Dependency-free Javascript UI component providing a token based input element with grouped completion lists and free-text entry
Introducing tokeninput
Dependency-free Javascript UI component providing a token based input element with grouped completion lists and free-text entry
Create an instance of the TokenInput class with two parameters:
- an instance of an Input DOM element
- a configuration object, to tailor the component to your needs
<script src="tokeninput/tokeninput.js" />
<div id="tokeninput">
<input placeholder="Type something…" />
new TokenInput( document.getElementById( 'tokeninput' ), {} );
See index.html and demo.js for examples.
There are lots of options, see tokeninput.js
Method | Description
addEventListener(element, type, listener)
| Adds an event listener to the given element.
| Returns an array of objects representing each token added to the component.
| Returns the datum of the selected completion
| Sets the selected completion
| Returns the element of the selected completion
| Removes all the completions
| Removes all existing tokens from the UI and replaces them with the tokens in the given array.
| Configures the completion groups that visually separate suggestions.
| Hides the suggestion UI.
removeToken(datum, options)
| Removes the given token from the component UI and the component's internal list of tokens.
| Force the floating element to reposition
| Set the element to place after completions
| Set the element to place before completions
| Get the current scrolling container element
| Trigger the up key handler
| Trigger the down key handler
| Cleans up by removing all registered event listeners.
Completions / suggestions
Use the following options to drive how completions are presented:
Option | Description -|- completionsForText|Function that receives the text, delayedCompletionsId and delayedCompletionsFn. Returns datums (objects) for each completion completionClassNames|Function that receives a datum to determine it's class name completionFormatter|Function that receives a datum and corresponding element for further customisation completionGroupClassNames|Function that receives the completion group, returns an array of class names completionGroupHeadingClassNames|Function that receives the completion group heading, returns an array of class names completionGroups|Object of completion group definitions, see demo.js newCompletionOption|Function that receives a group and returns the datum for the 'new' completion, defaults to "+ New (group.singular)"
Other options
Option | Description | Default
readOnly | Prevents tokens from being added / removed | false
tabToAdd | Pressing the tab key submits the current token and allows a new one to be entered | true
xHTML | A string which represents the delete button in a token | ×
tokenClassNames | A function which is called for each added token. Should return an array of class names that will be added to the token HTML element. | []
tokenFormatter | A function which is called for each added token. Can be used to customise the token element for display when not in inline mode | |
inlineTokenFormatter | A function which is called for each added token. Can be used to customise the token element for display when in inline mode | |
containerClickTriggersFocus | Determines if a click on the containing element will focus the tokeninput | true
freeTextEnabled | Determines whether the user is able to enter arbitrary tokens (true
) or forced to select a pre-existing datum (false
) | false
freeTextToken | A function that determines the makeup of a datum created via free-text |
freeTextCompletion | A function that determines the makeup of an object that represents free-text entry which is passwd to the suggestion handler |
willShowFreeTextCompletion | A function that determines whether or not to show the completion view for free-text |
inlineTokenTrigger | An object which defines logic for determining whether to show completion for typed text when in inline mode |
namespace | A string or function to namespace element class names | null
autoSelectSingleCompletions | Select the first and only completion automatically | true
positionFloatingElement | A function that is passed the floating element for manual positioning | null
floatingElementParent | An element to use as the floating elements parent node, defaults to the input elements parent node | null
removeOnlyCompletionsListElement | Set to true to only remove the list element rather than the whole floating element | false
beforeEnter | Pre-keypress event handler | null
beforeCompletionClick | Pre-click event handler | null
hintElement | An element to use as a hint container | null
scrollingContainerClassName | A selector for the scrolling container, by default the floating element is used | null
hintAfterAdd | Show the hint element after adding a token | false
disableTokenClick | Disable the build-in token click hander | false
disableFocusOnRemove | Disable the automatic behaviour that focuses the input element after removing a token | false
placeholderLength | Specify the placeholder length in characters | null