Tree graph for React / React树状思维导图组件
Tree graph for React / React Tree Diagram Component
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yarn start
yarn storybook
## PS: Storybook must run under Node 16.
nvm use
live demo
yarn add tree-graph-react
npm i tree-graph-react
Tree(MutiCol Dark)
Mini Menu
TreeEditor(Outline text editor)
Use case
import { Tree, MenuTree, MiniMenu, Catalog, Mind } from 'tree-graph-react';
import 'tree-graph-react/dist/tree-graph-react.cjs.development.css';
const nodes = {
'001': {
_key: '001',
name: '项目管理',
father: '',
sortList: ['002', '003', '004', '005'],
contract: false,
avatarUri: '',
icon: '',
checked: true,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
'002': {
_key: '002',
name: '计划进度',
father: '001',
sortList: ['006', '007'],
contract: false,
checked: true,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
icon: '',
'003': {
_key: '003',
name: '项目状态',
father: '001',
sortList: ['010', '011'],
checked: false,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
icon: '',
'004': {
_key: '004',
name: '项目会议',
father: '001',
sortList: [],
checked: false,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
'005': {
_key: '005',
name: '验收',
father: '001',
sortList: [],
checked: false,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
'006': {
_key: '006',
name: '阶段壹',
father: '002',
contract: false,
sortList: ['008', '009'],
checked: false,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
'007': {
_key: '007',
name: '阶段二',
father: '002',
sortList: [],
checked: false,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
'008': {
_key: '008',
name: '备份json文件',
father: '006',
sortList: [],
checked: false,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
'009': {
_key: '009',
name: '还原数据',
father: '006',
sortList: ['015'],
checked: false,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
'010': {
_key: '010',
name: '4月计划',
father: '003',
sortList: [],
checked: true,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
'011': {
_key: '011',
name: '5月计划',
father: '003',
sortList: ['012', '013', '014'],
contract: false,
checked: true,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
'012': {
_key: '012',
name: '原型、界面设计',
father: '011',
sortList: [],
checked: true,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
'013': {
_key: '013',
name: '开发',
father: '011',
sortList: [],
checked: true,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
'014': {
_key: '014',
name: '测试',
father: '011',
sortList: [],
checked: true,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
'015': {
_key: '015',
name: '还原数据-还原数据',
father: '009',
sortList: [],
checked: true,
hour: 0.1,
limitDay: 1610726400000,
const MyComp = () => <Tree nodes={nodes} startId="001" />;
| Operation | Shortcut | | ------------------------ | ---------------- | | Edit Node Name | DoubleClick | | Add Child Node | Tab | | Add Sibling Node | Enter | | Delete Node | Delete | | Move Selected Node | Arrow keys | | Move Node Up | Shift + ↑ | | Move Node Down | Shift + ↓ | | Copy Node | Command/Ctrl + C | | Cut Node | Command/Ctrl + X | | Paste Node | Command/Ctrl + V | | Save Tree (file mode) | Command/Ctrl + S | | Add Note (TreeEditor) | Shift + Enter | | Indent Left (TreeEditor) | Shift + Tab |
| Method Name | Description | | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | addNext | Add a new node as a sibling to the currently selected node | | addChild | Add a new node as a child to the currently selected node | | deleteNode | Delete the currently selected node | | saveNodes | Get the data of all nodes in the tree | | rename | Rename the currently selected node | | getSelectedId | Get the ID of the currently selected node | | getSelectedIds | Get the IDs of the currently selected nodes | | renameById | Update the name of a node with a given ID | | updateNodeById | Update the data of a node with a given ID | | updateNodesByIds | Update the data of nodes with given IDs | | exportImage | Export image (type: 'svg', 'png' , 'pdf') |
| Property | Description | Type | Required | Default |
| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | -------- | ------- |
| nodes | The nodes of the tree | Object | Yes | - |
| uncontrolled | Whether it is an uncontrolled component | Boolean | No | true |
| startId | The ID of the root node | String | Yes | - |
| defaultSelectedId | The ID of the initially selected node | String | Yes | - |
| ref | Reference to call internal methods of the component | - | No | - |
| singleColumn | Whether to display the tree in a single column | Boolean | No | false |
| itemHeight | Height of the node element | Number | No | 50 |
| topBottomMargin | Node Text Vertical Margins | Number | No | 5 |
| lineHeight | Node Text Line Height | Number | No | 20 |
| fontSize | Font size of the nodes | Number | No | 14 |
| fontWeight | Font weight of the nodes | Number | No | - |
| indent | Indentation | Number | No | 25 |
| columnSpacing | Spacing between columns | Number | No | 55 |
| avatarWidth | Width of the avatar | Number | No | 22 |
| pathWidth | Width of the connecting lines | Number | No | 1 |
| pathColor | Color of the connecting lines | Number | No | - |
| nodeColor | Color of the node | Number | No | - |
| paddingLeft | Padding left | Number | No | 50 |
| paddingTop | Padding top | Number | No | 50 |
| avatarRadius | Avatar border radius | Number | No | 11 |
| backgroundColor | Background color | Number | No | unset |
| color | Font color | Number | No | #595959 |
| hoverBorderColor | Border color when hovering over a node | Number | No | #bed2fc |
| selectedBorderColor | Border color of the selected node | Number | No | #35a6f8 |
| selectedBackgroundColor | Background color of the selected node | Number | No | #e8e8e8 |
| lineRadius | Radius of the connecting lines | Number | No | 4 |
| checkBoxWidth | Width of the checkbox | Number | No | 18 |
| disableShortcut | Whether to disable keyboard shortcuts | Number | No | - |
| disabled | Whether the tree is read-only | Number | No | - |
| showIcon | Whether to show the icons | boolean | No | true |
| showAvatar | Whether to show the avatars | Boolean | - | |
| avatarUri | Avatar URL | String | - | |
| handleClickNode | Click event for nodes (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleDbClickNode | Double click event for nodes (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleClickExpand | Click event for expand/collapse (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleCheck | Click event for checkboxes (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleClickAvatar | Click event for avatars (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleClickStatus | Click event for status (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleChangeNodeText | Event for changing node name (parameters: nodeId, text) | Function | No | - |
| handleAddNext | Event for adding a sibling node (parameters: selectedNode) | Function | No | - |
| handleAddChild | Event for adding a child node (parameters: selectedNode) | Function | No | - |
| handleDeleteNode | Event for deleting nodes (parameters: selectedId, selectedNodes) | Function | No | - |
| handleClickPreviewButton | Click event for the preview button (parameters: clickNode) | Function | No | - |
| handleClickDot | Click event for dots | Function | No | - |
| handleShiftUpDown | Move node up/down (parameters: id, sortList, type) | Function | No | - |
| handleSave | Save the tree | Function | No | - |
| handleDrag | Drag nodes (parameters: dragInfo) | Function | No | - |
| handlePaste | Copy nodes (parameters: pasteNodeKey, pasteType, targetNodeKey, event) | Function | No | - |
| hideHour | Hide task hours | boolean | No | - |
| dragEndFromOutside | Drag nodes from outside the tree (parameters: node, dataTransferText) | Function | No | - |
| handleMouseEnterAvatar | Mouse enter event for avatars (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleMouseLeaveAvatar | Mouse leave event for avatars (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleChange | Tree data change event | Function | No | - |
| showDeleteConform | Show delete confirmation (uncontrolled mode) | Function | No | - |
| handleMutiSelect | Multi-select nodes (parameters: selectedNodes) | Function | No | - |
| handleFileChange | To handle file changes (parameters: nodeKey: string,nodeName:string, files: FileList) | Function | No | - |
| handleQuickCommandOpen | To handle the event after pressing the quickCommandKey
(parameters: nodeEl: HTMLElement) | Function | No | - |
| handlePasteText | To handle the event after pasting text. (parameters: text: string, event: ClipboardEvent) | Function | No | - |
| handleContextMenu | To handle the right-click event. (parameters: nodeKey: string, event: React.MouseEvent) | Function | No | - |
| handleClickNodeImage | To handle click node image event. (parameters: url: string) | Function | No | - |
| handleResizeNodeImage | To handle the node image resize. (parameters: nodeKey: string, nodeWidth: number) | Function | No | - |
| Property | Description | Type | Required | Default |
| ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------- |
| nodes | The nodes of the tree | Object | Yes | - |
| uncontrolled | Whether it is an uncontrolled component | Boolean | No | true |
| startId | The ID of the root node | String | Yes | - |
| defaultSelectedId | The ID of the initially selected node | String | Yes | - |
| ref | Reference to call internal methods of the component | - | No | - |
| singleColumn | Whether to display the tree in a single column | Boolean | No | false |
| itemHeight | Height of the node element | Number | No | 50 |
| topBottomMargin | Node Text Vertical Margins | Number | No | 5 |
| lineHeight | Node Text Line Height | Number | No | 20 |
| fontSize | Font size of the nodes | Number | No | 14 |
| fontWeight | Font weight of the nodes | Number | No | - |
| indent | Indentation | Number | No | 25 |
| columnSpacing | Spacing between columns | Number | No | 55 |
| avatarWidth | Width of the avatar | Number | No | 22 |
| pathWidth | Width of the connecting lines | Number | No | 1 |
| pathColor | Color of the connecting lines | Number | No | - |
| nodeColor | Color of the node | Number | No | - |
| paddingLeft | Padding left | Number | No | 50 |
| paddingTop | Padding top | Number | No | 50 |
| avatarRadius | Avatar border radius | Number | No | 11 |
| backgroundColor | Background color | Number | No | unset |
| color | Font color | Number | No | #595959 |
| hoverBorderColor | Border color when hovering over a node | Number | No | #bed2fc |
| selectedBorderColor | Border color of the selected node | Number | No | #35a6f8 |
| selectedBackgroundColor | Background color of the selected node | Number | No | #e8e8e8 |
| lineRadius | Radius of the connecting lines | Number | No | 4 |
| checkBoxWidth | Width of the checkbox | Number | No | 18 |
| disableShortcut | Whether to disable keyboard shortcuts | Number | No | - |
| disabled | Whether the tree is read-only | Number | No | - |
| showIcon | Whether to show the icons | boolean | No | true |
| showAvatar | Whether to show the avatars | Boolean | - | |
| avatarUri | Avatar URL | String | - | |
| customAdornment | Optional component that allows custom adornments to be added to the tree node. | (x:number,y:number,height:number,nodeKey:string)=>JSX.Element | - | |
| handleClickNode | Click event for nodes (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleDbClickNode | Double click event for nodes (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleClickExpand | Click event for expand/collapse (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleCheck | Click event for checkboxes (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleClickAvatar | Click event for avatars (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleClickStatus | Click event for status (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleChangeNodeText | Event for changing node name (parameters: nodeId, text) | Function | No | - |
| handleAddNext | Event for adding a sibling node (parameters: selectedNode) | Function | No | - |
| handleAddChild | Event for adding a child node (parameters: selectedNode) | Function | No | - |
| handleDeleteNode | Event for deleting nodes (parameters: selectedId, selectedNodes) | Function | No | - |
| handleClickPreviewButton | Click event for the preview button (parameters: clickNode) | Function | No | - |
| handleClickDot | Click event for dots | Function | No | - |
| handleShiftUpDown | Move node up/down (parameters: id, sortList, type) | Function | No | - |
| handleSave | Save the tree | Function | No | - |
| handleDrag | Drag nodes (parameters: dragInfo) | Function | No | - |
| handlePaste | Copy nodes (parameters: pasteNodeKey, pasteType, targetNodeKey) | Function | No | - |
| hideHour | Hide task hours | boolean | No | - |
| dragEndFromOutside | Drag nodes from outside the tree (parameters: node, dataTransferText) | Function | No | - |
| handleMouseEnterAvatar | Mouse enter event for avatars (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleMouseLeaveAvatar | Mouse leave event for avatars (parameters: node) | Function | No | - |
| handleChange | Tree data change event | Function | No | - |
| showDeleteConform | Show delete confirmation (uncontrolled mode) | Function | No | - |
| handleMutiSelect | Multi-select nodes (parameters: selectedNodes) | Function | No | - |
| handleFileChange | To handle file changes (parameters: nodeKey: string,nodeName:string, files: FileList) | Function | No | - |
| handleQuickCommandOpen | To handle the event after pressing the quickCommandKey
(parameters: nodeEl: HTMLElement) | Function | No | - |
| handlePasteText | To handle the event after pasting text. (parameters: text: string) | Function | No | - |
| handleContextMenu | To handle the right-click event. (parameters: nodeKey: string, event: React.MouseEvent) | Function | No | - |
| handleClickNodeImage | To handle click node image event. (parameters: url: string) | Function | No | - |
| handleResizeNodeImage | To handle the node image resize. (parameters: nodeKey: string, nodeWidth: number) | Function | No | - |
interface DragInfo {
dragNodeId: string;
dropNodeId: string;
placement: 'up' | 'down' | 'in';
Menu Props
| Property | Description | Type | Required | Default | | ------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ------- | | collapseMode | Whether it is in collapse mode (open one level at a time, automatically collapse others) | boolean | No | false |
MiniMenu Props
| Property | Description | Type | Required | Default | | ----------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------- | ------- | | nodes | Nodes | Object | Yes | - | | startId | Root node ID | String | Yes | - | | width | Menu width | string | No | 48 | | backgroundColor | Menu background color | string | No | #333333 | | selectedBackgroundColor | Selected menu background color | string | No | #00CDD3 | | color | Selected menu text color | string | No | #CDD0D2 | | itemHeight | Node element height | Number | No | 48 | | fontSize | Node font size | Number | No | 14 | | columnSpacing | Column spacing | Number | No | 1 | | borderRadius | border-radius | Number | No | 0 | | normalFirstLevel | Whether the first level is normal width | boolean | No | false | | handleClickNode | Click node event, parameters: node | Function | No | - | | handleClickExpand | Click expand/collapse event, parameters: node | Function | No | - | | handleMouseEnter | Mouse enter event | Function | No | - | | handleMouseLeave | Mouse leave event | Function | No | - |
Catalog Props
| Property | Description | Type | Required | Default |
| --------------- | ---------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------- |
| nodes | Nodes | Object | Yes | - |
| startId | Root node ID | String | Yes | - |
| backgroundColor | Menu background color | string | No | - |
| color | Font color | string | No | #595959 |
| hoverColor | Font color on hover | string | No | #8c8c8c |
| itemHeight | Node element height | Number | No | 48 |
| blockHeight | Node block height | Number | No | 30 |
| fontSize | Node font size | Number | No | 14 |
| titleFontSize | Title node font size | Number | No | 24 |
| handleClickNode | Click node event, parameters: node | Function | No | - |
| indent | Indentation | Number | No | 25 |
| info | Directory description info | ReactElement | No | - |
| itemInfoMap | Directory item description info | ItemInfoMap { [_key: string]: ReactElement;}
| No | - |
TreeEditor Props
| Property | Description | Type | Required | Default | | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | -------- | ------- | | handlePasteFiles | Paste attachments | Function | Yes | - | | handleDeleteAttach | Delete attachment | Function | Yes | - | | handleAddNote | Add note | Function | No | - | | handleChangeNote | Change note | Function | No | - | | handleDeleteNote | Delete note | Function | No | - | | handleSwitchToBrotherChild | Press Tab on an empty node, convert the current node to the last child of its brother node. | Function | No | - |
Node Props
| Property | Description | Type | | --------------- | ------------------------------- | --------- | | _key | Node ID | String | | name | Node text | String | | father | Parent node ID | String | | sortList | Array of child node IDs | Array | | contract | Whether to collapse child nodes | Boolean | | checked | Whether it is checked | Boolean | | avatarUri | Avatar image address | String | | icon | Icon image address | String | | dotIcon | Dot icon image address | String | | color | Node font color | String | | backgroundColor | Node background color | String | | showCheckbox | Whether to show the checkbox | Boolean | | showStatus | Whether to show node status | Boolean | | strikethrough | Whether to show strikethrough | Boolean | | hour | Node (task) hours | Number | | limitDay | Node (task) remaining days | timestamp | | disabled | Whether it is disabled | Boolean |