Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Toe!
a CLI App
npm i tictactoe-cli-game
I took an object-oriented design approach to implment the classic game using node.js and readline-sync.
A couple features of note:
Matches, Games, Players, The Board, and Squares have been organized as classes.
Each class is designed to track relevant state and provide relevant methods. For eaxample, The Square class has a marker property that is set to "unused" by default but can also be marked as "human" or computer". Another example of state is the score property which tracks computer wins and human wins.
The computer's behvior has been programmed to chose a square based on the following rules:
- If there is an opportunity to win, take it
- If there is a threat, defend against it
- If the center square is available, take it
- If none of the above rules apply, choose a random available square
Match play is set to best of 3
The human player and the computer will take turns going first
Hope you enjoy!