Monoidal Functional Reactive Programming in JavaScript
Timeline Monoid
Super simple yet versatile Functional Reactive Programming(FRP) framework with a minimal implementation for monoidal Timeline datatype
npm package:
$ npm install timeline-monoid
const {T, now, log, mlong} = require("timeline-monoid");
b = a * 2
c = a + b
a = 1 or a = 5
a,b,c ?
const a = T();
const b = (a).sync(a => a * 2);
const c = (a)(b).sync(([a, b]) => a + b);
const abc = (a)(b)(c);
const timeline = abc.sync(log);
a[now] = 1;
a[now] = 5;
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
[ 5, 10, 15 ]
Asynchronous programming
Any time functions which is generally called "events" or "asynchronous events" are encapsulated to timeline
instance, and they are composed to another timeline
Basic usage
const fs = require("fs");
const timelineA = T((timeline) => { // Event encapsulation
fs.readFile("package.json", "utf8", (err, data) => {
timeline[now] = data;
const timelineB = T((timeline) => { // Event encapsulation
fs.readFile("index.js", "utf8", (err, data) => {
timeline[now] = data;
const timelineAB = (timelineA)(timelineB) // Event Composition
.sync(([a, b]) => {
console.log("Async read: Files A and B are now ready");
//console.log(a); //show file contents if needed
//console.log(b); //show file contents if needed
Lazy start and reusable event Timeline
const startA = T();
const startB = T();
const timelineA = T((timeline) => {
.sync(() => fs
.readFile("package.json", "utf8", (err, data) => {
timeline[now] = data;
const timelineB = T((timeline) => {
.sync(() => fs
.readFile("index.js", "utf8", (err, data) => {
timeline[now] = data;
Async read files on the reusable event Timeline
const asyncStart = T();
const context = asyncStart
.sync(() => {
startA[now] = true;
startB[now] = true;
const contextAB = (context)(timelineA)(timelineB)
.sync(([x, a, b]) => {
console.log("Async read: Files A and B are now ready");
//console.log(a); //show file contents if needed
//console.log(b); //show file contents if needed
asyncStart[now] = true;
Sync read files on the reusable event Timeline
const syncStart = T();
const context = syncStart
.sync(() => {
startA[now] = true;
const contextA = (context)(timelineA)
.sync(([x, a]) => {
console.log("now A has been read");
// console.log(a); //show file contents if needed
startB[now] = true;
return true;
const contextB = (context)(timelineB)
.sync(([x, b]) => {
console.log("then B has been read");
// console.log(b); //show file contents if needed
return true;
syncStart[now] = true;
Simple Mouse Draw on Canvas
Live Demo https://jsfiddle.net/5u9pLgme/8/
<canvas id="canvas1" width="900" height="500"></canvas>
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas1');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const draw = ([x0, y0], [x1, y1]) => {
ctx.moveTo(x0, y0);
ctx.lineTo(x1, y1);
const btnTimeline = T((timeline) => {
canvas.onmousedown = (e) => timeline[now] = 1;
canvas.onmouseup = (e) => timeline[now] = 0;
const pointTimeline = T((timeline) => {
canvas.onmousemove = (e) => timeline[now] = [e.clientX, e.clientY];
const pipeline = pointTimeline
.sync((point) => (btnTimeline[now] === 1)
? draw(lastPointTimeline[now], point)
: true);
const lastPointTimeline = T((timeline) => {
pointTimeline.sync(point => {
timeline[now] = point;
Background and Rationale
Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) integrates time flow and compositional events into functional programming.
The basic idea is that a time-varying value can be represented as a function of time.
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs(SICP) (Chapter 3.5 : Streams)
Let's step back and review where this complexity comes from. In an attempt to model real-world phenomena, we made some apparently reasonable decisions: We modeled real-world objects with local state by computational objects with local variables. We identified time variation in the real world with time variation in the computer. We implemented the time variation of the states of the model objects in the computer with assignments to the local variables of the model objects.
Is there another approach? Can we avoid identifying time in the computer with time in the modeled world? Must we make the model change with time in order to model phenomena in a changing world? Think about the issue in terms of mathematical functions. We can describe the time-varying behavior of a quantity
as a function of timex(t)
. If we concentrate onx
instant by instant, we think of it as a changing quantity. Yet if we concentrate on the entire time history of values, we do not emphasize change -- the function itself does not change. (Physicists sometimes adopt this view by introducing the world lines of particles as a device for reasoning about motion.)If time is measured in discrete steps, then we can model a time function as a (possibly infinite) sequence. In this section, we will see how to model change in terms of sequences that represent the time histories of the systems being modeled. To accomplish this, we introduce new data structures called streams. From an abstract point of view, a stream is simply a sequence. However, we will find that the straightforward implementation of streams as lists (as in section 2.2.1) doesn't fully reveal the power of stream processing. As an alternative, we introduce the technique of delayed evaluation, which enables us to represent very large (even infinite) sequences as streams.
This is really remarkable. Even though stream-withdraw implements a well-defined mathematical function whose behavior does not change, the user's perception here is one of interacting with a system that has a changing state. One way to resolve this paradox is to realize that it is the user's temporal existence that imposes state on the system. If the user could step back from the interaction and think in terms of streams of balances rather than individual transactions, the system would appear stateless. (Similarly in physics, when we observe a moving particle, we say that the position (state) of the particle is changing. However, from the perspective of the particle's world line in space-time there is no change involved.)
We began this chapter with the goal of building computational models whose structure matches our perception of the real world we are trying to model. We can model the world as a collection of separate, time-bound, interacting objects with state, or we can model the world as a single, timeless, stateless unity. Each view has powerful advantages, but neither view alone is completely satisfactory. A grand unification has yet to emerge.
Our world is modeled as an immutable, timeless, stateless unity from the perspective of physics
Frozen Block Universe and Human Consciousness
Conal Elliott(a developer who has contributed to early FRP) explaines
FRP is about "datatypes that represent a value over time ". Conventional imperative programming captures these dynamic values only indirectly, through state and mutations. The complete history (past, present, future) has no first class representation. Moreover, only discretely evolving values can be (indirectly) captured, since the imperative paradigm is temporally discrete. In contrast, FRP captures these evolving values directly and has no difficulty with continuously evolving values. Dynamic/evolving values (i.e., values "over time") are first class values in themselves. You can define them and combine them, pass them into & out of functions.
as a datatype that represents a first-class value over time / a stream (infinite sequence) in JavaScript
: a datatype that represents a first class value over time in JavaScript / a stream (infinite sequence) / time function as a stream / world line in space-time.
T() : timeline
is a timeline
const a = T();
timeline [now]
As timeline
is an infinite stream of time, timeline
has a (a user's perspective) current value: timeline[now]
, and can be easily get/set as below:
a[now] = 1;
as a functor
datatype is a functor (a datatype that methods/functions always return the identical datatype, such as Array.map
has only one method/function, sync
returns a new timeline
instance that a given function applied to on every update of timeline[now]
in reactive manner
corresponds to Array.map
, but on TimeLine.
const a = T();
const timeline = a.sync(log);
a[now] = 1;
a[now] = 5;
As timeline.sync
is functor:
const a = T();
const tl = a
a[now] = 9;
const a = T();
const b = (a).sync(a => a * 2);
const c = (a)(b).sync(([a, b]) => a + b);
const abc = (a)(b)(c);
const timeline = abc.sync(log);
a[now] = 1;
a[now] = 5;
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
[ 5, 10, 15 ]
Now, the values a
and b
are guaranteed to synchronize with satisfying the equation.
as a monoid
A monoid is an algebraic structure with a single associative binary operation and an identity element.
In algebra,
is an identiy element in +(addition) operation,
a + 0 = a //right identity
0 + a = a //left identity
is an identity element in *(multiplication) operation,
a ∗ 1 = a //right identity
1 ∗ a = a //left identity
Associative property
1 + 2 + 3 = 1 + 2 + 3
(1+2) + 3 = 1 + (2+3)
3 + 3 = 1 + 5
6 = 6
A string is also a monoid
string + string => string
"Hello" + " " + "world"
= "Hello " + "world"
= "Hello" + " world"
appears to be associative, and identity element is ""
identiy of timeline
is a monoid, and the identity element of timeline
is T
or (T)
T(a) = a = a(T)
(T)(a) = (a) = (a)(T)
The nature of left identity: T(a) = a
is especially important because we should intuitively be aware of that an instance of timeline
for a given timeline
instance is identical.
is a monoid, and composable:
const a = T();
const b = T();
const ab = (a)(b); // ab is another `timeline` composed of a and b
const c = T();
const abc = (ab)(c); // == (a)(b)(c)
associative of timeline
is a monoid, and satisfies associative law:
= ((a)(b))(c)
= (a)((b)(c))
Timeline composition
Here we can compose timeline
Now we have 2 equations:
b = a * 2
c = a + b
These equations can be easily implemented to a timeline
const a = T();
const b = a
.sync(a => a * 2);
const c = (a)(b)
.sync(([a, b]) => a + b);
const timeline = c.sync(log);
a[now] = 1;
If we need a synchronized update of all of a
which is an atomic update of [a,b,c]
const a = T();
const b = a.sync(a => a * 2);
const c = (a)(b).sync(([a, b]) => a + b);
const abc = (a)(b)(c);
const tl = abc.sync(log);
a[now] = 1;
a[now] = 5;
[ 1, 2, 3 ]
[ 5, 10, 15 ]
The values of a
are now guaranteed to synchronize with satisfying the equation.
In a practical program, in this manner, we can define dependencies of events, IO, etc., and timeline
is a complete alternative of State Monad or Continuation Monad such as Promise simply because there is "no state" as discussed earlier.
Event encapsulation
When we define a timeline
with an empty argument:
const a = T();
is it really an empty timeline
The fact is it is not empty because actually, we occasionally "manually" update the timeline
value as
a[now] = 1;
The argument of timeline
in empty, Nevertheless, various inputs would happen to the timeline
. In a sense, implicitly, our real-world events or time function of the world: f(t)
are encapsulated to it.
const a = T(realWorldTimeFunction);
Having said that. any event functions can be encapsulated to timeline
They can be IO inputs or simply a timer event,
const start1 = T((timeline) => {
setTimeout(() => (timeline[now] = true), 1000);
const start2 = T((timeline) => {
setTimeout(() => (timeline[now] = true), 2000);
Obviously, the "custom" timelilne
can be composed.
Tiny library in around 100 lines
Timeline Monoid is a minimal library and the code is in around 100 lines
based on my other library free-monoid
The latest code of free-monoid
is hard-coded and included in the same module file of timeline-monoid
SourceCode :
(() => {
"use strict";
const freeMonoid = (operator) => (() => {
const flattenDeep = (arr1) => arr1
.reduce((acc, val) => Array.isArray(val)
? acc.concat(flattenDeep(val))
: acc.concat(val), []);
const M = (() => { //(M)(a)(b)
const toList = arr => arr.reduce((a, b) => (a)(b), (M));
const m = (a) => (Array.isArray(a))
? toList(flattenDeep(a))
: (!!a && !!a.M)
? (a)
: (() => {
const ma = b => (b === m) // right id
? (ma)
: !b.M
? (ma)(M(b))
: (() => {
const mab = M();
mab.units = ma.units.concat(b.units);
mab.val = mab.units.map(unit => unit.val[0]);
return mab; // (m)(a)(b)
ma.M = m;
ma.val = [a];
ma.units = [ma];
return ma;
m.M = m;
m.val = [m]; //["__IDENTITY__"];
m.units = [m];
return (m);
return M;
//Timeline monoid based on freeMonoid =============
const now = "now";
const log = (m) => {
return m;
const mlog = (msg) => (m) => {
console.log(msg + ": " + m);
return m;
const _T = () => freeMonoid(operator);
const operator = (timeline) => {
const T = timeline.M;
Object.defineProperties(timeline, //detect TL update
now: { //timeline[now]
get() {
return timeline.value[0];
set(tUpdate) {
return (() => {
timeline.value = [tUpdate];
timeline._wrapF.map(f => f(tUpdate));
timeline.value = [];
timeline.sync = f => {
const syncTL = T();
timeline._eval()._wrap(val => (syncTL[now] = f(val)));
return syncTL;
timeline._wrapF = [];
timeline._wrap = f => {
timeline._wrapF[timeline._wrapF.length] = f;
return timeline;
timeline._eval = () => (timeline.evaluated)
|| (timeline.units.length === 1)
? timeline
: (() => {
timeline.evaluated = true;
const reset = () => timeline.units
.map((t, i) => updates[i][now] = 0);
const update = () => timeline[now] = timeline.units
.map((t) => t[now]);
const check = () => (timeline.units
.map((t, i) => updates[i][now])
.reduce((a, b) => (a * b)) === 1) //all updated
? update()
: true;
const updates = timeline.units
.map((t) => T()._wrap(check));
const dummy0 = timeline.units
.map((t, i) => t._wrap(() => updates[i][now] = 1));
const dummy1 = timeline._wrap(reset);
timeline[now] = null; //initial reset
return timeline;
timeline._timeF = () => (typeof timeline.val[0]
=== "function") //_wrapped eventF
? timeline.val[0](timeline)
: true;
//non-lazy evaluate on the creation of timeF TL
}; //-------operator
const T = _T();
const timeline = {
T: T,
now: now,
log: log,
mlog: mlog
const exporting = (typeof module === "object"
&& typeof module.exports === "object")
? module.exports = timeline
: self.timeline = timeline;