Algorithms and data structures for mapping geo coordinates to slippy-map tiles, clustering of adjacent tiles, and finding largest squares included in clusters
Tiles Math
This library provides algorithms and data structures to map your rides and runs to slippy map tiles. It then groups the tiles in various ways, similar to what VeloViewer, StatsHunters, Squadrats, and RideEveryTile do.
Specifically, tiles-math
- maps geo positions (latitude, longitude) to map tiles of a given zoom level,
- combines adjacent tiles to connected clusters,
- selects the maximum-size tile cluster,
- computes the boundary polylines of tile clusters,
- detects the largest and most central square included in a cluster,
- finds all maximum-size rectangles embedded in a cluster,
- calculates the map coordinates of tiles, clusters, polylines, squares, rectangles.
The library does not provide GPX parsing routines. It also does not come with map functionalities, but it can be easily integrated into map frameworks such as Leaflet. In particular, the map coordinates calculated for the various artifacts are compatible with Leaflet's LatLng and LatLngBounds types, and can thus directly used for drawing Leaflet Rectangles, Polylines, and similar map overlays.
The demo folder shows an example of applying tiles-math
to a React Leaflet map.
Red squares represent tiles of zoom level 14 touched by (fake) rides,
purple regions show smaller clusters (i.e. tiles with four neighbors),
the blue area depicts the maximum cluster (with the orange circle as its centroid),
and the yellow frame shows the maximum square:
Because tiles-math
is a pure Javascript library (written in Typescript) without dependencies
and without reference to a specific map framework, it can be used in the browser and in Node servers.
The latter is very useful to pre-compute all tiles for all your rides and runs, and then deliver
the resulting tile set via API to the browser.
npm install tiles-math
Display a Tile Set created from GPS Positions
Assume you have a number of tracks stored e.g. as GPX files. With function coords2tile
you find the
tile touched by a latitude-longitude pair, given a zoom level (often 14). Class TileSet
holds all unique
(non-duplicate) tiles of all your rides and runs. Note that you can compute the tile set on the backend,
and deliver them via API.
import { Rectangle } from 'react-leaflet'
import { coords2tile, TileSet } from 'tiles-math'
const zoom = 14 // VeloViewer and others use zoom-level 14 tiles
const coords = [[51.492084, 0.010122], ...] // The latitude-longitude pairs or your rides
const tiles = new TileSet().addAll(coords.map(latLon => coords2tile(latLon, zoom)))
export const TileContainer = () => (
{tiles.map((tile, index) => (
<Rectangle key={index} bounds={tile.bounds(zoom)} pathOptions={{ color: 'red' }} />
The complete source code can be found in DemoTrackTiles.tsx.
Clustering of a Tile Set
Tiles with a neighboring tile on each side belong to a cluster. A tile set can have multiple clusters. The largest cluster is called max cluster. The following code snipped takes a tile set as input and computes the max cluster, all minor clusters, and the remaining set of detached tiles:
import { Rectangle } from 'react-leaflet'
import { tiles2clusters, TileSet } from 'tiles-math'
const zoom = 14
const tiles = new TileSet().addAll([...]) // The input tile set
const { detachedTiles, minorClusters, maxCluster } = tiles2clusters(tiles)
export const TileContainer = () => (
{detachedTiles.map((tile, index) => (
<Rectangle key={index} bounds={tile.bounds(tileZoom)} pathOptions={{ color: 'red', weight: 0.5 }} />
{minorClusters.map((tile, index) => (
<Rectangle key={index} bounds={tile.bounds(tileZoom)} pathOptions={{ color: 'purple', weight: 1 }} />
{maxCluster.map((tile, index) => (
<Rectangle key={index} bounds={tile.bounds(tileZoom)} pathOptions={{ color: 'blue', weight: 2 }} />
For more information see DemoClustering.tsx.
Show the Boundaries of a Tile Cluster
You may want to highlight the boundaries of a cluster on the map. Note that a cluster may have an outer boundary, and multiple inner boundary polylines for cut-out areas.
import { Polyline, Rectangle } from 'react-leaflet'
import { cluster2boundaries, tiles2clusters, TileSet } from 'tiles-math'
const zoom = 14
const tiles = new TileSet().addAll([...]) // The input tile set
const { maxCluster } = tiles2clusters(tiles)
const boundaries = cluster2boundaries(maxCluster)
export const TileContainer = () => (
{maxCluster.map((tile, index) => (
<Rectangle key={index} bounds={tile.bounds(tileZoom)} pathOptions={{ color: 'blue', weight: 0.5 }} />
{boundaries.map((line, index) => (
<Polyline key={index} positions={line.positions(tileZoom)} pathOptions={{ color: 'blue', weight: 4 }} />
The source code can be found in DemoBoundaries.tsx.
Find the Max Square embedded in a Tile Cluster
The max square is the square with the maximum edge length embeddable into the max cluster.
There may be several max squares in a cluster. Function cluster2square
selects the max square
that is closest to the centroid of the max cluster.
import { Rectangle } from 'react-leaflet'
import { cluster2square, tiles2clusters, TileSet } from 'tiles-math'
const zoom = 14
const tiles = new TileSet().addAll([...]) // The input tile set
const { maxCluster } = tiles2clusters(tiles)
const maxSquare = cluster2square(maxCluster).getCenterSquare()
export const TileContainer = () => (
{maxCluster.map((tile, index) => (
<Rectangle key={index} bounds={tile.bounds(tileZoom)} pathOptions={{ color: 'blue', weight: 0.5 }} />
{maxSquare &&
<Rectangle bounds={maxSquare.bounds(tileZoom)} pathOptions={{ fill: false, color: 'yellow', weight: 4 }} />
See DemoMaxSquare.tsx for the complete source code.