This code is much spaghetti and was made 1 year ago. Use instead.
! Dont use this
This code is much spaghetti and was made 1 year ago. Use instead.
Trollbox-bot is a minimal library for making simple, fast-responding trollbox bots for windows 93.
Use the package manager npm to install trollbox-bot.
npm i trollbox-bot
First of all, require() the module into your project.
tb = require("trollbox-bot")
Connecting your bot
tb.connect("Name","Color","Prefix","Welcome message")
Because the official trollbox isn't available right now, use "setAddress" to change the websocket address (and optional path, read up on path header)
onconnect, all further commands MUST be inside this function
tb.onconnect = function(socket) {
//commands here
setcommand - to make a message the bot can respond to
tb.setcommand("ah",function(data, socket) {
//When a user says "a" with the prefix, the bot will send back "AH!"
//Have a look through the data variable for info on the command that was sent.
the "data" json passed contains:
date: 1618120112288,
nick: 'joe',
color: '#f78b00',
style: '',
home: 'Njg1MDg',
msg: '=a'
The "date" is for when the message was sent in some time thing
The "nick" is the name of the user
The "color" is the html color of the user
The "style"... im not sure, dont worry about it
The "home" is a string that can be used to identify the client as it never changes
The "msg" is the message that was sent that triggered the command, useful for more advanced commands
onmessage - Fires a function when a message is sent, complex but useful in some cases.
bt.onmessage(function(data) {
//The "data" is sometimes different to the data on setcommand.
//Log it in the console and inspect it so you know whats in it
//Im lazy to put it here
onuserjoined - Fire a function when a user joins
tb.onuserjoined(function(data) {
onuserleft - Fire a function when a user leaves
tb.onuserleft(function(data) {
updatecolor - Updates the color of the bot
updatename - Updates the name of the bot
tb.updatename("Joebot (=)")
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
My bot
Feel free to check out my bot,(even though it wasn't made with this package), BONZI!
On trollbox there should be a bot called "bonzibuddy (-)"
Say -help for a list of commands!
Bots made with this
None so far that has been noted
If you want your bot in this README, contact me at [email protected].