release your hands, get files automatically
thunder --version
or you can type this
thunder -v
above command will display the current verison of package you install
thunder logo
above command will show a logo like below:
________ __ __ __ __ ___ _ ____ _____ ___
/__ ___/ / /__/ / / / / / / |/ / / __ \ / ___/ / _ \
/ / / __ / / /__/ / / /| | / / /_/ / / /=== / _ _/
/_/ /__/ /_/ /_____ / /_/ |__/ /_____/ /____/ /_/ \_\ © VERSION <VERSION>
thunder init --yes(-y)
above command uesd to init the Config files called filesConfig.json fastly
thunder config --origin <dirName>
or you can type this for simple
thunder config -o <dirName>
above command used to set the origin floder of source that you want to get files
thunder config --dest <dirName>
like 'config -o ', you also can type 'config -d ' to make the same result.
except those, command 'config' has a alias named 'c', so you can excute command as below:
thunder c <option> <dirName>
if you want get all files, you can command
thunder fileFetch -a(--all)
if you want to mkdir diff, you can command
thunder fileFetch -d(--diff)
if you want to get part files, you can command
thunder fileFetch -p(--part) <filename>
🚩above commands are the most important command that you can get files you config in filesConfig.
Version|change|type| ---|:--:|---: 1.3.0|abstract the process of setting filsConfig to funciton abstractSetConfig|optimization 1.4.0|add function 'thunder fileFetch -p [filename]'