Document React components and preview them in Tinydoc.
This plugin extends tinydoc's JS plugin with support for React components both during the analysis phase and in the UI.
A demo can be seen here. Make sure you try out the real-time editor by clicking on the Try it!
link for component modules.
UI stuff:
- a real-time editor for previewing components and trying them out
- display pre-defined examples of your components that will be viewable at run-time in the UI by others, highlighting how to use the component and how it will look like.
Core/analysis stuff:
- all
components will be marked as modules - in-depth analysis of
- understands
so that tinydoc will be able to properly differentiate between instance and static methods in the UI
npm install tinydoc tinydoc-plugin-js tinydoc-plugin-react
This plugin expects to be installed onto a tinydoc JS plugin so that it provides its sources with the React support:
// @file tinydoc.conf.js
var jsPlugin = require('tinydoc-plugins-js')({
routeName: 'js',
source: [ 'lib/components/**/*.js' ]
var reactPlugin = require('tinydoc-plugin-react')({
routeName: 'js' // <- this must match the JS plugin's
This gives you the flexibility to, for example, run this plugin only on a subset of JS files (your component files) and leave the rest of the codebase.
Unfortunately, a bit more setup is required to make the examples show up. Please refer to the Config config page for more on tuning the plugin.
There are examples under doc/examples
that show how to use a transformer if you need one (like webpack, browserify, etc.)
Compiling your component files
If you need to pre-process your sources or produce a built file so that your components can be renderable at run-time, define the compile
hook to do the work necessary. See the examples below for guidance.
Example: using Webpack as a compiler
We'll write a lodash (or Handlebars, or whatever) template file that will require the component files and export them to the global with the correct names.
The template receives a single parameter as described above:
-Array<{ name: String, filePath: String }>
The template might look something like this:
window.React = require('react');
<% _.forEach(components, function(component) { %>
window['<%- component.name %>'] = require('<%- component.filePath %>');
<% }); %>
Now for configuring the plugin, we'll need to run webpack using its node api and give the absolute file path of the compiled bundle back to the plugin so it knows what to include at run-time.
var _ = require('lodash');
var webpack = require('webpack');
// our template file from above
var entryFileTemplate = _.template(
fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'reactPlugin.tmpl.js'), 'utf-8')
var reactPlugin = require('tinydoc-plugin-react')({
compile: function(compiler, components, done) {
var entryFileContents = entryFileTemplate({
components: components
// write it a temp file and we'll feed it to webpack as an entry
var entryFilePath = compiler.utils.writeTmpFile(entryFileContents);
// this is where webpack will write its stuff
var outputDir = compiler.utils.getTmpDir();
var outputFileName = 'my-react-components.js';
var webpackConfig = {
entry: entryFilePath,
output: {
path: outputDir,
filename: outputFileName,
webpack(webpackConfig, function(fatalError, stats) {
if (fatalError) {
return done(fatalError);
var jsonStats = stats.toJson();
if (jsonStats.errors.length > 0) {
return done(jsonStats.errors);
done(null, path.join(outputDir, outputFileName));