A set of tools to help development using TypeScript
tsds-tools is a collection of TypeScript tools designed to enhance the development process.
yarn add tsds-tools
npm install tsds-tools
Ensures all optional properties in a type are required.
import { AllRequired } from 'tsds-tools'
interface User {
id: string
name?: string
age?: number
type UserRecord = AllRequired<User>
/* Produces:
* interface UserRecord {
* id: string;
* name: string;
* age: number;
* }
Creates a type where keys are IDs and values are objects of type T.
import { ById } from 'tsds-tools'
type UsersById = ById<User>
/* Produces:
* interface UsersById {
* [id: string]: User;
* }
Specifies that a variable only accepts classes that extend from the specified class.
import { ClassType } from 'tsds-tools'
function someFunction(var1: ClassType<Repository>) {
// var1 only accepts classes that extend from the "Repository" class
Flattens a nested type structure by converting nested properties into flat, dotted notation.
import { Flatten } from 'tsds-tools'
interface User {
id: string
name?: string
profile?: UserProfile
interface UserProfile {
bio?: string
age?: number
picture?: URL
interface URL {
url?: string
type FlattenedUser = Flatten<User>
/* Produces:
* interface FlattenedUser {
* id: string;
* name?: string;
* 'profile.bio': string;
* 'profile.age': number;
* 'profile.picture.url': string;
* }
InferredType<Entity, Key>
Infers the type of a specific property within an entity.
import { InferredType } from 'tsds-tools'
interface User {
id: string
roles?: number[]
tags?: string[]
type Type1 = InferredType<User, 'id'> // string
type Type2 = InferredType<User, 'roles'> // number
type Type3 = InferredType<User, 'tags'> // string
KeysOf<Entity, Type = any>
Returns keys of an entity based on the specified type.
import { KeysOf, Primitive } from 'tsds-tools'
interface User {
id: string
name?: string
age?: number
alias?: string[]
limits?: number[]
profile?: UserProfile
interface UserProfile {
bio?: string
type NumberKeys = KeysOf<User, number> // "age"
type NumberArrayKeys = KeysOf<User, number[]> // "limits"
type StringKeys = KeysOf<User, string> // "id" | "name"
type StringArrayKeys = KeysOf<User, string[]> // "alias"
type AllPrimitiveTypes = KeysOf<User, Primitive> // "id" | "name" | "age" | "alias" | "limits"
type AllArrayKeys = KeysOf<User, any[]> // "alias" | "limits"
type AllKeys = KeysOf<User> // "id" | "name" | "age" | "alias" | "limits" | "profile"
KeysOfNonPrimitives<Entity, Type = any>
Returns keys of an entity that have non-primitive types.
import { KeysOfNonPrimitives } from 'tsds-tools'
interface User {
id: string
name?: string
age?: number
alias?: string[]
limits?: number[]
profile?: UserProfile
otherProfiles?: UserProfile[]
interface UserProfile {
bio?: string
type Keys = KeysOfNonPrimitives<User> // "profile"
type NumberArrayKeys = KeysOf<User, number[]> // "limits"
type StringKeys = KeysOf<User, string> // "id" | "name"
type StringArrayKeys = KeysOf<User, string[]> // "alias"
type AllPrimitiveTypes = KeysOf<User, Primitive> // "id" | "name" | "age" | "alias" | "limits"
type AllArrayKeys = KeysOf<User, any[]> // "alias" | "limits"
type AllKeys = KeysOf<User> // "id" | "name" | "age" | "alias" | "limits" | "profile"
TypeOf<Entity, Key>
Extracts the type of a specific property within an entity.
import { TypeOf } from './type-of'
interface User {
id: string
name?: string
age?: number
alias?: string[]
limits?: number[]
profile?: UserProfile
interface UserProfile {
bio?: string
type Type1 = TypeOf<User, 'age'> // number
type Type2 = TypeOf<User, 'name'> // string
type Type3 = TypeOf<User, 'alias'> // string[]
type Type4 = TypeOf<User, 'profile'> // UserProfile
Defines types that are either non-array primitives or array primitives.
type NonArrayPrimitive = boolean | number | string | Date | null
type ArrayPrimitive = Array<NonArrayPrimitive>
type Primitive = NonArrayPrimitive | ArrayPrimitive
deepClone(value: Array | Object)
Creates a deep clone of an array or object.
flatten(value: Array | Object)
Flattens an array or object into a one-dimensional object with dotted notation keys.
import { flatten } from 'tsds-tools'
const result = flatten({ a: 'a', b: { c: [1, 2, 3], d: 'd' } })
* "result" will be :
* {
* 'a': 'a',
* 'b.d': 'd',
* 'b.c.0': 1,
* 'b.c.1': 2,
* 'b.c.2': 3,
* }
filterAsync(items: T[], callback: (item: T, index: number) => Promise)
Asynchronously filters an array based on a provided callback function.
import { filterAsync } from 'tsds-tools';
const result = await filterAsync(array, async callback(i) => true);
mapAsync(items: T[], callback: (item: T, index: number) => Promise)
Asynchronously maps an array based on a provided callback function.
import { mapAsync } from 'tsds-tools';
const result = await mapAsync(array, async callback(i) => Promise.resolve(/* value */));
flatMapAsync(items: T[], callback: (item: T, index: number) => Promise)
Asynchronously performs a flatMap operation on an array based on a provided callback function.
import { flatMapAsync } from 'tsds-tools';
const result = await flatMapAsync(array, async callback(i) => Promise.resolve(/* value */));
reduceAsync(items: T[], callback: (accumulator: O, item: T, index: number) => Promise)
Asynchronously reduces an array based on a provided callback function.
import { reduceAsync } from 'tsds-tools';
const reducedValue = await reduceAsync(array, async callback(accumulator, i) => Promise.resolve(accumulator + i));
getProperty(key: string, entity: Object)
Retrieves a nested property value from an object using a dot-separated key.
import { getProperty } from 'tsds-tools'
const object = {
a: 'A',
b: 1,
c: {
d: {
e: 'E',
f: 2,
h: [1, 2],
g: 'G',
getProperty('c.d.e', object) // returns 'E'
getProperty('c.d.h', object) // returns [1, 2]
getProperty('3.2.1', [0, 1, 2, [1, 2, [4, 5, 6]], 4] as const) // returns 5
isDefined<T>(value: T | null | undefined)
Filters out null and undefined values from an array.
import { isDefined } from 'tsds-tools'
const result = [1, 2, 'x', null, undefined, 0].filter(isDefined)
// result = [1, 2, 'x', 0]
reconstruct<E>(record: Flatten)
Reconstructs an object from its flattened representation.
import { reconstruct } from 'tsds-tools'
const result = reconstruct({ a: 'a', 'b.d': 'd', 'b.c.0': 1, 'b.c.1': 2, 'b.c.2': 3 })
// result = { a: 'a', b: { c: [1, 2, 3], d: 'd' } }
removeNullKeys<E, O>(record: Flatten, prefix?: string)
Removes keys with null values from a flattened object.
import { removeNullKeys } from 'tsds-tools'
const result = removeNullKeys({
id: '1',
value: 0,
key1: [
key1: 'key1',
key2: undefined,
key1: null,
key2: 'key2',
key2: undefined,
other: 'other',
// result = {
// id: '1',
// value: 0,
// key1: [{ key1: 'key1' }, { key2: 'key2' }],
// other: 'other',
// }
setProperty(key: any, value: any, entity: Object)
Sets a nested property value in an object using a dot-separated key.
import { setProperty } from 'tsds-tools'
setProperty('a.b', 'B') // returns { a: { b: 'B' } }
setProperty('a.b', 'B', { a: { c: 'C' }, z: 1 }) // returns { a: { b: 'B', c: 'C' }, z: 1 }
toByProperty<T>(array: T[], property: keyof T = 'id' as any)
Converts an array of objects into an object where keys are values of a specified property.
import { toByProperty } from 'tsds-tools'
const array = [
{ id: 1, name: 'User 1' },
{ id: 2, name: 'User 2' },
{ id: 3, name: 'User 3' },
// {
// 1: { id: 1, name: 'User 1' },
// 2: { id: 2, name: 'User 2' },
// 3: { id: 3, name: 'User 3' },
// })
toArrayByProperty<T>(array: T[], property: keyof T = 'id' as any)
Converts an array of objects into an object where keys are values of a specified property, and values are arrays of objects.
import { toArrayByProperty } from 'tsds-tools'
const array = [
{ id: 1, name: 'User 1' },
{ id: 2, name: 'User 1' },
{ id: 3, name: 'User 3' },
toArrayByProperty(array, 'name')
// {
// 'User 1': [{ id: 1, name: 'User 1' }, { id: 2, name: 'User 1' }],
// 'User 3': [{ id: 3, name: 'User 3' }],
// }
toNonNullArray<T>(array: Array<T | undefined | null>)
Filters out null and undefined values from an array.
import { toNonNullArray } from 'tsds-tools'
toNonNullArray([1, 2, 'x', null, undefined, 0]) // returns [1, 2, 'x', 0]
Automatic Release
The table below shows the release types based on commit messages:
| Commit message | Release type | | ------------------- | --------------------- | | fix: [comment] | Patch Release | | feat: [comment] | Minor Feature Release | | perf: [comment] | Major Feature Release | | doc: [comment] | No Release | | refactor: [comment] | No Release | | chore: [comment] | No Release |