Cleans a distribution directory by removing distribution files of deleted source files
A simple script that can be used to cleanup previously transpiled typescript files. When typescript is setup to transpile files from a source to distribution folder, it won't automatically remove distribution files when their source file is deleted. ts-cleaner can take care of this task for you, both in single time build mode, or in watch mode.
Npm: ts-cleaner
tsc && ts-cleaner
concurrently "tsc --watch" "ts-cleaner --watch"
Usage: ts-cleaner [options] [command]
help Display help
version Display version
-d, --dist [value] The distribution folder with js files (defaults to "dist")
-h, --help Output usage information
-i, --ifDeclared If set to true, js files in dist will only be removed if a file with the same name and a .d.ts extension is also present
-s, --src [value] The source folder with ts files (defaults to "src")
-v, --verbose Whether to show messages for files being deleted (disabled by default)
-V, --version Output the version number
-w, --watch Whether to watch for files being deleted (disabled by default)
Node usage
ts-cleaner also provides two simple functions for usage from within a node script:
const tsCleaner = require("ts-cleaner");
* Cleans the directory by removing dist files that no longer have a source file
* Arguments: Source directory, distribution directory, verbose
* Where a directory is either an absolute path, or a path relative to process.cwd()
tsCleaner.clean("srcDir", "distDir", true);
* Cleans the directory by removing dist files when a src file is deleted
* Arguments: Source directory, distribution directory, ifDeclared, verbose
* Where a directory is either an absolute path, or a path relative to process.cwd(),
* and ifTsDeclaration does the same as the argument
tsCleaner.watch("srcDir", "distDir", false, true);