creates a tinted copy of a given HTML image
creates a tinted copy of a given HTML Image
NPM users: please consider the Github README for the latest description of this package (as updating the docs would otherwise always require a new NPM package version)
may be used as an ECMAScript module (ESM), a CommonJS or AMD module or from a global variable.
You may either install the package into your build environment using NPM with the command
npm install tinted-bitmap
or load the plain script file directly (Browsers automatically get the bundled version, thus, the module's dependency javascript-interface-library does not have to be loaded separately)
<script src="https://unpkg.com/tinted-bitmap"></script>
How to access the package depends on the type of module you prefer
- ESM (or Svelte):
import { tintedBitmap, tintedBitmapAsURL } from 'tinted-bitmap'
- CommonJS:
const tintedBitmap = require('tinted-bitmap')
- AMD:
require(['tinted-bitmap'], (tintedBitmap) => {...})
Alternatively, you may access the global variable tintedBitmap
Note for ECMAScript module users: all module functions and values are exported individually, thus allowing your bundler to perform some "tree-shaking" in order to include actually used functions or values (together with their dependencies) only.
Usage within Svelte
For Svelte it is recommended to import the package within a module context:
<script context="module">
import { tintedBitmapAsURL } from 'tinted-bitmap'
let originalImage, tintedImageURL
function tintOriginalImage () {
tintedImageURL = tintedBitmapAsURL(originalImage,'limegreen')
$: if (originalImage != null) {
if (originalImage.complete) {
} else {
originalImage.addEventListener('load', tintOriginalImage)
<img bind:this={originalImage} style="vertical-align:middle" alt="original" src="..."/>
<img style="vertical-align:middle" src={tintedImageURL} alt="tinted"/>
You will find this example in a Svelte REPL - feel free to play with it!
Usage as ECMAscript Module
If you prefer ESMs, you will presumably also use a bundler (such as rollup or webpack) to resolve any transitive dependencies and perform some "tree-shaking" to eliminate unnecessary parts (tinted-bitmap
is fully tree-shakable). In this case, just import what you need and use it - your bundler will do the rest:
import { tintedBitmapAsURL } from 'tinted-bitmap'
window.onload = function () {
let originalImage = document.getElementById('originalImage')
let tintedImage = document.getElementById('tintedImage')
tintedImage.src = tintedBitmapAsURL(originalImage,'limegreen')
<img id="originalImage" style="vertical-align:middle" src="..."/>
<img id="tintedImage" style="vertical-align:middle"/>
Usage as CommonJS or AMD Module (or as a global Variable)
Let's assume that you already "required" or "imported" (or simply loaded) the module according to your local environment. In that case, you may use it as follows:
const { tintedBitmapAsURL } = tintedBitmap
window.onload = function () {
let originalImage = document.getElementById('originalImage')
let tintedImage = document.getElementById('tintedImage')
tintedImage.src = tintedBitmapAsURL(originalImage,'limegreen')
<img id="originalImage" style="vertical-align:middle" src="..."/>
<img id="tintedImage" style="vertical-align:middle"/>
An example is available on the Svelte REPL - feel free to play with it!
Background Information
Sometimes it is necessary to draw a given (often b/w) raster image in a different color. tinted-bitmap
performs the necessary "tinting" of such a bitmap and may construct either the data URL for the result (which is often preferred as it may be directly assigned to the src
attribute of a given HTML image element) or the result itself (as an instance of HTMLImageElement
JavaScript API
This package offers the following named JavaScript exports (function signatures are given with TypeScript type annotations, JavaScript programmers may just ignore them):
tintedBitmap (Bitmap:HTMLImageElement, TintColor:string):HTMLImageElement
takes a given HTML image element "Bitmap
" (which must becomplete
, i.e. fully loaded), uses its alpha channel to create another image in the givenTintColor
(which must be a valid CSS color specification) and returns that image as anHTMLImageElement
tintedBitmapAsURL (Bitmap:HTMLImageElement, TintColor:string):string
takes a given HTML image element "Bitmap
" (which must becomplete
, i.e. fully loaded) and uses its alpha channel to create another image in the givenTintColor
(which must be a valid CSS color specification). The contents of that bitmap are returned as a data URL
Build Instructions
You may easily build this package yourself.
Just install NPM according to the instructions for your platform and follow these steps:
- either clone this repository using git or download a ZIP archive with its contents to your disk and unpack it there
- open a shell and navigate to the root directory of this repository
- run
npm install
in order to install the complete build environment - execute
npm run build
to create a new build
You may also look into the author's build-configuration-study for a general description of his build environment.