "tspace4",
email: "[email protected]",
-- if has exists return data, if not exists created new data --
SELECT 1 FROM `users`
WHERE `users`.`name` = 'tspace4'
AND `users`.`email` = '[email protected]'
) AS 'exists';
INSERT INTO `users` (`users`.`name`,`users`.`email`) VALUES ('tspace4','[email protected]');
SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '4';
Update Statements
const user = await new DB("users")
.where("id", 1)
name: "tspace1**",
email: "[email protected]",
UPDATE `users` SET
`users`.`name` = 'tspace1',
`users`.`email` = '[email protected]'
WHERE `users`.`id` = '1' LIMIT 1;
const user = await new DB("users")
.where("id", 1)
name: "tspace1",
email: "[email protected]",
UPDATE `users` SET
`users`.`name` = 'tspace1',
`users`.`email` = '[email protected]'
WHERE `users`.`id` = '1';
const user = await new DB("users")
.where("id", 1)
name: "tspace1",
email: "[email protected]",
UPDATE `users` SET
`name` =
CASE WHEN (`name` = '' OR `name` IS NULL)
THEN 'tspace1' ELSE `name`
`email` =
'[email protected]'
WHERE `users`.`id` = '1' LIMIT 1;
const user = await new DB("users")
when: {
id: 1,
name: "name1",
columns: {
name: "update row1",
email: "[email protected]",
when: {
id: 2,
columns: {
name: "update row2",
email: "[email protected]",
UPDATE `users` SET
`users`.`name` = (
CASE WHEN `users`.`id` = '1'
AND `users`.`name` = 'name1'
THEN 'update row1'
WHEN `users`.`id` = '2'
THEN 'update row2'
ELSE `users`.`name`
`users`.`email` = (
CASE WHEN `users`.`id` = '1'
AND `users`.`name` = 'name1'
THEN '[email protected]'
WHEN `users`.`id` = '2'
THEN '[email protected]'
ELSE `users`.`email`
WHERE `users`.`id` IN ('1','2') LIMIT 2;
const user = await new DB("users")
.where("id", 1)
name: "tspace1**",
email: "[email protected]",
// if has exists return update, if not exists created new data
// UPDATE `users` SET `name` = 'tspace1**',`email` = '[email protected]' WHERE `users`.`id` = '1' LIMIT 1;
// INSERT INTO `users` (`name`,`email`) VALUES ('tspace1**','[email protected]');
Delete Statements
const deleted = await new DB("users").where("id", 1).delete();
// DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '1' LIMIT 1;
const deleted = await new DB("users").where("id", 1).deleteMany();
// DELETE FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = '1' ;
Hook Statements
const hookImage = async (results) => {
for(const result of results) {
result.image = await ...getImage()
const user = await new DB("users").where("id", 1).hook(hookResult).findMany();
Faker Statements
await new DB("users").faker(2);
// custom faker
await new DB("users").faker(5, (row, index) => {
return {
username: `username-${index + 1}`,
email: `email-${index + 1}`,
// fast to create
await new DB("users").faker(40_000);
Unset Statements
const userInstance = new User().where('email','[email protected]')
const exits = await userInstance.exists()
// SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '[email protected]' LIMIT 1) AS `aggregate`;
const user = await userInstance.orderBy('id').findOne()
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '[email protected]' ORDER BY `users`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1;
const users = await userInstance.select('id').unset({ limit : true }).findMany()
// SELECT `users`.`id` FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`email` = '[email protected]' ORDER BY `users`.`id` DESC;
const usersUnsetWhereStatement = await userInstance.unset({ select : true, where : true , orderBy : true }).findMany()
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`deletedAt` IS NULL;
Common Table Expressions
const user = await new User()
.CTEs('z', (query) => {
return query
.CTEs('x', (query) => {
return query
// WITH z AS (SELECT posts.* FROM `posts`),
// x AS (SELECT * FROM `post_user`)
// SELECT users.*, z.*, x.* FROM `users` INNER JOIN `x` ON `users`.`id` = `x`.`user_id` INNER JOIN `z` ON `users`.`id` = `z`.`user_id` WHERE `users`.`deleted_at` IS NULL LIMIT 1;
More Methods
where(column , OP , value)
whereSensitive(column , OP , value)
whereIn(column , [])
whereNotIn(column , [])
whereBetween (column , [value1 , value2])
whereJson(column, { targetKey, value , OP })
whereSubQuery(colmn , rawSQL)
whereNotSubQuery(colmn , rawSQL)
orWhere(column , OP , value)
orWhereIn(column , [])
orWhereSubQuery(colmn , rawSQL)
when(contition , callback)
select(column1 ,column2 ,...N)
selectRaw(column1 ,column2 ,...N)
except(column1 ,column2 ,...N)
only(column1 ,column2 ,...N)
hidden(column1 ,column2 ,...N)
join(primary key , table.foreign key)
rightJoin (primary key , table.foreign key)
leftJoin (primary key , table.foreign key)
limit (limit)
having (condition)
havingRaw (condition)
orderBy (column ,'ASC' || 'DSCE')
orderByRaw(column ,'ASC' || 'DSCE')
latest (column)
latestRaw (column)
oldest (column)
oldestRaw (column)
groupBy (column)
groupByRaw (column)
createMultiple(array objects)
update (objects)
updateMany (objects)
updateMultiple(array objects)
updateOrCreate (objects)
backup({ database , connection })
backupToFile({ filePath, database , connection })
hook((result) => ...) // callback result to function
* registry relation in your models
* @relationship
hasOne({ name, model, localKey, foreignKey, freezeTable , as })
hasMany({ name, model, localKey, foreignKey, freezeTable , as })
belongsTo({ name, model, localKey, foreignKey, freezeTable , as })
belongsToMany({ name, model, localKey, foreignKey, freezeTable, as, pivot })
* @relation using registry in your models
relations(name1 , name2,...nameN) // with(name1, name2,...nameN)
* @relation using registry in your models ignore soft delete
relationsAll(name1 , name2,...nameN) // withAll(name1, name2,...nameN)
* @relation using registry in your models. if exists child data remove this data
relationsExists(name1 , name2,...nameN) // withExists(name1, name2,...nameN)
* @relation using registry in your models return only in trash (soft delete)
relationsTrashed(name1 , name2,...nameN) // withTrashed(name1, name2,...nameN)
* @relation call a name of relation in registry, callback query of data
relationQuery(name, (callback) ) // withQuery(name1, (callback))
* queries statements
* @execute data of statements
findMany() // get()
findOne() // first()
pagination({ limit , page })
save() /* for actions statements insert or update */
Database Transactions
Within a database transaction, you can utilize the following:
const connection = await new DB().beginTransaction();
try {
* @startTransaction start transaction in scopes function
await connection.startTransaction();
const user = await new User()
name: `tspace`,
email: "[email protected]",
* bind method for make sure this connection has same transaction in connection
* @params {Function} connection
const posts = await new Post()
user_id: user.id,
title: `tspace-post1`,
user_id: user.id,
title: `tspace-post2`,
user_id: user.id,
title: `tspace-post3`,
.bind(connection) // don't forget this
* @commit commit transaction to database
await connection.commit();
} catch (err) {
* @rollback rollback transaction
await connection.rollback();
When establishing a connection, you can specify options as follows:
const connection = await new DB().getConnection({
host: 'localhost',
port : 3306,
database: 'database'
username: 'username',
password: 'password',
const users = await new DB('users')
.bind(connection) // don't forget this
To backup a database, you can perform the following steps:
* @param {string} database Database selected
* @param {object | null} to defalut new current connection
const backup = await new DB().backup({
database: 'try-to-backup', // clone current database to this database
to ?: {
host: 'localhost',
port : 3306,
username: 'username',
password: 'password',
* @param {string} database Database selected
* @param {string} filePath file path
* @param {object | null} conection defalut current connection
const backupToFile = await new DB().backupToFile({
database: 'try-to-backup',
filePath: 'backup.sql',
connection ?: {
host: 'localhost',
port : 3306,
database: 'database'
username: 'username',
password: 'password',
// backupToFile => backup.sql
* @param {string} database new db name
await new DB().cloneDB('try-to-clone')
The 'tspace-mysql' library is configured to automatically escape SQL injection by default. Let's example a escape SQL injection and XSs injection:
const input = "admin' OR '1'='1";
// "admin\' OR \'1\'=\'1"
const input = "text hello!<script>alert('XSS attack');</script>";
// "text hello!"
Generating Model Classes
To get started, install the 'tspace-mysql' package globally using the following npm command:
* @install global command
npm install tspace-mysql -g
* @make Model
tspace-mysql make:model <model name> --dir=< directory >
# tspace-mysql make:model User --dir=App/Models
# App/Models/User.ts
Model Conventions
Your database schema using models. These models represent tables in the database Let's example a basic model class:
import { Model } from "tspace-mysql";
// If you want to specify a global setting for the 'Model'
uuid: true,
softDelete: true,
timestamp: true,
logger: true,
class User extends Model {
constructor() {
* Assign setting global in your model
* @useMethod
* this.usePattern('camelCase') // => default 'snake_case'
* this.useCamelCase()
* this.useSnakeCase()
* this.useLogger()
* this.useDebug()
* this.usePrimaryKey('id')
* this.useTimestamp({
* createdAt : 'created_at',
* updatedAt : 'updated_at'
* }) // runing a timestamp when insert or update
* this.useSoftDelete('deletedAt') // => default target to colmun deleted_at
* this.useTable('users')
* this.useTableSingular() // => 'user'
* this.useTablePlural() // => 'users'
* this.useUUID('uuid') // => runing a uuid (universally unique identifier) when insert new data
* this.useRegistry() // => build-in functions registry
* this.useLoadRelationsInRegistry() // => auto generated result from relationship to results
* this.useBuiltInRelationFunctions() // => build-in functions relationships to results
* this.useHooks([(r) => console.log(r)])
* this.useObserver(Observe)
* this.useSchema ({
* id : Blueprint.int().notNull().primary().autoIncrement(),
* uuid : Blueprint.varchar(50).null(),
* name : Blueprint.varchar(191).notNull(),
* email : Blueprint.varchar(191).notNull(),
* created_at : Blueprint.timestamp().null(),
* updated_at : Blueprint.timestamp().null(),
* deleted_at : Blueprint.timestamp().null()
* }) // auto-generated table when table is not exists and auto-create column when column not exists
* // validate input when create or update reference to the schema in 'this.useSchema'
* this.useValidateSchema({
* id : Number,
* uuid : Number,
* name : {
* type : String,
* length : 191
* require : true
* },
* email : {
* type : String,
* require : true,
* length : 191,
* match: /^[a-zA-Z0-9._]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/,
* unique : true,
* fn : (email : string) => !/^[a-zA-Z0-9._]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/.test(email)
* },
* created_at : Date,
* updated_at : Date,
* deleted_at : Date
* })
* the "snake case", plural name of the class will be used as the table name
* @param {string} name The table associated with the model.
export { User };
export default User;
Basic Model Setup
Table Name
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
class User extends Model {
constructor() {
// By default, the model knows that the table name for this User is 'users'
this.useTable('fix_table') // fixtable
this.useTablePlural() // users
this.useTableSingular() // user
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
class UserPhone extends Model {
constructor() {
// By default, the model is pattern snake_case
// The table name is user_phones
// The table name is userPhones
// set the pattern CamelCase for the model
const userPhone = await new UserPhone().where('user_id',1).findOne()
// covert 'user_id' to 'userId'
// SELECT * FROM `userPhones` WHERE `userPhones`.`userId` = '1' LIMIT 1;
// avoid the pattern CamelCase for the model
const userPhone = await new UserPhone().where(DB.freeze('user_id'),1).findOne()
// SELECT * FROM `userPhones` WHERE `userPhones`.`user_id` = '1' LIMIT 1;
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
class User extends Model {
constructor() {
this.useUUID() // insert uuid when creating
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
class User extends Model {
constructor() {
// insert created_at and updated_at when creating
// update updated_at when updating
// 'created_at' and 'updated_at' still relate to pettern the model
// this.useCamelCase() will covert 'created_at' to 'createdAt' and 'updated_at' to 'updatedAt'
// custom the columns
createdAt : 'createdAtCustom',
updatedAt : 'updatedAtCustom'
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
class User extends Model {
constructor() {
this.useDebug() // show the query sql in console when executing
class Observe {
public selected(results) {
console.log({ results , selected : true })
public created(results) {
console.log({ results , created : true })
public updated(results) {
console.log({ results , updated : true })
public deleted(results) {
console.log({ results , deleted : true })
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
class User extends Model {
constructor() {
this.useObserver(Observe) // returning to the observers by statements
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
class User extends Model {
constructor() {
// keep logging everything except select to the table '$loggers'
// the table will automatically be created
// keep logging everything
selected : true,
inserted : true,
updated : true,
deleted : true,
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
class User extends Model {
constructor() {
// when executed will returning the results to any hooks function
(results1) => console.log(results1),
(results2) => console.log(results2),
(results3) => console.log(results3)
Global Scope
class User extends Model {
constructor() {
// Every query will have the global scope applied.
this.globalScope((query : User) => {
return query.select('id').where('id' , '>' , 10).orderBy('id')
const user = await new User().findMany()
// SELECT `users`.`id` FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` > '10' ORDER BY `users`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1
Joins Model
Inner Join Model Clause
await new User().joinModel(User, Post).findMany();
// SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`email`, `users`.`username` FROM `users` INNER JOIN `posts` ON `users`.`id` = `posts`.`user_id`;
// if the model use soft delete
await new User().joinModel(User, Post).findMany();
// SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`email`, `users`.`username` FROM `users`
// INNER JOIN `posts` ON `users`.`id` = `posts`.`user_id`
// WHERE `posts`.`deleted_at` IS NULL AND `users`.`deleted_at` IS NULL;
await new User().select(`${User.table}.*`,`${Post.table}.*`).joinModel(User, Post).findMany();
// SELECT users.*, posts.* FROM `users`
// INNER JOIN `posts` ON `users`.`id` = `posts`.`user_id`
// WHERE `posts`.`deleted_at` IS NULL AND `users`.`deleted_at` IS NULL;
await new User().select('u.*','p.*')
.joinModel({ model : User , key : 'id' , alias : 'u' }, { model : Post , key : 'user_id', alias : 'p'})
// SELECT u.*, p.* FROM `users` AS `u`
// INNER JOIN `posts` AS `p` ON `u`.`id` = `p`.`user_id`
// WHERE `p`.`deleted_at` IS NULL AND `u`.`deleted_at` IS NULL;
await new DB("posts")
.join((join) => {
return join
// SELECT * FROM `posts`
// INNER JOIN `users` ON `posts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
// INNER JOIN `post_user` ON `users`.`id` = `post_user`.`user_id` AND `users`.`id` = `posts`.`user_id`;
Left Join, Right Join Model Clause
await new User().leftJoinModel(User, Post).findMany();
// SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`email`, `users`.`username` FROM `users` LEFT JOIN `posts` ON `users`.`id` = `posts`.`user_id`;
await new User().rightJoinModel(User, Post).findMany();
// SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`email`, `users`.`username` FROM `users` RIGHT JOIN `posts` ON `users`.`id` = `posts`.`user_id`;
Cross Join Model Clause
await new User().crossJoinModel(User, Post).findMany();
// SELECT `users`.`id`, `users`.`email`, `users`.`username` FROM `users` CROSS JOIN `posts` ON `users`.`id` = `posts`.`user_id`;
Relationships are defined as methods on your Model classes. Let's example a basic relationship:
One To One
A one-to-one relationship is used to define relationships where a single model is the parent to one child models
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
import Phone from '../Phone'
class User extends Model {
* @hasOne Get the phone associated with the user.
* @relationship users.id -> phones.user_id
this.hasOne({ name : 'phone' , model : Phone })
* Mark a method for relationship
* @hasOne Get the phone associated with the user. using function callback
* @function
phone (callback) {
return this.hasOneBuilder({ name : 'phone' , model : Phone } , callback)
export default User
import User from '../User'
const user = await new User().relations('phone').findOne() // You can also use the method .with('roles').
// user?.phone => {...}
const userUsingFunction = await new User().phone().findOne()
// userUsingFunction?.phone => {...}
One To Many
A one-to-many relationship is used to define relationships where a single model is the parent to one or more child models.
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
import Comment from '../Comment'
class Post extends Model {
* @hasMany Get the comments for the post.
* @relationship posts.id -> comments.post_id
this.hasMany({ name : 'comments' , model : Comment })
* @hasManyQuery Get the comments for the post. using function callback
* @function
comments (callback) {
return this.hasManyBuilder({ name : 'comments' , model : Comment } , callback)
export default Post
import Post from '../Post'
const posts = await new Post().relations('comments').findOne()
// posts?.comments => [{...}]
const postsUsingFunction = await new Post().comments().findOne()
// postsUsingFunction?.comments => [{...}]
Belongs To
A belongsto relationship is used to define relationships where a single model is the child to parent models.
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
import User from '../User'
class Phone extends Model {
* @belongsTo Get the user that owns the phone.
* @relationship phones.user_id -> users.id
this.belognsTo({ name : 'user' , model : User })
* @belongsToBuilder Get the user that owns the phone.. using function callback
* @function
user (callback) {
return this.belongsToBuilder({ name : 'user' , model : User }, callback)
export default Phone
import Phone from '../Phone'
const phone = await new Phone().relations('user').findOne()
// phone?.user => {...}
const phoneUsingFunction = await new Phone().user().findOne()
// phoneUsingFunction?.user => {...}
Many To Many
Many-to-many relations are slightly more complicated than hasOne and hasMany relationships.
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
import Role from '../Role'
class User extends Model {
* @belongsToMany Get The roles that belong to the user.
* @relationship users.id , roles.id => role_user.user_id , role_user.role_id
this.belognsToMany({ name : 'roles' , model : Role })
* @belongsToBuilder Get the user that owns the phone.. using function callback
* @function
roles (callback) {
return this.belognsToManyBuilder({ model : Role } , callback)
export default User
import User from '../User'
const user = await new User().relations('roles').findOne()
// user?.roles => [{...}]
const userUsingFunction = await new User().roles().findOne()
// user?.roles => [{...}]
Relationships are connections between entities. Let's consider an example of a relationship:
| table users |
| id | username | email |
| 1 | tspace1 | [email protected] |
| 2 | tspace2 | [email protected] |
| 3 | tspace3 | [email protected] |
| table posts |
| id | user_id | title |
| 1 | 1 | posts 1 |
| 2 | 1 | posts 2 |
| 3 | 3 | posts 3 |
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
class User extends Model {
this.hasMany({ name : 'posts' , model : Post })
class Post extends Model {
this.belongsTo({ name : 'user' , model : User })
await new User()
// SELECT * FROM `users` LIMIT 1;
// SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `posts`.`userId` IN (...);
* @returns
* {
* id : 1,
* username: "tspace1",
* email : "[email protected]",
* posts : [
* {
* id : 1 ,
* user_id : 1,
* title : "post 1"
* },
* {
* id : 2 ,
* user_id : 1,
* title : "post 2"
* }
* ]
* }
Deeply Nested Relations
Relationships can involve deep connections. Let's consider an example of a deep relationship:
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
class User extends Model {
this.hasMany({ name : 'posts' , model : Post })
class Post extends Model {
this.hasMany({ name : 'comments' , model : Comment })
this.belongsTo({ name : 'user' , model : User })
this.belongsToMany({ name : 'users' , model : User , modelPivot : PostUser })
class Comment extends Model {
this.hasMany({ name : 'users' , model : User })
this.belongsTo({ name : 'post' , model : Post })
class PostUser extends Model {}
// Deeply nested relations
await new User()
.relationQuery('posts', (query : Post) => {
return query
.relationQuery('comments', (query : Comment) => {
return query.relations('user','post')
.relationQuery('user', (query : User) => {
return query.relations('posts').relationQuery('posts',(query : Post)=> {
return query.relations('comments','user')
// relation n, n, ...n
.relationQuery('users', (query : User) => {
return query
.relationQuery('users', (query : PostUser) => {
return query
}, { pivot : true })
// Select some columns in nested relations
await new User()
.relationQuery('posts', (query : Post) => query.select('id','user_id','title'))
// Where some columns in nested relations
await new User()
.relationQuery('posts', (query : Post) => query.whereIn('id',[1,3,5]))
// Sort data in nested relations
await new User()
.relationQuery('posts', (query : Post) => query.latest('id'))
// Limit data in nested relations
await new User()
.relationQuery('posts', (query : Post) => {
return query
.relationQuery('comments', (query : Comment) => query.limit(1))
Relation Exists
Relationships can return results only if they are not empty in relations, considering soft deletes. Let's illustrate this with an example of an existence check in relations:
| table users | |
| id | username | email | deleted_at |
| 1 | tspace1 | [email protected] | |
| 2 | tspace2 | [email protected] | |
| 3 | tspace3 | [email protected] | |
| table posts | |
| id | user_id | title | deleted_at |
| 1 | 1 | posts 1 |2020-07-15 00:00:00 |
| 2 | 2 | posts 2 | |
| 3 | 3 | posts 3 |2020-07-15 00:00:00 |
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
class User extends Model {
this.hasMany({ name : 'posts' , model : Post })
class Post extends Model {
this.hasMany({ name : 'comments' , model : Comment })
this.belongsTo({ name : 'user' , model : User })
// normal relations
await new User().relations('posts').findMany()
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`deleted_at`;
// SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `posts`.`userId` IN (...) AND `posts`.`deleted_at` IS NULL;
* @returns [
* {
* id : 1,
* username: "tspace1",
* email : "[email protected]",
* posts : []
* },
* {
* id : 2,
* username: "tspace2",
* email : "[email protected]",
* posts : [
* {
* id : 2,
* user_id : 2,
* title : "posts 2"
* }
* ]
* },
* {
* id : 3,
* username: "tspace3",
* email : "[email protected]",
* posts : []
* }
* ]
await new User().relationsExists('posts').findMany()
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`deleted_at` IS NULL
// AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM `posts` WHERE `users`.`id` = `posts`.`user_id` AND `posts`.`deletedA_at` IS NULL);
// SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `posts`.`user_id` IN (...) AND `posts`.`deleted_at` IS NULL;
* @returns [
* {
* id : 2,
* username: "tspace2",
* email : "[email protected]",
* posts : [
* {
* id : 2,
* user_id : 2,
* title : "posts 2"
* }
* ]
* }
* ]
* because posts id 1 and id 3 has been removed from database (using soft delete)
Relation Count
Relationships will retrieving the count of related records without loading the data of related models Let's illustrate this with an example of an existence check in relations:
| table users |
| id | username | email |
| 1 | tspace1 | [email protected] |
| 2 | tspace2 | [email protected] |
| table posts |
| id | user_id | title |
| 1 | 1 | posts 1 |
| 2 | 1 | posts 2 |
| 3 | 2 | posts 3 |
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
class User extends Model {
this.hasMany({ name : 'posts' , model : Post })
// you also use .withCount()
await new User().relationsCount('posts').findMany()
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`deleted_at` IS NULL;
// SELECT `posts`.`user_id`, COUNT(`user_id`) AS `aggregate` FROM `posts`
// WHERE `posts`.`user_id` IN ('1','2') AND `posts`.`deleted_at` IS NULL GROUP BY `posts`.`user_id`;
* @returns [
* {
* id : 1,
* username: "tspace1",
* email : "[email protected]",
* posts : 2
* }
* {
* id : 2,
* username: "tspace2",
* email : "[email protected]",
* posts : 1
* }
* ]
Relation Trashed
Relationships can return results only if they are deleted in table, considering soft deletes. Let's illustrate this with an example:
| table users | |
| id | username | email | deleted_at |
| 1 | tspace1 | [email protected] | |
| 2 | tspace2 | [email protected] | |
| 3 | tspace3 | [email protected] |2020-07-15 00:00:00 |
| table posts | |
| id | user_id | title | deleted_at |
| 1 | 1 | posts 1 |2020-07-15 00:00:00 |
| 2 | 2 | posts 2 | |
| 3 | 3 | posts 3 |2020-07-15 00:00:00 |
import { Model } from 'tspace-mysql'
class User extends Model {
this.hasMany({ name : 'posts' , model : Post })
class Post extends Model {
this.hasMany({ name : 'comments' , model : Comment })
this.belongsTo({ name : 'user' , model : User })
// normal relations
await new User().relations('posts').findMany()
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`deleted_at` IS NULL;
// SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `posts`.`user_id` IN (...) AND `posts`.`deleted_at` IS NULL;
* @returns [
* {
* id : 1,
* username: "tspace1",
* email : "[email protected]",
* posts : []
* }
* {
* id : 2,
* username: "tspace2",
* email : "[email protected]",
* posts : [
* {
* id : 2,
* user_id : 2,
* title : "posts 2"
* }
* ]
* }
* ]
// relationsTrashed
await new User().relationsTrashed('posts').findMany()
// SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`deleted_at` IS NULL;
// SELECT * FROM `posts` WHERE `posts`.`user_id` IN (...) AND `posts`.`deleted_at` IS NOT NULL;