A package that helps you to save a simple entity structure to redis. With various features like expire, update with conditions.
A package that helps you to save a simple entity structure to redis. With various features like expire, update with conditions.
The entity structure is saved using hmset.
Quick Start
import {BaseEntity, Column, Entity, tsRedisEntity} from "ts-redis-entity";
@Entity({namespace: "QuickStart", connection: "default"})
class QuickStart extends BaseEntity {
public id: string = "";
public number: number = 10;
async function quickStartExamples() {
await tsRedisEntity.addConnection("default", { port: 6380, host: "" });
const entity = QuickStart.new({id: "1", number: 10});
await entity.create({expire: 60}); // expire in 60 seconds
const foundEntity = await QuickStart.find("1");
if (foundEntity) {
const getValues = foundEntity.getValues();
foundEntity.setValues({number: 20});
await foundEntity.update({expire: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 60 * 1000)});
More Examples
import {BaseEntity, Column, Entity, errorCodes, OperationError, tsRedisEntity} from "ts-redis-entity";
@Entity({namespace: "TestingEntity", connection: "default"})
class TestingEntity extends BaseEntity {
public id: string = "";
public value: string = "";
public number?: number = 0;
public date?: Date = new Date();
@Column({parseDate: true})
public object?: any = {};
public array?: any[] = [];
public boolean?: boolean = false;
public nullableString: string | null = null;
async function saveIfExamples() {
const entity = await TestingEntity.new({id: "prefix", number: 10}).create();
const foundEntity = await TestingEntity.find("prefix");
entity.number = 11;
await entity.update();
if (foundEntity) {
try {
foundEntity.number = 12;
await foundEntity.updateIf({number: 11});
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof OperationError) {
console.assert(err.errorCode === errorCodes.conditionNotMatch);
async function finaAllExamples() {
const entity1 = await TestingEntity.new({id: "prefix1"}).create();
const entity2 = await TestingEntity.new({id: "prefix2"}).create();
const keys = await TestingEntity.findAllIds("prefix");
// keys = ["prefix1", "prefix2"]
const stream = TestingEntity.scanAllIds("prefix1");
stream.on("data", ids => console.log(ids));
stream.on("end", () => console.log("end"));