A toy library for building simple neural networks which can be serialized to compact JSON.
A toy library for building simple neural networks which can be serialized to compact JSON.
This is basically a fork of @karphathy's wonderful ConvNetJS, but stripped down a bit, updated for ES6+ and TS, and with better support for saving the model in a compact format, for production use cases.
npm install --save toygrad
Let's build a model that learns the XOR function:
import fs from 'node:fs';
import {NeuralNetwork, Tensor, Trainers} from 'toygrad';
// Some helper functions that we'll need
const argmax = arr => {
return arr.indexOf ( Math.max ( ...Array.from ( arr ) ) );
const toTensor = arr => {
return new Tensor ( 1, 1, 2, new Float32Array ( arr ) );
// Initializing the structure of the network
const nn = new NeuralNetwork ({
layers: [
{ type: 'input', sx: 1, sy: 1, sz: 2 },
{ type: 'dense', filters: 4 },
{ type: 'tanh' },
{ type: 'dense', filters: 2 },
{ type: 'softmax' }
// Initializing the trainer algorithm
const trainer = new Trainers.Adadelta ( nn, {
batchSize: 4
// Training for 50_000 epochs
for ( let i = 0, l = 50_000; i < l; i++ ) {
trainer.train ( toTensor ( [0, 0] ), 0 );
trainer.train ( toTensor ( [1, 0] ), 1 );
trainer.train ( toTensor ( [0, 1] ), 1 );
trainer.train ( toTensor ( [1, 1] ), 0 );
// Inferring
console.log ( argmax ( nn.forward ( toTensor ( [0, 0] ), false ).w ) ); // => 0
console.log ( argmax ( nn.forward ( toTensor ( [1, 0] ), false ).w ) ); // => 1
console.log ( argmax ( nn.forward ( toTensor ( [0, 1] ), false ).w ) ); // => 1
console.log ( argmax ( nn.forward ( toTensor ( [1, 1] ), false ).w ) ); // => 0
// Exporting as options, with 16 bits of precision per weight, for saving the neural network
const options = nn.getAsOptions ( 'f16' );
const clone = new NeuralNetwork ( options );
// Saving the network to disk, for future usage
fs.writeFileSync ( 'xor.standalone.json', JSON.stringify ( options ) );
- Huge thanks to @liashchynskyi, who wrote some very core code used in a previous version of this library, and an amazing article about building your own neural network from scratch.
- Huge thanks to @karphathy and the other maintainers of ConvNetJS, who basically wrote all the interesting code in this library.
MIT © Andrej Karpathy