A RabbitMQ/AMQP Handler
A RabbitMQ/AMQP Handler
Table of Contents
# Production
npm install tokki -P
# Development
npm install tokki -D
Quick start
Examples are stored in the examples folder.
Create a connection
const tokki require('tokki');
// or with TypeScript
import tokki from 'tokki'
// create a connection
const amqp = tokki({
url: 'amqp://user:pwd@localhost:5672'
Using workers
The worker service distributes the events to the various workers. Each event only goes to one worker. See the example on RabbitMQ.
// trigger
const trigger = await amqp.worker({ name: 'worker-queue-name' });
// send a payload to queue
trigger.send({ message: 'imported' });
// consumer
const worker = await amqp.worker({ name: 'worker-queue-name' });
// or with error queue
const error = await amqp.worker({ name: 'error-queue-name' });
const worker = await amqp.worker({ name: 'worker-queue-name', errorService: error });
// Optionally, a schema ([JOI]( for the payload can also be passed as a parameter.
// define a consumer
worker.setConsumer(async (data) => {
// data.payload.message = imported
// ...
// job is successful;
// or
// job is failed (but requeue)
// or
// job is failed
Using publishers
The Publish Service distributes the events to all publishers. See the example on RabbitMQ.
const trigger = await amqp.publisher({ name: 'publish-queue-name' });
const publisher1 = await amqp.publisher({ name: 'publish-queue-name' });
// publisher with error queue
const error = await amqp.worker({ name: 'error-publish-queue-name' });
const publisher2 = await amqp.publisher({ name: 'publish-queue-name', errorService: error });
// Optionally, a schema ([JOI]( for the payload can also be passed as a parameter.
publisher1.setConsumer(async (data) => {
// see worker section
// data.payload.message = imported
publisher2.setConsumer(async (data) => {
// see worker section
// data.payload.message = imported
// send a payload to queue
trigger.send({ message: 'imported' });
Compile the library from TypeScript to JavaScript.
The following command is available:
npm run build
Builds the library
There are three types of tests:
Unit Tests
These tests have no dependencies outside the tested file (exception: class inheritance). All dependencies are mocked.
A test coverage of 100% should be achieved.
Integration Tests
These tests have no dependencies outside the project. All dependencies in the package.json file are mocked. Small libraries, e.g. lodash or luxon, don't need to be mocked.
A test coverage between 50% and 75% should be achieved.
Functional Tests
These tests are performed with all dependencies and take a long time. External services, e.g. MySQL, will/must be provided via docker.
No dependency should be mocked.
A test coverage between 50% and 75% should be achieved.
The following commands are available:
| Command | Type | Description |
| -------------------------------- | :---------: | ----------------------------------------------- |
| npm run test
| unit | Run all unit tests |
| npm run test:watch
| unit | Watching mode from unit test |
| npm run coverage
| unit | Creates a coverage report from unit test |
| npm run test:integration
| integration | Run all integration tests |
| npm run test:integration:watch
| integration | Watching mode from integration test |
| npm run coverage:integration
| integration | Creates a coverage report from integration test |
| npm run test:functional
| functional | Run all functional tests |
| npm run test:functional:watch
| functional | Watching mode from functional test |
| npm run coverage:functional
| functional | Creates a coverage report from functional test |
Prettier and Lint
Ensures that the code is formatted uniformly and that the coding standards are adhered to.
The following commands are available:
npm run prettier
Changes the code formatting as defined in the Prettier setting.
npm run lint
Checks if the lint rules are followed. It calls the prettier command first.