A function to transform a Bold360 chat payload to a Livechat equivalent.
Transform Bold360 to Livechat
Transform Bold360 chat payload to Livechat chat payload.
$ yarn install transform-bold-chat
const { transform } = require('transform-bold-chat');
const chat = transform(bold360ChatPayload);
Expected Bold 360 Chat Payload input
RegionCode: 'Central Macedonia',
Secured: 0,
WindowClosed: null,
UserStatusID: null,
InvitationTemplateVariantID: null,
VisitorMessageCount: 1,
VisitInfo: null,
VideoSessionStatus: null,
ResponseMessageCount: 0,
ExternalCrmType: null,
SurveyComments: 'post chat comments',
Embedded: 1,
AutoTranslate: 0,
InitialDepartmentID: '107972173855710031',
LastAssignedByOperatorID: null,
DeletedBy: null,
Load: null,
VisitCreated: '2020-02-20T08:42:41.000Z',
VisitRef: null,
IP: '',
Disconnected: '2020-02-20T09:03:21.000Z',
RedirectStatus: null,
ChatStatusType: 6,
EndedReasonType: 1,
BlockedBy: null,
LastAssignedAnswered: '2020-02-20T09:02:32.000Z',
VisitEmailAddress: '[email protected]',
ClientType: 0,
SurveyResponsiveness: 3,
Started: '2020-02-20T09:02:27.000Z',
ExternalCrmListID: null,
FolderID: '107904642304297496',
UnavailableEmailBody: null,
Experiments: null,
LastVideoSessionID: null,
ChatAPISettingsID: null,
WebsiteDefID: '107972174773185283',
Created: '2020-02-20T08:50:23.390Z',
CustomField1ID: null,
ActiveAssistStatus: 0,
ChatType: 0,
LastMessagePersonType: 1,
OperatorMessageCount: 0,
UnavailableEmailSubject: null,
Deleted: null,
VisitorID: '107990978786743687',
AutoAnswerQuestionCount: null,
AccountID: '106562681705387893',
ACDReassignCount: 0,
UserCategoryID: null,
LastOperatorLanguageCode: null,
Ended: '2020-02-20T09:03:04.000Z',
XmppUserID: null,
RequestedOperatorID: null,
RelatedToItemID: null,
AssignedByAPI: 0,
ExternalCrmItemID: null,
ChatButtonDefID: '107972796068666730',
ScheduleHistoryToEmailAddress: '[email protected]',
ChatWindowDefID: '107972174903445584',
SurveyOverall: 4,
VisitID: '107990978204302548',
PostChatCustomFieldAnswerStatus: 4,
LanguageCode: 'en-US',
ChatUrl: '',
OperatorCustomFields: {
primary_tag: 'Lead',
secondary_tag: 'escalate',
CustomField2ID: null,
XmppClientID: null,
LastACDStarted: '2020-02-20T09:02:27.000Z',
PageType: 10,
ActiveAssistDisabled: 0,
CustomUrl: null,
XmppUser: null,
Availability: 0,
MaxQueuePosition: 0,
SurveyKnowledge: 3,
Updated: '2020-02-20T09:04:04.180Z',
Priority: null,
ChatName: 'first name',
City: 'Thessaloniki',
ChatID: '107990982891167447',
OperatorLanguageCode: null,
CustomFields: {
prechat_survey_field1: 'pre chat field 1',
postchat_survey_field1: 'post chat field 1',
ExperimentDate: null,
AreaCode: null,
LastName: 'last name',
TotalResponseTime: 0,
FlaggedBy: null,
ACDAssignmentExpires: null,
OperatorID: '107905455413102470',
LastVisitorMessageSent: '2020-02-20T09:02:50.000Z',
VisitorClientID: '8894617890582013061',
IncidentID: null,
SurveyProfessionalism: 4,
UnrespondedMessageCount: 1,
TotalReassignCount: 1,
SurveyNps: 7,
RelatedToItemType: 0,
XmppThread: null,
DepartmentID: '107972173855710031',
DueDate: null,
CountryCode: 'GR',
InitialQuestion: null,
ReverseIP: '',
VisitPhone: '6978791292',
EndedBy: '107905455413102470',
Answered: '2020-02-20T09:02:32.000Z',
AutoTranslateAllowOriginal: 1,
Closed: '2020-02-20T09:04:04.000Z',
Flagged: null,
transcript: [
SystemMessage: null,
AccountID: '106562681705387893',
CannedMessageID: null,
ChatMessageID: '76194622379610583',
VisitorFacing: null,
PersonType: 1,
Text: 'hi',
Name: 'first name',
ChatID: '107990982891167447',
Created: '2020-02-20T09:02:50.950Z',
LanguageCode: 'en-US',
MessageKey: null,
PersonID: '107990978786743687',
Hidden: null,
HasAutoTranslationError: null,
Deleted: null,
OriginalMessageID: null,
SystemMessage: null,
AccountID: '106562681705387893',
CannedMessageID: null,
ChatMessageID: '1663901027497522887',
VisitorFacing: null,
PersonType: 0,
Text: '<p>bye</p>',
Name: 'Tasos',
ChatID: '107990918110291483',
Created: '2020-02-20T07:01:41.947Z',
LanguageCode: 'en-US',
MessageKey: null,
PersonID: '107905457743453281',
Hidden: null,
HasAutoTranslationError: null,
Deleted: null,
OriginalMessageID: null,
agent: [
email: '[email protected]',
displayName: 'Thanos',
Expected Livechat Chat Payload output
id: '107990982891167447',
tags: [ 'Lead', 'escalate' ],
duration: 37,
source: 'bold360',
postchatSurvey: [ { key: 'survey_field1', value: 'post chat field 1' } ],
prechatSurvey: [ { key: 'survey_field1', value: 'pre chat field 1' } ],
events: [
authorName: 'first name',
text: 'hi',
date: '2020-02-20T09:02:50.950Z',
userType: 'visitor',
type: 'message',
timestamp: 1582189371,
agentId: null
authorName: 'Tasos',
text: 'bye',
date: '2020-02-20T07:01:41.947Z',
userType: 'agent',
type: 'message',
timestamp: 1582182102,
agentId: '107905457743453281'
endedTimestamp: 1582189384,
engagement: 'immediate_start',
chatStartUrl: '',
rate: 'rated_good',
startedTimestamp: 1582189347,
visitor: {
id: '8894617890582013061',
name: 'first name',
ip: '',
city: 'Thessaloniki',
countryCode: 'GR',
region: 'Central Macedonia'