a 5-trit text coding
A 5-trit text format, analogous to 7-bit ASCII
var toUnicode = require('trit-text').toUnicode;
var isInverted = require('trit-text').isInverted;
var fromUnicode = require('trit-text').fromUnicode;
var fromEvent = require('trit-text').fromEvent;
var allUnicode = require('trit-text').allUnicode;
var toTritmap9x14 = require('trit-text').toTritmap9x14;
The trit-text codepoints range from -121 to +121, comparable to ASCII 0 to 127.
converts between Unicode and trit-text, and isInverted returns whether the
character is "inverted"/emphasized (that is, -121 to -1; normal characters are 1 to 121):
toUnicode(42); // 'a'
fromUnicode('a'); // 42
isInverted(42); // false
isInverted(-42); // true
takes a DOM keydown event and returns a representative trit-text character codepoint.
returns a 9x14 tritmap (analogous to bitmap) to graphically represent the given character.
Codepoint reference:
+1 to +121 normal text (ex: black on white, green on black)
-1 to -121 inverted/emphasized (ex: reverse video white on black, red on black)
00000 = 0 NUL null, string terminator, only unbalanced; in serial mode zero-width, matrix mode alternating flashing normal/inverted
00001 = 1 1
0001i = 2 2
00010 = 3 3
00011 = 4 4
001ii = 5 5
001i0 = 6 6
001i1 = 7 7
0010i = 8 8
00100 = 9 9
00101 = 10 0
0011i = 11 ESC escape/reserved code, visual representation: ⌂ U+2302 house
00110 = 12 NL newline, \n, linefeed, visual representation: ♪ U+266a eighth note
00111 = 13 SP space
(01xxx=left, pairs with 10xxx=right, and control(1i)=01, shift-control(11)=10)
left punctuation right punctuation
01iii = 14 @ 10iii = 68 `
01ii0 = 15 ☺ U+263A smiley 10ii0 = 69 ☻ U+263B inverted smiley
01ii1 = 16 ♥ U+2665 hearts 10ii1 = 70 ♦ U+2666 diamonds
01i0i = 17 ♣ U+2663 clubs 10i0i = 71 ♠ U+2660 spades
01i00 = 18 • U+2022 bullet 10i00 = 72 ◘ U+25D8 inverted bullet
01i01 = 19 ○ U+25CB circle 10i01 = 73 ◙ U+25D9 inverted circle
01i1i = 20 ♂ U+2642 male 10i1i = 74 ♀ U+2640 female
01i10 = 21 ☼ U+263C solar 10i10 = 75 ▒ U+2592 medium shade
01i11 = 22 ← U+2190 left arrow 10i11 = 76 → U+2192 right arrow
010ii = 23 ↑ U+2191 up arrow 100ii = 77 ↓ U+2193 down arrow
010i0 = 24 « U+00AB left-pointing double angle quot 100i0 = 78 » U+00BB right-pointing double angle quot
010i1 = 25 ± U+00B1 plus-minus sign 100i1 = 79 ∓ U+2213 minus-or-plus sign
0100i = 26 ( 1000i = 80 )
01000 = 27 [ 10000 = 81 ]
01001 = 28 < 10001 = 82 >
0101i = 29 { 1001i = 83 }
01010 = 30 \ 10010 = 84 /
01011 = 31 . 10011 = 85 ,
011ii = 32 ; 101ii = 86 :
011i0 = 33 ' 101i0 = 87 "
011i1 = 34 ! 101i1 = 88 ?
0110i = 35 # 1010i = 89 $
01100 = 36 % 10100 = 90 &
01101 = 37 - 10101 = 91 +
0111i = 38 * 1011i = 92 |
01110 = 39 = 10110 = 93 ≈ U+2248 approximately equal
01111 = 40 ^ 10111 = 94 ~
(1cxxxx = letters, where c=case, i=lower, 1=upper - toggle 2nd mst i=lowercase,1=uppercase (includes _ and ‾, allow in program identifiers)
lowercase letters uppercase letters
1iiii = 41 ‾ U+203E overline (standalone) 11iii = 95 _ underline
1iii0 = 42 a 11ii0 = 96 A
1iii1 = 43 b 11ii1 = 97 B
1ii0i = 44 c 11i0i = 98 C
1ii00 = 45 d 11i00 = 99 D
1ii01 = 46 e 11i01 = 100 E
1ii1i = 47 f 11i1i = 101 F
1ii10 = 48 g 11i10 = 102 G
1ii11 = 49 h 11i11 = 103 H
1i0ii = 50 i 110ii = 104 I
1i0i0 = 51 j 110i0 = 105 J
1i0i1 = 52 k 110i1 = 106 K
1i00i = 53 l 1100i = 107 L
1i000 = 54 m 11000 = 108 M
1i001 = 55 n 11001 = 109 N
1i01i = 56 o 1101i = 110 O
1i010 = 57 p 11010 = 111 P
1i011 = 58 q 11011 = 112 Q
1i1ii = 59 r 111ii = 113 R
1i1i0 = 60 s 111i0 = 114 S
1i1i1 = 61 t 111i1 = 115 T
1i10i = 62 u 1110i = 116 U
1i100 = 63 v 11100 = 117 V
1i101 = 64 w 11101 = 118 W
1i11i = 65 x 1111i = 119 X
1i110 = 66 y 11110 = 120 Y
1i111 = 67 z 11111 = 121 Z
Codepoints above are shown in decimal and balanced-ternary. Some characters above are inspired by the CP437 character set, and the IBM PC EGA 9x14 bitmap font.