tidy stats webpack plugin
Tidy-stats-webpack-plugin output more tidy and clearness stats, provide a better Developer Experience.
Getting started
npm install tidy-stats-webpack-plugin --save-dev
Basic usage
Simply add TidyStatsWebpackPlugin
to the plugin section in your Webpack config.
var TidyStatsWebpackPlugin = require('tidy-stats-webpack-plugin');
var webpackConfig = {
// ...
plugins: [
new TidyStatsWebpackPlugin({
errorsOnly: true
// ...
Turn off errors
You need to turn off all error logging by setting your webpack config quiet option to true.
app.use(require('webpack-dev-middleware')(compiler, {
quiet: true,
publicPath: config.output.publicPath,
If you use the webpack-dev-server, there is a setting in webpack's devServer
// webpack config root
// ...
devServer: {
// ...
quiet: true,
// ...
// ...
If you use webpack-hot-middleware, that is done by setting the log option to a no-op. You can do something sort of like this, depending upon your setup:
app.use(require('webpack-hot-middleware')(compiler, {
log: () => {}
You can pass options to the plugin:
new TidyStatsPlugin({
onErrors: function (errors) {
// called when errors occured
onWarnings: function(warnings) {
// called when warnings occured
// write all stats into file
writeToFile: 'path/to/stats.json',
// should show errors only or not
errorsOnly: true,
// dont show assets
ignoreAsset: false,
// should show finish time and duaration
time: true
// should the console be cleared between each compilation?
// default is true
clearConsole: true
Adding desktop notifications
The plugin has no native support for desktop notifications but it is easy to add them thanks to node-notifier for instance.
var TidyStatsPlugin = require('tidy-stats-webpack-plugin');
var notifier = require('node-notifier');
var ICON = path.join(__dirname, 'icon.png');
new TidyStatsPlugin({
onErrors: (,errors) => {
const error = errors[0];
title: "Webpack error",
message: error.name,
subtitle: error.file || '',
icon: ICON