Deploy your warfiles to Tomcat server. Useful for deploying from build agents.
Deploy your static content to your Tomcat instance from build agent (or wherever else).
npm install tomcat-deploy
The tomcat-deploy offers both simple library and executable.
You can ask the executable for help. Commands are the same as library methods, arguments are the same as command options. Arguments can be also specified by environment variables.
tomcat-deploy --help
tomcat-deploy command warfile
All methods are expecting list of options. Some of them also need a path to the warfile.
.deploy(warfile, options)
Deploys the warfile. Fails on already deployed.
Undeploys the application on path specified in options. Fails on not deployed.
Asks the Tomcat manager if the path specified in options is deployed.
.redeploy(warfile, options)
Runs query, undeploy and deploy sequence.
Options [object]
hostname [string, required]
The hostname of the Tomcat instance without protocol and port nuber. Executable reads env variable TOMCAT_HOSTNAME and argument --hostname.
login [string, required]
The user login name for the Tomcat instance. Executable reads env variable TOMCAT_LOGIN and argument --login.
path [string, required]
Tomcat will deploy the warfile application on this path. Executable reads env variable TOMCAT_PATH and argument --path.
password [string]
The user password for the Tomcat instance user. Executable reads env variable TOMCAT_PASSWORD and argument --password.
port [number]
The port used to run the Tomcat instance manager, default is 80. Executable reads env variable TOMCAT_PORT and argument --port.
deployPath [string], listPath [string] undeployPath [string]
These are for internal, but can be overriden. Calls the tomcat manager API are done to these paths. Check the source for default values.