Trailpack to allow passport authentification for Proxy Engine application
Passport built for security and love from Cali Style Technologies
The Proxy Passport is built to be used on Trailsjs with Proxy Engine.
Supported ORMs
| Repo | Build Status (edge) | |---------------|---------------------------------------| | trailpack-sequelize | |
Supported Webserver
| Repo | Build Status (edge) | |---------------|---------------------------------------| | trailpack-express | |
With yo :
npm install -g yo generator-trails
yo trails:trailpack trailpack-proxy-passport
With npm (you will have to create config file manually):
npm install --save trailpack-proxy-passport
First you need to add this trailpack to your main configuration :
// config/main.js
module.exports = {
packs: [
You need to add passportInit
and optionally passportSession
// config/web.js
middlewares: {
order: [
And to configure passport:
// config/passport.js
'use strict'
const JwtStrategy = require('passport-jwt').Strategy
const ExtractJwt = require('passport-jwt').ExtractJwt
const EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24
const SECRET = process.env.tokenSecret || 'mysupersecuretoken';
const ALGORITHM = 'HS256'
const ISSUER = 'localhost'
const AUDIENCE = 'localhost'
module.exports = {
redirect: {
login: '/',//Login successful
logout: '/'//Logout successful
bcrypt: require('bcryptjs'), // custom bcrypt version if you prefer the native one instead of full js
//Called when user is logged, before returning the json response
onUserLogin: (req, app, user) => {
return Promise.resolve(user)
onUserLogout: (req, app, user) => {
return Promise.resolve(user)
//Optional: can be used to merge data from all third party profiles and the default user properties.
mergeThirdPartyProfile: (user, profile) => {
const mergedProfile = {
gender: profile.gender
return Promise.resolve(mergedProfile)
strategies: {
jwt: {
strategy: JwtStrategy,
tokenOptions: {
expiresInSeconds: EXPIRES_IN_SECONDS,
secret: SECRET,
algorithm: ALGORITHM,
issuer: ISSUER,
audience: AUDIENCE
options: {
secretOrKey: SECRET,
issuer: ISSUER,
audience: AUDIENCE,
jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeader()
local: {
strategy: require('passport-local').Strategy,
options: {
usernameField: 'username' // If you want to enable both username and email just remove this field
twitter : {
name : 'Twitter',
protocol : 'oauth',
strategy : require('passport-twitter').Strategy,
options : {
consumerKey : 'your-consumer-key',
consumerSecret : 'your-consumer-secret'
facebook : {
name : 'Facebook',
protocol : 'oauth2',
strategy : require('passport-facebook').Strategy,
options : {
clientID : 'your-client-id',
clientSecret : 'your-client-secret',
scope : ['email'] // email is necessary for login behavior
google : {
name : 'Google',
protocol : 'oauth2',
strategy : require('passport-google-oauth').OAuth2Strategy,
options : {
clientID : 'your-client-id',
clientSecret : 'your-client-secret'
github: {
strategy: require('passport-github').Strategy,
name: 'Github',
protocol: 'oauth2',
options: {
clientID : 'your-client-id',
clientSecret : 'your-client-secret',
callbackURL: 'your-app-url' + '/auth/google/callback',
scope: [
Then make sure to include the new file in config/index.js
exports.passport = require('./passport')
WARNING : be sure you configure sessions correctly if your strategies need them
Further documentation on passport-jwt config can be found at themikenicholson/passport-jwt
Now you can apply some policies to control sessions under config/policies.js
ViewController: {
helloWorld: [ 'Passport.sessionAuth' ]
ViewController: {
helloWorld: [ 'Passport.jwt' ]
Routes prefix
By default auth routes doesn't have prefix, but if you use trailpack-footprints
it automatically use footprints prefix to match your API. You can change this prefix by setting config.proxyPassport.prefix
Log/Register users with third party providers
You can register or log users with third party strategies by redirect the user to :
example github
Log/Register users with credentials
For adding a new user you can make a POST to auth/local/register
with at least this fields : username
(or email
) and password
For local authentication you have to POST credentials to /auth/local
in order to log the user.
If you want to disconnect a user from a provider you can call :
example if a user don't want to connect with github anymore
Just make a GET to auth/logout