Manage google drive easily. Support create folders, upload files, download files, searching, etc..
Google Drive API Library
Manage Google Drive easily. Support create folders, upload files, download files, searching, etc.. The library is build with Google Drive API v3.
- Create Folders
- Upload Files
- Download Files (as Buffer)
- Powerful file query tools
- Empty Trash
import {TsGoogleDrive} from "ts-google-drive";
import {google} from "googleapis";
const tsGoogleDrive = new TsGoogleDrive({keyFilename: "serviceAccount.json"});
async function auth() {
const drive1 = new TsGoogleDrive({keyFilename: "serviceAccount.json"});
const drive2 = new TsGoogleDrive({credentials: {client_email: "", private_key: ""}});
// https://www.npmjs.com/package/google-auth-library
const drive3 = new TsGoogleDrive({oAuthCredentials: {access_token: ""}});
const drive4 = new TsGoogleDrive({oAuthCredentials: {refresh_token: ""}, oauthClientOptions: {clientId: "", clientSecret: ""}});
async function getSingleFile() {
const fileId = "";
const file = await tsGoogleDrive.getFile(fileId);
if (file) {
const isFolder = file.isFolder;
async function listFolders() {
const folderId = "";
const folders = await tsGoogleDrive
async function createFolder() {
const folderId = "";
const newFolder = await tsGoogleDrive.createFolder({
name: "testing",
parent: folderId,
// try to search for it again
const foundFolder = await tsGoogleDrive
.setModifiedTime("=", newFolder.modifiedAt)
async function uploadAndDownload() {
const folderId = "";
const filename = "./icon.png";
const newFile = await tsGoogleDrive.upload(filename, {parent: folderId});
const downloadBuffer = await newFile.download();
// you have to use "googleapis" package
// of if you want stream
const drive = google.drive({version: "v3", auth: newFile.client});
const file = await drive.files.get({
fileId: newFile.id,
alt: 'media'
}, {responseType: "stream"});
file.data.on("data", data => {
// stream data
file.data.on("end", () => {
// stream end
// or use pipe
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('./output.png');
async function search() {
const folderId = "";
const query = await tsGoogleDrive
// or you can use any query https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/search-files
query.setQuery("name = 'hello'");
while (query.hasNextPage()) {
const folders = await query.run();
for (const folder of folders) {
await folder.delete();
async function emptyTrash() {
await tsGoogleDrive.emptyTrash();
Using Service Account
- Create a Google Cloud Project
- Create Service Account
- Service account details > Choose any service account name > CREATE
- Grant this service account access to project > CONTINUE
- Grant users access to this service account ( > CREATE KEY
- Save the key file into your project
- Enable Drive API
- APIs and Services > Enable APIS AND SERVICES
- Search Google Drive API > Enable
- To access shared folder
- Open the JSON key file, you will find an email [email protected].
- Go to your Google Drive Folder and shared the edit permission to the email address.
- Create using serviceAccount.json
const drive1 = new TsGoogleDrive({keyFilename: "serviceAccount.json"});
- Create using client_email and private_key (which is available inside the services account JSON)
const drive2 = new TsGoogleDrive({credentials: {client_email: "", private_key: ""}});
Using OAuth
- You can take reference on below link how to grab an oauth access token
- https://medium.com/@terence410/using-google-oauth-to-access-its-api-nodejs-b2678ade776f
const drive3 = new TsGoogleDrive({oAuthCredentials: {access_token: ""}});
const drive4 = new TsGoogleDrive({oAuthCredentials: {refresh_token: ""}, oauthClientOptions: {clientId: "", clientSecret: ""}});
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/googleapis
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/google-auth-library
- https://developers.google.com/drive