Lists entities and allows to sort and search them
Entity Browser
List/detail view of any entity with configurable search-form.
React-registry name: entity-browser
Input parameters
| Name | Mandatory | Description
| entityName
|x | Entityname of records
| searchFormType
| | Possible values: none (no search form shown), fulltext (only one fulltext search field), simple (simple search only), simple_advanced (usual (simple) search form with advanced expansion), advanced (extended advanced search form only) (default is 'simple_advanced')
| formBase
| | formBase_list and formBase_search will be the used forms.
| limit
| | Maximum records per page
| preselectedSearchFields
| | Array of the search fields with preselected values.
| searchFilters
| | Array of search-filter ids.
| simpleSearchFields
| | Comma separated String of searchfields which should be displayed by default.
| initialKey
| | If set, the entity browser will start on the detail page of the entity with the specified key instead of showing a list.
| businessUnit
| | The unique id of a business unit. If present, all REST request will use this in their business unit header (X-Business-Unit). Set input parameter to __n-u-l-l__
if the null business unit should be used
| memoryHistory
| | If set to true in-memory history is used instead of hash history. This is useful in testing and non-DOM environments.
| backendUrl
| | Set backend url dynamic to point to nice2 installation. If not set it fallbacks to the build time environment BACKEND_URL.
| scrollBehaviour
| | "none": Does not handle scroll internally and will take as much space as needed. The container / page needs to handle the scroll. "inline": Does handle scroll internally and takes the space given by the container. Containers needs to have a predefined height (Default: none
| modifyFormDefinition
| | Function to modify form definition
| disableDetailView
| | If true, navigation to the detail view is disabled
| reportIds
| | Array of report ids to display in forms
none so far