The lord of the rings API sdk
This is a software development kit (SDK) for interacting with an API that provides movie data. The SDK offers the following functionalities:
getMovieById: retrieves a specific movie based on movieId. getMovieByName: retrieves a specific movie based on movieName. getMovies: retrieves all movies available. getMovieQuotes: retrieves quotes for a specific movie based on movieId. getMovieQuotesByName: retrieves quotes for a specific movie based on movieName.
To install this SDK in your project, run the following command:
npm install tlotr-sdk
To test the usage of the sdk a script was created, you can run it with:
npm start
-> in case of error make sure you installed the lotr-sdk before
Running test:
npm test
Deploy new version of package:
change version in package.json
use npm publish
Importing: import { getMovieById, getMovieByName, getMovies, getMovieQuotes, getMovieQuotesByName } from 'lotr-sdk';
getMovieById(movieId: string, apiUrl: string, sdkKey: string, retries?: number, retryDelay?: number): Promise
Retrieves a specific movie based on movieId. The function returns a Promise which resolves to an object that has the following properties:
success: boolean indicating whether the request was successful or not. data: an object with the retrieved movie data. message: a message describing the outcome of the request.
getMovieByName(movieName: string, apiUrl: string, sdkKey: string, retries?: number, retryDelay?: number): Promise Retrieves a specific movie based on movieName. The function returns a Promise which resolves to an object that has the following properties:
success: boolean indicating whether the request was successful or not. data: an object with the retrieved movie data. message: a message describing the outcome of the request. getMovies(apiUrl: string, sdkKey: string, retries?: number, retryDelay?: number): Promise Retrieves all movies available. The function returns a Promise which resolves to an object that has the following properties:
success: boolean indicating whether the request was successful or not. data: an object with the retrieved movies data. message: a message describing the outcome of the request.
getMovieQuotes(movieId: string, apiUrl: string, sdkKey: string, retries?: number, retryDelay?: number): Promise Retrieves quotes for a specific movie based on movieId. The function returns a Promise which resolves to an object that has the following properties:
success: boolean indicating whether the request was successful or not. data: an object with the retrieved quote data. message: a message describing the outcome of the request.
getMovieQuotesByName(movieName: string, apiUrl: string, sdkKey: string, retries?: number, retryDelay?: number): Promise Retrieves quotes for a specific movie based on movieName. The function returns a Promise which resolves to an object that has the following properties:
success: boolean indicating whether the request was successful or not. data: an object with the retrieved quote data. message: a message describing the outcome of the request. Types This SDK includes the following types:
ApiResponse: describes the shape of the response from the server. SDK_ERRORS: enum containing the possible errors returned by the SDK. MovieSDKResponsePayload: describes the response payload format for methods that retrieve a single movie. MoviesSdkResponsePayload: describes the response payload format for the getMovies method. QuotesSdkResponsePayload: describes the response payload format for methods that retrieve quotes for a movie.
This SDK includes a utility module named fetchWithRetry.
This SDK depends on the following external libraries and modules:
node-fetch: for making HTTP requests.
ENV variables
The env variable for the sdk was commited just to facilitate testing. Do not do this in production.
- Add e2e tests
- Map possible errors to correct status code
- Make tests to check API returning correct status code
- Create variables to store messages
- Add a better log library
- Add a monitoring tool
- Add CI/CD
- Store sdk key more securely with secrets manager
- Correctly threat possible API errors responses