simple software renderer. render an image of a triangle mesh directly to a pixel buffer without using the GPU.
simple software renderer. render an image of a triangle mesh with textures or vertex colors directly to a pixel buffer without using the GPU.
npm i triangles-mesh-renderer
Minimal usage
var tmr = require('triangles-mesh-renderer');
//build camera matrix
var cameraEye = [64,64,64]; //camera position
var cameraTarget = [0,0,0]; //camera looking point
var pvMatrix = tmr.buildPVMatrix(cameraEye, cameraTarget, up=[0, 1, 0], cameraFovRadians=Math.PI/4, aspect=320/240)
//get triangles of stanford bunny
var bunny = require('bunny'); //{cells, positions}
var triangles = require('triangles-index').deindexTriangles_meshView(bunny); //list of raw triangles, each one [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z]]
var config = {
pixelBuffer:pixelBuffer, //flat pixel buffer [r,g,b,a, r,g,b,a, r,g,b,a, ... ]
width:width, //buffer width
height:height, //buffer height
triangles:triangles, //list of triangles, each one has format [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z]]
triangleColors: colors, //array of colors -- if flatShading=true, [r,g,b] per triangle -- if false, [[r,g,b],[r,g,b],[r,g,b]] for each triangle
//rendering textures:
//if you include all these commented fields, triangles will be rendered with textures:
//triangleUvs: uvList, //each triangle gets 3 uv's , [ [[u,v],[u,v],[u,v]], [[u,v],[u,v],[u,v]], ...]
//textureBuffer: textureBuffer, //same format as pixelBuffer
//textureWidth: textureWidth, //texture width in pixels
//textureHeight: textureHeight, //texture height in pixels
cameraEye:cameraEye, //[x,y,z]
pvMatrix:pvMatrix, //4x4 matrix representing camera
edgesOnly:edgesOnly, //default false, wireframe more
doUpscale4x: doUpscale4x, //default fault, 4x EPX upscale [4x smaller render]
//doUpscale2x: doUpscale2x, //similar to doUpscale4x
//doAntiAlias: doAntiAlias, //default false, 2x EPX anti-aliasing [render size unchanged. can be used at same time as doUpscale4x/2x]
flatShading: flatShading, //default false, flat shading / vertex shading - default false
doFastSort: doFastSort //default false, enable pigeonhole sort -- faster, less accurate
//backfaceCulling: true, //default true - skip triangles facing away from camera
//frontfaceCulling: false //default false - skip triangles facing camera ["invert" the space] - note - this is ignored if backfaceCulling=true
var imgData = rt.renderTriangles(config);
Complete example with SDL - spinning bunny viewer
var windowWidth = 640;
var windowHeight = 480;
var doUpscale4x = false; //if true, renders at 1/4 resolution then upscales with EPX algorithm
var doAntiAlias = false;
var edgesOnly = false; //if true, renders wireframe
var rt = require('triangles-mesh-renderer');
var bunny = require('bunny'); //{cells, positions}
var triangles = require('triangles-index').deindexTriangles_meshView(bunny); //list of raw triangles, each one [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z]]
var triangleColorsFlat =; //1 color per triangle [r,g,b] -- [255, 255, 255] for white etc
var triangleColorsVerts =>[rt.randomColor(),rt.randomColor(),rt.randomColor()]); //1 color per vert, each triangle gets [[r,g,b],[r,g,b],[r,g,b]]
//basic SDL window
var sdl = require('@kmamal/sdl');
var window ={ resizable: true, width: windowWidth, height: windowHeight })
var { width, height } = window
var stride = width * 4
var pixelBuffer = Buffer.alloc(width*height*4);
//loading texture data...
var textureData = require('image-sync').read('./earth.png'); //{width, height, data, saveAs}
function renderOne(){
var radius = 16; //camera spin radius
var targetPt = [0,5,0]; //point the camera is looking at
var autoRes = rt.autoRotateCamera(radius, targetPt); //generates a camera spinning around the origin
var pvMatrix = autoRes.pvMatrix; //find projected view matrix for camera
var cameraEye = autoRes.cameraEye;
var flatShading = true; //if false, use per-vertex coloring system, otherwise each triangle is a solid color
var doFastSort = false; //if true, uses pigeonhole sort to sort triangles by depth - faster but less accurate
var colors = flatShading ? triangleColorsFlat : triangleColorsVerts;
rt.clearBuffer(pixelBuffer); //reset the buffer to black
var config = {
pixelBuffer:pixelBuffer, //flat pixel buffer [r,g,b,a, r,g,b,a, r,g,b,a, ... ]
width:width, //buffer width
height:height, //buffer height
triangles:triangles, //list of triangles, each one has format [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z]]
triangleColors: colors, //array of colors -- if flatShading=true, [r,g,b] per triangle -- if false, [[r,g,b],[r,g,b],[r,g,b]] for each triangle
//if you include all these fields, triangles will be rendered with textures:
// triangleUvs:>[[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]]), //each triangle gets 3 uv's , [ [[u,v],[u,v],[u,v]], [[u,v],[u,v],[u,v]], ...]
// textureBuffer:, //same format as pixelBuffer
// textureWidth: textureData.width, //texture width in pixels
// textureHeight: textureData.height, //texture height in pixels
cameraEye:cameraEye, //[x,y,z]
pvMatrix:pvMatrix, //4x4 matrix
edgesOnly:edgesOnly, //default false, wireframe more
doUpscale4x: doUpscale4x, //default fault, 4x EPX upscale [4x smaller render]
//doUpscale2x: doUpscale2x, //similar to doUpscale4x
doAntiAlias: doAntiAlias, //default false, 2x EPX anti-aliasing [render size unchanged. can be used at same time as doUpscale4x/2x]
flatShading: flatShading, //default false, flat shading / vertex shading - default false
doFastSort: doFastSort //default false, enable pigeonhole sort -- faster, less accurate
//backfaceCulling: true, //default true - skip triangles facing away from camera
//frontfaceCulling: false //default false - skip triangles facing camera ["invert" the space] - note - this is ignored if backfaceCulling=true
var imgData = rt.renderTriangles(config);
//render result with SDL
window.render(width, height, stride, 'rgba32', imgData)
Result - flatShading = true
Result - flatShading = false
Result - flatShading = true, doUpscale2x = true
Result - flatShading = true, doUpscale4x = true
Result - edgesOnly = true
Result - edgesOnly = true, doAntiAlias = true
Result - textures [image of earth on each triangle]
See Also
- triangles-mesh-viewer-sdl-regl - very simple openGL mesh viewer for node.js