A node.js library to extract IPTC data from image headers
This module is based on the node-iptc: https://github.com/derekbaron/node-iptc The reason of this module is that node-iptc did not accept pull requests and does not have typescript type definitions available.
This module extracts IPTC information from JPEG files.
IPTC is (mostly non-technical) structured metadata about the image with fields like creator/artist, copyright, keywords, category, etc.
For more information, see: http://www.adobe.com/devnet-apps/photoshop/fileformatashtml/#50577409_38034
Installing using npm:
npm install ts-node-iptc
import {IptcParser} from "ts-node-iptc";
fs.readFile("myImage.jpeg", function(err, data) {
if (err) { throw err }
let iptcData = IptcParser.parse(data);
//TODO: handle exception
Sample output
"by_line": [
"Ralf Roletschek"
"date_created": "20111119",
"time_created": "195544+0000",
"copyright_notice": "(C) Ralf Roletschek",
"date_time": "2011-12-19T19:55:44.000Z"
Supported tags:
object_type_reference?: string;
object_attribute_reference?: string;
object_name?: string;
edit_status?: string;
editorial_update?: string;
urgency?: string;
subject_reference?: string;
category?: string;
supplemental_categories?: string[];
fixture_id?: string[];
keywords?: string[];
content_location_code?: string[];
content_location_name?: string[];
release_date?: string;
release_time?: string;
expiration_date?: string;
expiration_time?: string;
special_instructions?: string;
action_advised?: string;
reference_service?: string[];
reference_date?: string[];
reference_number?: string[];
date_created?: string;
time_created?: string;
digital_date_created?: string;
digital_time_created?: string;
originating_program?: string;
program_version?: string;
object_cycle?: string;
by_line?: string[];
caption?: string; // not in spec, but observed in situ
by_line_title?: string[];
city?: string;
sub_location?: string;
province_or_state?: string;
country_or_primary_location_code?: string;
country_or_primary_location_name?: string;
original_transmission_reference?: string;
headline?: string;
credit?: string;
source?: string;
copyright_notice?: string;
contact?: string;
local_caption?: string;
caption_writer?: string[];
rasterized_caption?: string;
image_type?: string;
image_orientation?: string;
language_identifier?: string;
audio_type?: string;
audio_sampling_rate?: string;
audio_sampling_resolution?: string;
audio_duration?: string;
audio_outcue?: string;
job_id?: string;
master_document_id?: string;
short_document_id?: string;
unique_document_id?: string;
owner_id?: string;
object_preview_file_format?: string;
object_preview_file_format_version?: string;
object_preview_data?: string;