Getting random nsfw images, hentai images and memes from reddit. Fast and tons of features supported.
Trev is a package for getting random nsfw and memes from reddit.
You can also get custom ones.
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Usage example
Major change
Trev is now modular! More documentation on that later, i need to fix some issues first. Basically, it means that you can customize Trev however you can. Don't worry, there is also a way to revert those changes.
Full list of functions
You can check the full list here: It is too long to how here, so i encourage checking it out.
Other methods
getCustomSubreddit(subreddit) This is for getting the images from a subreddit you are choosing. This will now add /r/ if you forgot to add it (or / if you did r/).
isImgurUpload(url) Many memes are uploaded to imgur, but imgur links are not raw. This method is used to check if a link is an imgur upload. It will not get gallery uploads since those require web scraping to get the raw link of, which adds a ton of packages.
getRawImgur(url) Gives you a raw imgur link from a normal imgur link. Super useful for memes. It checks if it's an imgur upload first (method above)
isGfyLink(url) Many nsfw gifs/videos are from redgifs/gfycat, and those are not raw links unlike the others. So it would be useful to check if it's one of those links.
gfyIframe(url) Converts a normal Gfy url into a Gfy embed. The point of this is that a Gfy embed page contains way less HTML than the normal page, which will save speed when doing web scraping.