README for Todo List API Project Project Name: Todo List API
README for Todo List API Project Project Name: Todo List API
Description: Todo List API is a Node.js project using Express.js to create a RESTful API that manages a simple todo list. The API allows clients to create, read, update, and delete todo items. Each todo item has an id, title, and completed status.
Clone this repository to your local machine. Navigate to the project directory. Run npm install to install the necessary dependencies including Express.js. Usage: Start the server with:
Copy code node index.js API Endpoints:
GET /todos/: Retrieve all todos. POST /todos/: Create a new todo item. Send JSON payload with title and completed status. GET /todos/:id: Retrieve a todo item by its ID. PUT /todos/:id: Update a todo item. Send JSON payload with title and/or completed status. DELETE /todos/:id: Delete a todo item by its ID. Dependencies:
express for creating the server and handling routes. body-parser for parsing incoming request bodies. Contributing: Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your proposed changes.
License: This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.