menu ui compoent for react
menu ui component for react
Menu props
className: additional css class of root dom node -> Sting
mode: one of ['horizontal', 'inline', 'vertical-left', 'vertical-right'] -> String
activeKey: inital and current active menu item's key -> Object
defaultActiveFirst: whether active first active mneu item when show if activeKeys is not set or invalid -> Boolean
multiple: whether allow multiple select -> Boolean
selectable: allow selecting menu items -> Boolean
defaultSelectedKeys: inital selected keys of items -> String[]
openKeys: open keys of items -> String[]
defaultOpenKeys: initial open keys of SubMenuItem -> String[]
onSelect: called when select a menu item -> function
onClick: called when click a menu item -> function
onOpenChange: called when open/close sub menu -> function
onDeselect: called when deselect a menu item, only called when multiple -> function
triggerSubMenuAction: Enum{ hover, click }
openAnimaton: animate when sub menu open or close
openTransition: css transitionName when sub menu open or close
subMenuOpenDelay: delay time to show popup sub menu
subMenuCloseDelay: delay time to hide popup sub menu
forceSubMenuRender: whether to render submenu even if it is not visible
getPopupContainer: where to render the DOM node if popup menu when the mode is horizontal or vertical function(menuDOMNode):HTMLElement () => document.body
builtinPlacements: object of alignConfigs for dom-align
direction: Layout direction of menu component, it supports RTL direction too
Menu.Item props
className: additional css class of root dom node
disable: no effect for click orkeydown for this item
key: correstponding to activeKey
onMouseEnter: Function({eventKey, domEvent})
onMoseLeave: Function({eventKey, domEvent})
itemIcon: Specify the menu item icon
Menu.SubMenu props
popupClassName: additional css class of root dom node
title: sub menu's content
overflowedIndicator: overflow indicator when menu overflows in horizontal mode
key: Object corresponding to activeKey
disabled: no effect for click or keydown for this item
onMouseEnter: Function({eventKey, domEvent})
onMouseLeave: Function({eventKey, domEvent})
onTitleMouseEnter: Function({eventKey, domEvent})
onTitleMouseLeave: Function({eventKey, domEvent}
onTitleClick: Function({eventKey, domEvent})
popupOffset: Array; The offset of the popup submenu, [0, 15]
expandIcon: ReactNode; Specify the menu icon
itemIcon: Specify the menu item icon
title: title of item group
children: MenuItems or other React.Element[]