A tiny wrapper around the Slack RTM API that provides methods to listen for and send slack messages.
A tiny wrapper around the slack RTM api.
A slack bot token and node 4.2+.
What is included
- listen for any message in slack
- listen only for messages matching multiple fields
- deregister listeners matching a wildcard
- respond with text in a channel specified by name or ID
What is not included
- DM functionality
- At mentions
- Incoming/outgoing webhook integration
- Explicit API for adding reactions
- Message storage backend
- Reconnect logic
- Pretty much everything else
Hello World
var Tinybot = require('tinybot');
var bot = new Tinybot('mySecretSlackToken');
bot.say("Hello world"); // posts to #general by default
bot.say("Hello world", "#random"); // post to a channel by name
bot.say("Hello world", "C123456789"); // post to a channel by ID
Basic listener: fires for every message over slack websocket
var Tinybot = require('tinybot');
var bot = new Tinybot('mySecretSlackToken');
bot.on('message', function(message) {
// message contains unedited message from slack websocket
bot.say(`Message received: ${JSON.stringify(message)}`);
Filtered listeners
var Tinybot = require('tinybot');
var bot = new Tinybot('mySecretSlackToken', '#random');
// listen for only messages in a channel
bot.hears({channel: '#general'}, function() {
bot.say("I heard that!", '#general')
// rain on everyone's parade with regex matches
bot.hears({channel: '#general', text: /I love (.*)/}, function foo(message, matches) {
bot.say(`${matches[1]} sucks`);
// trolls anyone who posts in #random from an iPhone with nested matchers
bot.hears({channel: '#random', "file.name": /Slack for iOS/}, function fooBar(message) {
bot.say("ooooh, fancy", '#random');
// snooze one meeting with hearsOnce
bot.hearsOnce({channel: '#sales', text: /meeting/}, function() {
bot.say("let's circle back and put a pin in this. I'm gonna take a quick 5", '#sales');
bot.drop(/foo.*/); // deregister functions named foo and fooBar
bot.drop(/.*/); // deregister all listeners