A simple versioning framework
yarn add treelogy --save
Treelogy is a simple versioning framework.
is inspired by class inheritance in various programming languages- Uses a version tree to keep track of changes
- Each version contains atomic parts called nodes
- The node can contain any type of data and could be overridden in child version
- Each node contains only delta, thus minimizing the memory footprint
Check the treelogy-demo project for online examples.
Class inheritance example
I'm using C# here because of its explicit modifiers, to better illustrate the point.
class Version_1
public virtual string foo()
return 'foo';
public virtual string bar()
return 'bar';
class Version_2 : Version_1
// method foo() is implicitly present by inheritance
// overriden method
public override string bar()
return 'bar_2';
// new method
public virtual string baz()
return 'baz';
In the above example, class Version_2
inherits from Version_1
It overrides the method bar
, providing own implementation.
Additionally it introduces a new method baz
Treelogy example
is a store containing a number of versions, where each version keeps track of its parent version.
For given version ID, Treelogy
has the ability of processing all the ancestor deltas in order to build each version in full.
import Treelogy from "treelogy";
const demo = () => {
const treelogy = new Treelogy();
const version1 = treelogy.createVersion("Version_1");
version1.createNode("foo", "foo"); // ID, data
version1.createNode("bar", "bar");
const version2 = treelogy.createVersion("Version_2", "Version_1"); // Version_2 inherits from Version_1
tree2.updateNode("bar", "bar_2"); // overriden node
tree2.updateNode("baz", "baz"); // new node
// builds an array of processed versions
// each version contains a full set of nodes, set of inherited IDs and set of overridden IDs
const data = treelogy.process();
// finding a particular version
const version_1 = data.find(version => === 'Version_1');
If forking the library, you might want to build.
yarn build