TypeScript Language Service Plugin for Vue
TypeScript Language Service Plugin for Vue
WARNING: This plugin is in an alpha state. For a more polished experience, try the VS Code plugin vetur. This plugin, however, works with the Typescript language service. So you can use it with whatever editor you want.
This plugin does three things for Javascript and Typescript source in a .vue
- It uses
to parse out the script section of a.vue
file. - It wraps a default exported object literal in
new Vue(...)
in order to propagate the Vue contextual type so that no type annotations are needed. - It uses the Typescript language service to provide completions.
It also resolves import other from "other.vue";
statements in the same manner.
It does not support completions in the template
tag. It doesn't
even support the template
or style
Features left to add
- Recognise ES5-style
module.exports = { ...
in addition to ES6export default { ...
. - Recognise only lang="javascript", lang="typescript" and no lang attribute. Others should not turn on the language service.
$ npm install ts-vue-plugin
- Add plugin to tsconfig.
compilerOptions: {
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"plugins": [{ "name": "ts-vue-plugin" }]
- Run the Select TypeScript version command in VS Code to use the workspace version of TypeScript. You can find more information about managing typescript versions in the VS Code documentation.
For example, in Emacs, add the line:
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.vue$" . typescript-mode))
If you're Vim user, you can use tsuquyomi-vue.
Now you have typescript support inside the script tags. HTML and CSS support are non-existent right now.