Tic Tac Toe Minimax
Tic-Tac-Toe Minimax AI Module
Module that given a tic-tac-toe board determines the AI's move and/or returns next state board based on the given board. It has three level of AI's difficulty. Note: Only tested on a 3x3 board
| Difficulty | Description | |:-------------:|:-------------:| | Easy | AI's move is decided solely based on Math.random() | | Hard | AI's move is decided through the minimax algorithm | | Normal | AI's move has 50/50 chance to be a "Hard difficulty" move or a "Easy difficulty" move |
const nextMove = ComputerMove( board, symbols, difficulty ); //returns a Number
This module computes the best move to be made by the computer.
| Inputs | Description | |:-------------:|:-------------:| | symbols | Object with huPlayer and aiPlayer symbol. | | board | Array representing the board. Empty squares should have the value of the index numer in the respective element. | | difficulty | "Easy"|"Normal"|"Hard" |
import Minimax from 'tic-tac-toe-minimax'
const { ComputerMove } = Minimax;
const huPlayer = "X";
const aiPlayer = "O";
const symbols = {
huPlayer: huPlayer,
aiPlayer: aiPlayer
const difficulty = "Hard";
const board = [0,1,aiPlayer,3,huPlayer,huPlayer,6,7,8];
const nextMove = ComputerMove( board, symbols, difficulty ); //returns 3
This module wraps the ComputerMove module and calculates the "next" board. If a final game condition in reached it will be informed through the winner property. Also, if a final condition is met the board will remain the same.
const gameState = GameStep(board, symbols, difficulty); //returns an Object
returns {
winner: ("huPlayer" | "aiPlayer" | "draw" | null),
board: Array
If the provided board has both winning conditions (both player and AI won somehow), the winner will be the player.
import Minimax from 'tic-tac-toe-minimax'
const { GameStep } = Minimax;
const huPlayer = "X";
const aiPlayer = "O";
const symbols = {
huPlayer: huPlayer,
aiPlayer: aiPlayer
const difficulty = "Hard";
const board = [0,1,aiPlayer,3,huPlayer,huPlayer,6,7,8];
const gameStep = GameStep( board, symbols, difficulty );
returns {
winner: null,
board: [0,1,aiPlayer,aiPlayer,huPlayer,huPlayer,6,7,8]