PDF.js-based PDF viewer
ts-pdf 📄
How it works in a nutshell
PDF file source data (decrypted if needed) is parsed using the custom parser written from scratch. Annotations of all the supported types are extracted from the source file. The resulting PDF file (without the supported annotations) is handled by the PDF.js worker, which is used to render the file contents and build a text layer. The extracted annotations are rendered to SVG on top of the pages by the custom PDF appearance stream renderer. User can modify or delete any supported annotation or add new annotations of the supported types by using provided UI. The annotations can be imported or exported at any time using corresponding methods. All changes are made can be saved to a new PDF file, which can be downloaded or returned to the caller as a byte array.
Currently supported annotation types
Currently supported PDF encryption algorithms
Yet to be implemented
Currently supported PDF stream encoding algorithms
Not implemented yet
Getting started
Installation into your project
npm install ts-pdf
Running the simplest example
import { TsPdfViewer, TsPdfViewerOptions } from "ts-pdf";
async function run(): Promise<void> {
const options: TsPdfViewerOptions = {
containerSelector: "#your-html-container-selector",
workerSource: "assets/pdf.worker.min.js", // path to the PDF.js worker script
userName: "your_username",
// you can check other properties using your editor hints
const viewer = new TsPdfViewer(options);
await viewer.openPdfAsync("your_file.pdf");
⚠️for viewer to function properly its container element must have relative, absolute or fixed position!
Changing the color scheme
To apply a custom color scheme to the viewer, assign color values to the following CSS variables. Default values are used for omitted variables.
:root {
--tspdf-color-primary: rgba(77, 88, 115, 1);
--tspdf-color-primary-tr: rgba(77, 88, 115, 0.9);
--tspdf-color-secondary: rgb(113, 133, 150);
--tspdf-color-secondary-tr: rgba(113, 133, 150, 0.9);
--tspdf-color-accent: rgba(64, 72, 95, 1);
--tspdf-color-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);
--tspdf-color-bg: rgba(128, 128, 128,1);
--tspdf-color-fg-primary: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
--tspdf-color-fg-secondary:rgba(187, 187, 187, 1);
--tspdf-color-fg-accent: rgb(255, 204, 0);
--tspdf-color-text-selection: rgba(104, 104, 128, 0.3);
Keyboard shortcuts
Solving Angular app compilation issue
When using this module inside an Angular app you can face the problem that your project is not compiling because of 'SyntaxError: Unexpected token'. The cause of such behavior is that Angular 11.x and lower use Webpack v4.x that does not support fluent null-check syntax ('?.'), which is present in 'pdfjs-dist' build. The easy solution is to replace
"main": "build/pdf.js"
"main": "es5/build/pdf.js"
The other one is to make your own build of PDF.js.