A server for web app prototyping with HTTPS and Websockets
This is a node.js based webserver. It is designed for development work on prototype web applications. It is not designed for production websites.
- SSL/TLS via Greenlock
- Websockets built in
- Standardised Websockets/RPC protocol for front/back end communcations
- Utility command 'tlsd'
Install tlsd into your project:
npm install tlsd
The tlsd module should now be added to your local package.json file and you can run it this way:
npx tlsd
This way you can just use it to serve your local project in dev or TLS mode.
tlsd init
Creates empty scaffolding files for a project:
mkdir my_project
tlsd init my_project
This can then be tested by starting the server:
tlsd run dev my_project 12345 3
And then browsing to "http://localhost:12345". You should see the pages being delivered and a websocket connection being established.
tlsd run dev
In dev mode, tlsd runs a plain HTTP server without TLS/SSL security. This is for local (your computer) development:
tlsd root_dir port_num log_level
All arguments are required.
tlsd domain
Adds a domain to Greenlock so that you can serve site with HTTPS:
tlsd domain
tlsd version
Displays the current version of tlsd
TLS Mode
In HTTPS mode, you must specify the dir containing links/dirs for domains to serve it will run on HTTP on 80 (redirecting to 443), HTTPS on 443, and magically generate certs and serve secure sites like nodes:
DOMAINS_ROOT=./my_domains [email protected] VERBOSITY=4 node tlsd.js
All env vars and arguments are required.
You must also add your domain to greenlock before running nodes or it won't be recognzied:
npx greenlock add --subject --altnames,
TLS mode serves files with Letsencrypt SSL certs magically.