utility-functions to perform arithmetical operations on data with any shape.<br/> transform 1 object typesafe into the other.
🦖 trypticon
utility-functions to perform arithmetical operations on data with any shape. transform 1 object typesafe into the other.
Quick start
Install it:
npm i trypticon
# or
yarn add trypticon
# or
pnpm add trypticon
Use it:
- addition
import { add } from 'trypticon'
add(1, 2)
// 3
add(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
// 21
add({ value: 1}, { value: 2})
// {value: 3}
add([1, 2], [3, 4])
// {value: [4, 6]}
add({ value: [0, 1]}, 2)
// {value: [2, 3]}
add({ value: [{nested: 1}, 2]}, { value: [{nested: 3}, 4]}, 2)
// {value: [{nested: 6}, 8]}
options: {strict: boolean = false, string: boolean = false}
add({strict: true})({value: 1}, {value: "b"}, {value: 2})
// undefined
add({strict: false})({value: 1}, {value: "b"}, {value: 2})
// {value: 3} -> will choose first 'valid' type as the correct type
add({string: true})({value: "a"}, {value: "b"}, {value: "c"})
// {value: "abc"}
add({string: false})({value: "a"}, {value: "b"}, {value: "c"})
// {value: "a"}
- multiplication
import { multiply } from 'trypticon'
multiply(1, 2)
// 2
multiply(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
// 720
multiply({ value: 1}, { value: 2})
// {value: 2}
multiply([1, 2], [3, 4])
// [3, 8]
multiply({ value: [0, 1]}, 2)
// {value: [0, 2]}
multiply({ value: [{nested: 1}, 2]}, { value: [{nested: 3}, 4]}, 2)
// {value: [{nested: 8}, 12]}
options: {strict: boolean = false}
result = multiply({strict: true})({value: 1}, {value: "b"}, {value: 2})
// undefined
result = multiply({strict: false})({value: 1}, {value: "b"}, {value: 2})
// {value: 2} -> will choose first 'valid' type as the correct type
multiply({strict: true})({value: 1}, {value: "b"}, {value: 2})
// undefined
multiply({strict: false})({value: 1}, {value: "b"}, {value: 2})
// {value: 3} -> will choose first 'valid' type as the correct type
multiply({string: true})({value: "a"}, {value: "b"}, {value: "c"})
// {value: "abc"}
multiply({string: false})({value: "a"}, {value: "b"}, {value: "c"})
// {value: "a"}