To be used by topology_inventory_ui and others.
TopologicalInventory - JavaScript client for topological_inventory Topological Inventory This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 0.0.1
- Package version: 0.0.1
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install topological_inventory --save
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var TopologicalInventory = require('topological_inventory');
var defaultClient = TopologicalInventory.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: UserSecurity
var UserSecurity = defaultClient.authentications['UserSecurity'];
UserSecurity.username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
UserSecurity.password = 'YOUR PASSWORD'
var api = new TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi()
var body = new TopologicalInventory.ID(); // {ID}
api.createAuthentication(body).then(function(data) {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, function(error) {
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | createAuthentication | POST /authentications | Create a new Authentication TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | createEndpoint | POST /endpoints | Create a new Endpoint TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | createSource | POST /sources | Create a new Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | createSourceType | POST /source_types | Create a new SourceType TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | deleteAuthentication | DELETE /authentications/{id} | Delete an existing Authentication TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | deleteEndpoint | DELETE /endpoints/{id} | Delete an existing Endpoint TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | deleteSource | DELETE /sources/{id} | Delete an existing Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listAuthentications | GET /authentications | List Authentications TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listContainerGroupContainers | GET /container_groups/{id}/containers | List Containers for ContainerGroup TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listContainerGroups | GET /container_groups | List ContainerGroups TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listContainerImages | GET /container_images | List ContainerImages TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listContainerNodeContainerGroups | GET /container_nodes/{id}/container_groups | List ContainerGroups for ContainerNode TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listContainerNodes | GET /container_nodes | List ContainerNodes TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listContainerProjectContainerGroups | GET /container_projects/{id}/container_groups | List ContainerGroups for ContainerProject TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listContainerProjectContainerTemplates | GET /container_projects/{id}/container_templates | List ContainerTemplates for ContainerProject TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listContainerProjects | GET /container_projects | List ContainerProjects TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listContainerTemplates | GET /container_templates | List ContainerTemplates TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listContainers | GET /containers | List Containers TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listEndpoints | GET /endpoints | List Endpoints TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listFlavors | GET /flavors | List Flavors TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listOrchestrationStacks | GET /orchestration_stacks | List OrchestrationStacks TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listServiceInstances | GET /service_instances | List ServiceInstances TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listServiceOfferingServiceInstances | GET /service_offerings/{id}/service_instances | List ServiceInstances for ServiceOffering TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listServiceOfferingServicePlans | GET /service_offerings/{id}/service_plans | List ServicePlans for ServiceOffering TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listServiceOfferings | GET /service_offerings | List ServiceOfferings TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listServicePlanServiceInstances | GET /service_plans/{id}/service_instances | List ServiceInstances for ServicePlan TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listServicePlans | GET /service_plans | List ServicePlans TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceContainerGroups | GET /sources/{id}/container_groups | List ContainerGroups for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceContainerImages | GET /sources/{id}/container_images | List ContainerImages for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceContainerNodes | GET /sources/{id}/container_nodes | List ContainerNodes for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceContainerProjects | GET /sources/{id}/container_projects | List ContainerProjects for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceContainerTemplates | GET /sources/{id}/container_templates | List ContainerTemplates for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceContainers | GET /sources/{id}/containers | List Containers for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceEndpoints | GET /sources/{id}/endpoints | List Endpoints for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceOrchestrationStacks | GET /sources/{id}/orchestration_stacks | List OrchestrationStacks for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceServiceInstances | GET /sources/{id}/service_instances | List ServiceInstances for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceServiceOfferings | GET /sources/{id}/service_offerings | List ServiceOfferings for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceServicePlans | GET /sources/{id}/service_plans | List ServicePlans for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceTypeSources | GET /source_types/{id}/sources | List Sources for SourceType TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceTypes | GET /source_types | List SourceTypes TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceVms | GET /sources/{id}/vms | List Vms for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceVolumeTypes | GET /sources/{id}/volume_types | List VolumeTypes for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSourceVolumes | GET /sources/{id}/volumes | List Volumes for Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listSources | GET /sources | List Sources TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listTasks | GET /tasks | List Tasks TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listVmVolumeAttachments | GET /vms/{id}/volume_attachments | List VolumeAttachments for Vm TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listVmVolumes | GET /vms/{id}/volumes | List Volumes for Vm TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listVms | GET /vms | List Vms TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listVolumeAttachments | GET /volume_attachments | List VolumeAttachments TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listVolumeTypes | GET /volume_types | List VolumeTypes TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | listVolumes | GET /volumes | List Volumes TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | orderServicePlan | POST /service_plans/{id}/order | Order an existing ServicePlan TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | replaceAuthentication | PUT /authentications/{id} | Replace an existing Authentication TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | replaceEndpoint | PUT /endpoints/{id} | Replace an existing Endpoint TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | replaceSource | PUT /sources/{id} | Replace an existing Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showAuthentication | GET /authentications/{id} | Show an existing Authentication TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showContainer | GET /containers/{id} | Show an existing Container TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showContainerGroup | GET /container_groups/{id} | Show an existing ContainerGroup TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showContainerImage | GET /container_images/{id} | Show an existing ContainerImage TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showContainerNode | GET /container_nodes/{id} | Show an existing ContainerNode TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showContainerProject | GET /container_projects/{id} | Show an existing ContainerProject TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showContainerTemplate | GET /container_templates/{id} | Show an existing ContainerTemplate TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showEndpoint | GET /endpoints/{id} | Show an existing Endpoint TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showFlavor | GET /flavors/{id} | Show an existing Flavor TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showOrchestrationStack | GET /orchestration_stacks/{id} | Show an existing OrchestrationStack TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showServiceInstance | GET /service_instances/{id} | Show an existing ServiceInstance TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showServiceOffering | GET /service_offerings/{id} | Show an existing ServiceOffering TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showServicePlan | GET /service_plans/{id} | Show an existing ServicePlan TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showSource | GET /sources/{id} | Show an existing Source TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showSourceType | GET /source_types/{id} | Show an existing SourceType TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showTask | GET /tasks/{id} | Show an existing Task TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showVm | GET /vms/{id} | Show an existing Vm TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showVolume | GET /volumes/{id} | Show an existing Volume TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showVolumeAttachment | GET /volume_attachments/{id} | Show an existing VolumeAttachment TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | showVolumeType | GET /volume_types/{id} | Show an existing VolumeType TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | updateAuthentication | PATCH /authentications/{id} | Update an existing Authentication TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | updateEndpoint | PATCH /endpoints/{id} | Update an existing Endpoint TopologicalInventory.DefaultApi | updateSource | PATCH /sources/{id} | Update an existing Source
Documentation for Models
- TopologicalInventory.Authentication
- TopologicalInventory.Container
- TopologicalInventory.ContainerGroup
- TopologicalInventory.ContainerImage
- TopologicalInventory.ContainerNode
- TopologicalInventory.ContainerProject
- TopologicalInventory.ContainerTemplate
- TopologicalInventory.Endpoint
- TopologicalInventory.Flavor
- TopologicalInventory.InlineResponse200
- TopologicalInventory.OrchestrationStack
- TopologicalInventory.OrderParameters
- TopologicalInventory.ServiceInstance
- TopologicalInventory.ServiceOffering
- TopologicalInventory.ServicePlan
- TopologicalInventory.Source
- TopologicalInventory.SourceType
- TopologicalInventory.Task
- TopologicalInventory.Vm
- TopologicalInventory.Volume
- TopologicalInventory.VolumeAttachment
- TopologicalInventory.VolumeType
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: HTTP basic authentication