.todos is the simple todo list for your dev team built on top of NodeJS Platform.
Probably the best way to keep your mind clean and well organized.
.todos is simple task manager directed to developers teams. It's super fast and easy to use. Well structured JSON makes .todos list easy to import/export and share between projects.
Getting Started
- First install
using npm or yarn
npm i -g todos-term
- Then go to the project folder and create
cd my-project-folder
todos create
- Now you can add your first
.todos item
todos add
CREATE [create, crt, cr] - Create your own .todos list and keep it locally in your directory.
LIST [list, lst, ls, l] - Display table with .todos.
ADD [add, ad, a] - Add .todos item to the list.
REMOVE [remove, rem, rm, r] - Remove .todos item from the list.
STATUS [status, stat, st, s] - Change status of .todos single item.
EDIT [edit, ed, e] - Edit single .todos item.
CLEAR [clear, clr, cl, c] - Clear all .todos items with status 'DONE'.
HELP [help, h, -h] - Show help tips.
GLOBAL [...-g] - You can manage your own .todos global as well.