Discover BitTorrent and WebTorrent peers

Discover BitTorrent and WebTorrent peers
This module bundles bittorrent-tracker, bittorrent-dht, and bittorrent-lsd clients and exposes a single API for discovering BitTorrent peers.
- simple API
- find peers from trackers, DHT, and LSD
- automatically announces, so other peers can discover us
- can start finding peers with just an info hash, before full metadata is available
This module also works in the browser with browserify. In that context, it discovers WebTorrent (WebRTC) peers.
npm install torrent-discovery
discovery = new Discovery(opts)
Create a new peer discovery instance. Required options are:
infoHash: '', // as hex string or Buffer
peerId: '', // as hex string or Buffer
port: 0 // torrent client port (only required in node)
Optional options are:
announce: [], // force list of announce urls to use (from magnet uri)
dht: true, // use dht? optionally, this can be an `opts` object, or a DHT instance to use (can be reused for multiple torrents)
dhtPort: 0, // custom listen port for the DHT instance (not used if DHT instance is given via `opts.dht`)
userAgent: '', // User-Agent header for http requests
tracker: true, // use trackers? optionally, this can be an `opts` object
lsd: true // use lsd?
See the documentation for bittorrent-tracker, bittorrent-dht, and bittorrant-lsd for information on what options are available via the opts
This module automatically handles announcing on intervals, for maximum peer discovery.
When the port that the torrent client is listening on changes, call this method to reannounce to the tracker and DHT with the new port.
Announce that download has completed (and the client is now a seeder). This is only used by trackers, for statistical purposes. If trackers are not in use, then this method is a no-op.
Optional opts
object with the following options:
{number=} opts.uploaded
{number=} opts.downloaded
{number=} opts.numwant
{number=} opts.left (if not set, calculated automatically)
Destroy and cleanup the tracker, DHT, and LSD instances.
discovery.on('peer', (peer, source) => {})
Emitted whenever a new peer is discovered. Source is either 'tracker'
, 'dht'
, or 'lsd'
based on peer source.
In node, peer
is a string in the form ip:port
, e.g.
In the browser, peer
is an instance of
, a small wrapper around a WebRTC
peer connection.
discovery.on('dhtAnnounce', () => {})
Emitted whenever an announce
message has been sent to the DHT.
discovery.on('warning', err => {})
Emitted when there is a non-fatal tracker, DHT, or LSD error. For example, an inaccessible tracker server would be considered a warning. Useful for logging.
discovery.on('error', err => {})
Emitted when there is a fatal tracker, DHT, or LSD error. This is unrecoverable
and the discovery
object will be destroyed if this event is emitted.
MIT. Copyright (c) Feross Aboukhadijeh and WebTorrent, LLC.