A set of tools to generate json-schema validations from typescript interface(s) and methods to validate unknown data at runtime against them
Get bulletproof type validation based off typescript interfaces without any extra work. This package will ingest your existing types and generate the code for you.
This is a code generator that is designed to run as a yarn / npm script. By default scans your source directory for files ending in the provided glob pattern. It will generate types based off exported type aliases and typescript interfaces. By default: *.jsonschema.{ts,tsx}
. The output will create three files:
- containing the jsonschema types./src/SchemaDefinition.ts
- containing the typescript../src/isValidSchema.ts
- containing a type guard type inferring helper method (intended for consumption in your code base - examples below)./src/ValidationType.ts
- containing an exported namespace containing every single exported validation type
The schema generator does not allow multiple interfaces / types to share the same name.
The helper file assumes you have ajv-validator peer dependency installed. Since this is only a code generation tool this package can be installed as a dev dependency.
# yarn
yarn add --dev ts-runtime-validation
# npm
npm install --dev ts-runtime-validation
CLI usage
Ensure your project files containing the schemas you want to validate end with the prefix .jsonschema.ts
Usage: ts-runtime-validation [options]
--glob Glob file path of typescript files to generate ts-interface -> json-schema validations - default: *.jsonschema.{ts,tsx}
--rootPath <rootFolder> RootPath of source (default: "./src")
--output <outputFolder> Code generation output directory (relative to root path) (default: "./.ts-runtime-validation")
--tsconfigPath <tsconfigPath> Path to customt tsconfig (relative to root path) (default: "")
--generate-helpers Only generate JSON schema without typescript helper files (default: true)
--additionalProperties Allow additional properties to pass validation (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command
Done in 0.44s.
npm script usage
The intended use for ts-runtime-validation is as a npm script. Here it can also be tweaked to watch (eg. using nodemon)
"scripts": {
"generate-types": "ts-runtime-validation"
"devDependencies": {
"ts-runtime-validation": "^1.4.1"
Example snippets
Type guard
import { isValidSchema } from "./.ts-runtime-validation/isValidSchema"; // this is autogenerated by the CLI as a helper file
if (isValidSchema(data, "#/definitions/ITypeA")) {
// variable: data in this block will have typings for ITypeA
} else {
// type is invalid and not known here
throw new Error("Failed to validate payload");
Type assertion
import * as schema from "../runtime-validation/validation.schema.json";
import Ajv from "ajv";
import { ISchema, schemas } from "../runtime-validation/SchemaDefinition";
const validator = new Ajv({ allErrors: true });
export const assertValidSchema = <T extends keyof typeof schemas>(data: unknown, schemaKeyRef: T): data is ISchema[T] => {
validator.validate(schemaKeyRef as string, data);
if (validator.errors || Boolean(validator.errors)) {
const error = { schemaKeyRef, errors: validator.errorsText(), data };
if (process.env.ENVIRONMENT === "dev") {
throw new Error(JSON.stringify(error));
return true;
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