A plugin for Node-RED which helps to visualize your open tasks for a flow on the workspace
A Node-RED plugin to help you managing your flow creation and documentation.
This plugin enhance the Node-RED documentation feature with those features:
- adds a tooltip with the nodes documentation
- adds a todo-tab to keep an overview for your todo lists
- shows the output names in the tooltip if requested
- adds a small icon if a todo list and/or documentation exists
You can use the node documentation which has every tab, group, subflow or node.
Everything you write there will be counted as normal documentation, with two exceptions:
"# Outputs" and "# Todo" will be handled different and will always be shown above your documentation in the tooltip (no matter where you write them).
Create a Todo list
Use the node red documentation in a tab, group, subflow or node.
Add a "# Todo" headline and write your text what should be done. This info will be shown in the Todo Tab.
Tip: You can use markdown to create a list with things that must be done.
# Todo
- [ ] step 1
- [ ] step 2
- [x] already done step 3
- [ ] step 4
If you use a subflow you can add a todo list either on the node self or in the subflow description. The description on the node will be used if both has a todo description.
If you want to quickly see the names of your outputs you can add an "# Output" header into your documentation.
If you want also some detailed text for an output you can add a subheader like "## Outputname" and write some text to it.
special 1
This is a hint for the special 1 output.
- Why does it exists?
- Does special 2 exists? ´´´
Visualization in Workspace
This node adds some icons and tooltips in the workspace. This can be disabled in the todo tab.
If a node has a documentation or a todo section it adds a small icon on the node.
The pencil icon will be added if there is a todo section.
The page will be added if there is some other documentation.
The node gets also a tooltip where you find the full documentation and todo list.
The todo list will always be shown first.
Todo tab
If you want to check your open tasks use the todo tab.
There will be all todos listed. If you hover the node you get a search icon to find the position of the node and an shortcut to edit the nodes documentation.
You can also search for the any text you see in the tab.
If your todo has a completed list, it will still be added but with grey text and a (done) suffix.
If you want to hide the tooltip and the icon for either the todos or documentation or both. This can be made in the settings next to the search bar.
Gitpod and example json
A ready to launch gitpod setting is available. Just start it, wait till your workspace is ready and start "node-red examples/todo.json".
This repository and the code inside it is licensed under the MIT License. Read LICENSE for more information.