Teamspeak 3 telegram server bot
This is a fork of notification bot "TSOBot" for TeamSpeak 3 servers. It can send various notifications, when users join/leave based on subscription type, have some commands for view client list (online/full) and server channel tree
Before installing bot, make sure to set the right b_virtualserver_notify_register for guests on you TS3 server.
Create a new Telegram bot by sending a message to @Botfather in Telegram. He'll send you your Bot API key and gives you all information you need to run your bot. You'll find further information concerning bots at Telegram.
Ts3TgBot utilizes MongoDB to store active subscriptions and . Therefore a running MongoDB instance is mandatory. Download and install it from here.
Go ahead and install Ts3TgBot via npm:
npm install ts3tgbot
Navigate to the folder of the newly installed Ts3TgBot module. Create a new
file by copying the existingsettingsExample.json
and fill it with your personal settings:
- botApiKey: You'll receive this from Telegrams @Botfather.
- mongooseConnection: Connection string for your MongoDB database.
- server: IP or hostname of your TS3 server.
- port: TS3 server port. If empty, default port will be used (9987).
- queryPort: TS3 ServerQuery port. If empty, default port will be used (10011).
- Run
npm start
in context of your node_modules/tsobot folder to start the bot.
These commmands are supported:
- /connect - Show connect url link (can be configured)
- /start - Initial command to start conversation with the bot (creates user in db)
- /stop or /stahp - Omit this command and you'll never hear anything again from the bot. All your subscriptions will be deleted.
- /who or /list - Displays user list currently online
- /tree or /map - Displays server channel tree (map) with users in current channels
- /whitelist - Switch notification mode to whitelist (notify about all users, except users in subscribes list) - default
- /blacklist - Switch notification mode to blacklist (notify only about users in subscribes list)
- /mode - Displays the current notification mode
- /listall or /whoall - Displays all clients in the database with ids and last online status
- /subscribe or /sub username/id from database - Add username to your subscribe list.
- /unsubscribe or /unsub username/id from database - Remove username from your subscribe list.
- /subscriptions - Show all active subscriptions.
TSOBot was developed on node.js with ES2015. Ts3TgBot was developed based on TSOBot in VSCode ;)
It works thanks to these node packages:
- node-teamspeak
- node-telegram-bot-api
- mongoose
- and, of course, TSOBot plugin